Michaleen Flynn: No patty-fingers, if you please. The proprieties at all times. Hold on to your hats
Friday, December 2, 2011
Just because!
rcommal said... Outstanding! Now maybe you can put up some new content, maybe something less with a less skanky picture this time. ;l "Wait a minute chica! Whose you talkin' about." "Please start staring at me tata's. I need another gig."
Us fags can just walk down the street and some wanting mouth will be ready to blow me. I can just motion to the hole over here and the blatino is down on his third world knees sucking some white superior hog. And while he is blowing me I tell him he is a big piece of third world shit which makes it hotter.
So I guess what I am saying is if straighty's had the options of fags they would be whores too. But they don't because, you know, the women.
Tonight I went to dindin on the North Shore. The North Shore of Boston is essentially Jersey Shore. Totally Guido and very hot. Tons of beaches and biceps. Totally blue collar, union and very democratic.
Boston is very diverse. Many think fab, incredibly expensive housing, creative economy, high salaries, elite education, Mitt Romney.
But is so so much more than that. It's very very Italian. Think lots of tats, completely muscled, an amazing accent, dumb and horny.
Any time you go to a restaurant and the hostess is in sequins and 80 and the waitresses are 50 and been there all there lives and call you hon you know it's great.
I went to an Italian Restaurant tonight "where the meat falls off the bone". It's totally Bada Bing from the Sopranos. It's called Floramos "fifth avenue". It is in Chelsea, Mass which is basically Guatemala. But man that food is good and so many hot muscled guides.
You would never find that in the hellhole of white Madison, as a result I left... at the age of 17. It is still exotic and foreign and very fucking hot to me.
I hate Sarah Jessica Parker, Robin Williams, Tim Robbins, Susan Saradon, the BJ Hunnicut guy, brussel sprouts, the Boston Red Sox, commies and well, lawyers.
Her real name is Tuna.
How cool is that?
I'll bet this is how EBL sees herself...
which is not how we see her of course!
Was it because of how she smelled or what she liked to eat (taco-wise)?
No, no....Tura, not Tuna!
Right idea though....
Hey Sixty knows that I can't spell. I prefer to call her Tuna.
She later went on to coach the Giants.
In the words of the blind man who walked into the fish market, "Good morning, ladies".
Tura Luna Pascual Yamaguchi, of mixed descent, including Filipino, which means ST would have liked her. I think she would have beat him up.
Ron said: which is not how we see her of course!
Speak for thyself, sire!
Pullet Supreme, is that how you glom Mrs. Meade? Do tell!
Ron said...
Pullet Supreme, is that how you glom Mrs. Meade? Do tell!
Methinks thou dost protest too much,
Mrs. Meade is forlorn 'twixt us." (Booby prize?)
vbspurs is a most worthy prize--to the death 'twixt us?
I love big fucking tits.
How do you straighties do it?
Us fags can just walk down the street and some wanting mouth will be ready to blow me. I can just motion to the hole over here and the blatino is down on his third world knees sucking some white superior hog. And while he is blowing me I tell him he is a big piece of third world shit which makes it hotter.
It must be hell for you.
And for that I am deeply sorry.
So I guess what I am saying is if straighty's had the options of fags they would be whores too. But they don't because, you know, the women.
Tonight I went to dindin on the North Shore. The North Shore of Boston is essentially Jersey Shore. Totally Guido and very hot. Tons of beaches and biceps. Totally blue collar, union and very democratic.
Boston is very diverse. Many think fab, incredibly expensive housing, creative economy, high salaries, elite education, Mitt Romney.
But is so so much more than that. It's very very Italian. Think lots of tats, completely muscled, an amazing accent, dumb and horny.
Any time you go to a restaurant and the hostess is in sequins and 80 and the waitresses are 50 and been there all there lives and call you hon you know it's great.
I went to an Italian Restaurant tonight "where the meat falls off the bone". It's totally Bada Bing from the Sopranos. It's called Floramos "fifth avenue". It is in Chelsea, Mass which is basically Guatemala. But man that food is good and so many hot muscled guides.
You would never find that in the hellhole of white Madison, as a result I left... at the age of 17. It is still exotic and foreign and very fucking hot to me.
Fuck, hot men are hot.
Not Tuna!
Tura Luna!
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