Sunday, April 5, 2009

Mrs Brown meets her match.

Queen Victoria You, you there. With the garden shears. Who are you?
John Brown: I am your new grounds keeper mum. I am here to tend to your garden and to keep your bush well trimmed.
Queen Victoria How dare you speak so, you impudent puppy. I will have you know that I am the queen and you are a peasant. Abase yourself in my presence as though you were a Moor greeting his sultan at an economic summit. Bow down in my majestic presence.
John Brown: I am not much for subservience madam, which I hope will not prove an impediment to our friendship. But I will be happy to tug my forelock.
Queen Victoria: Wait that is not your forelock!
John Brown: You are indeed very perceptive mum.
Queen Victoria: No one should think themselves wiser than me!


dbp said...

Of course, one must not forget the most important gardening task: Mow the lawn.

Penny said...

There's something about a man... his kilt...and his forelock that even Queen Victoria never saw coming.

That makes me wonder about our own Queen Ann. Is Meade a Scot by any chance?

Meade said...

I just hope she ran a criminal background check on that horny hairy scotch man who may or may not be wearing underpants.

You know - library card, national identification number, selective service documents. Fact check, people, fact check.

You know... so you know they are who they say you know they are.