I have to hire a new employee and it is very difficult. The hardest thing in the world is dealing with the public. You never know who is going to walk through the door. It can be a sweet lady who is just happy for you to help her find clothes. Or a nasty bitch who is a real piece of shit. You just never know.
So you have to treat everyone with respect until they demonstrate that they don't deserve it. That doesn't mean you have to be a doormat. But you have to leave room for peoples faults and foibles. I mean you just never know with people.
Yesterday this dude comes in to buy a "present." He had a bag from a boutique up the street (from people we fuckin' hate). He picks the most expensive hand bag in the store. But there was something off about him. So the wife asked him for ID which we almost never do but every once in while you have to you know? He said he had to go out and get it from his car and would be right back. He never came back. He was planning to rip us off.
You have to know how to treat people. How to be humble and not a pasty. Remember you are not all that. You and not the teacher and everyone else is the student. You are not the doctor and everyone else is the patient. You are not the daddy and everyone else the child who needs to be disciplined.
That type of person is hard to find.
I just have one piece of advice. Don't be such a bitch. Just sayn'
Don't be a pasty - be a pair of them.
Who, me or EBL, I admit to being a bitch a times, shakes things up, makes things interesting, or just plain feels good. I am done over there, s is RogerJ, now that's a HUGE loss for EBL, after the loss of others such as yourself and some of your troop, she is going to become the BORING place she so fears.
A sense of humor is a sad thing to lose, or did she ever have one, poor Meade.
Ok that last comment was bitchy.
Bitchy, perhaps, but accurate, true and loaded with empathy. He sold his soul for his wife's enormous pension, paid for by the suckers, er, taxpayers of Wisconsin.
Not you Allie. You have proved that you have a sense of humor. So you are a commie but not a boring bitch.
Thanks for posting here. I appreciate it.
I hope you keep coming by and dropping your insights.
Just one thing. I don't really give a shit about Wisconsin. Just sayn'
RogerJ is a hero. An American Hero. Like your daughter who serves our country in harm's way. He served his country in Vietnam and deserves a lot more than the way he was disrespected.
It amazes me that you can run to take a sign off a fuckin statue but you can treat a cavalryman so cavalierly.
That's fuckin' bullshit right there.
Piss on an American Hero and kiss Bryo's anti-semitic balls.
That's some fucked up shit right there.
Now for some sexy cows.
Oh yeah I plan on staying here and irritating you guys, hey what's wrong with Wisconsin?!
It smells like cheese.
That has gone bad.
Plus it is the home of the very overrated Green Bay Packers who will lose to the Giants today.
You heard it here first.
Hey there's a game today right? Packers and umm, who was that unknown team from New Jersey or somewhere.
I made Yo- cheese today, mild and delicious, from wholesome full fat cows milk. We have happy cows here in Wisconsin, they haven't all run a way to California.
Spinelli said I was the Dairy Queen for some reason.
Being a Dairy Queen is a good thing.
That is slang for a girl with large tat-ta's.
Always to be appreciated here at Trooper York.
Eat your pasty, pat your patootie and piddle in the bowl.
Stopped taking checks this summer. The proverbial straw on the camel's back was I got stiffed from a family who I know. He used to work in my wife's office. I taught his stepson two years in middle school. I KNOW these people. I've asked him how his sick kid is. You get the picture. Gave me a bad check for about $30. He tried again a couple weeks later, but I had changed policy and my employees know not to take a check if I say don't take a check. I will make exceptions for the long-time people I know are good for it, so they asked his name. He took off. Loser.
I appreciate Dairy Queens. Milkshakes for everyone!!
Ditto that.
In my wild and misspent youth, I was one of those nasty people who did people's driver's licenses.
You think women are mean having a bra fitted? You only had to deal with the nut who almost ran you off the road for a half second. Or maybe it was the little old lady doing 40 on a 65 mph expressway.
I had 'em for five minutes.
If I was lucky.
PS The single-celled intelligence is only mad at the Nice Blogger Lady because she threatened to delete her today for not adding anything to the conversation.
I'm betting she'll wear out her welcome here.
It's pretty hard to do that here edutcher. Most people get along pretty well. Sixty and Allie were at each other's throats but found some common ground here.
The toxic atmosphere at the other joint leads to the fighting and the bullshit.
The Greeks have a saying.
"The fish rots from the head."
Did you just call the EBL a rotten fish head?
Troop, the single-celled intelligence picked a fight with Mrs M.
As far as I know, she (NBL) deleted no one, but she made her feelings known - I think she has that right.
FWIW, I think Roger misinterpreted what happened and I really don't believe her remarks were aimed at him. He usually has something pertinent to say.
I don't know if it costs you guys to run a blog, but I can appreciate the effort that goes into it. To see thread after thread hijacked by the same drivel must be aggravating.
After all , that's why J is gone, true?
My $.02
I think sucking up to people is boring, but what do I know? Also, my definition of nice must be skewed as well.
Ah well.
Hey, gang. :)
Hey, Darcy. Good to see you.
Your definition of "nice" is not skewed in the slightest.
Hi Tim!
Nice to see you too. :)
Uh oh. It's just dawned on me Darcy and I have engaged in what some critics might call pseudo flirtation.
That's supposed to be bad for your Magnum Opus.
Take two aspirins and call me in the morning.
Meanwhile, I'll blow another little kiss Darcy's way ***smooch***
I had also apologized for "thread clutter" prior to being cited. Oh well--And Trooper, thanks for you kind comment, but I am not American Hero--I was priviliged to lead real American Heros. It was their work, not mine,
Anyway, permission to come aboard.
Anyway, some important investment adivce--Shelby County/Memphis has banned nude dancing effective the first of the year--dancers will be required to wear pasties and g strings. My advice: go long in pasties and "opaque coverings of the genital area."
RogerJ, The State of Minnesota took a different approach. They don't require the pole girls to cover up but you CAN'T serve liquor in titty bars! So...just across the Mississippi River in Wisconsin, where you can serve liquor in libraries if you want, there is a huge crop of titty bars. You can't legislate vice, the most you can do is move it to another area.
ND: funny that--to quote Titus, tits rule and they will probably find a way to display them! I do love capitalism.
Hi Roger J.!
And lol, Tim. Trooper probably won't ever complain that we're not substantive! ;-)
We challenge one another to be funnier and smarter. ... It's the way friends make love to one another.
~Annie Gottlieb
miss Darcy--good to see you here and hope to see more of you (you may take that anyway you like :)
I will concur with I assume most of the xy commenters--you are gorgeous!!
Ok, its a curse you have to deal with
Aww. You guys are really good to me over here at TY.
Thanks, Roger. :)
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