Monday, December 5, 2011

Sexy cows are better to contemplate......

Then email exchanges that will not go anywhere. As ricpic can tell you somethings you have to take things into your own hands. Just Sayn'


blake said...

Things are not what they seem, indeed.


Anonymous said...

I bet she makes good rich milk.

ndspinelli said...

Hilarious dude. Every year in Cheeseland they elect an Alice in Dairyland. She's usually some high school cheerleader type. Alice goes to events, County Fairs, State Fair, etc. Nobody pays any attention to her. But, this Dairy Queen would turn some heads and sell some fucking creme puffs.

If anyone ever wants to get the consummate Wi. experience. It's not @ a Packer game, Brewers, etc. Go to the Wi. State Fair and see the huge Cheeseheads scarfing down creme puffs. It is it's own pavillion and seats hundreds..and all they sell are creme puffs. It's like a Fellini/Coen Brothers movie.

Anonymous said...

I refuse to stand in line for those cream puffs anymore, plus walking back to your car can be a dangerous expedition, roving bands of teen thugs.

MamaM said...

As nursing mothers, mother's who've nursed and most informed nurses know, rich milk is a myth. Female breasts of all sizes are designed to deliver the quality and quantity needed to get the job done.

Carol Herman also liked to wax on about female function and child birth in ways that reflected similar ignorance.

Sad to say, TY sent invitation after invitation her way, with no pheromone magic happening.

But Santa knows, and what should turn up this Chrismas? A Carol Herman sized sleigh full of incongruity and pseudo femininity wrapped in sexiness and tied with a perky I Dream Jeannie bow. Open the package and golden hearted kisses, winks and arrows explode. All this in a rig pulled by one lone cow mooing.

To hear that sound echo through a silent night brings a whole new meaning to the phrase:

The cattle are lowing, the poor baby wakes

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

MamaM, I'm going to disagree with you on the quality of fat content in mothers milk. My daughter nursed my three grandchildren and had issues all three times with clogged ducts, the lactation expert saiid she had fatty milk and she was told to take lecithin. My daughter has small breast size BTW. I never said big breast give more milk, where did you read that? In a silly comment I made about Trooper's cow ladies?

I had four kids of my own and nursed all four, so you telling me I know nothing about babies, childbirth and nursing is a bit ridiculous. What is your point here?

Methinks you suspect me of being Carol Herman, bwahahahahaha, OK good one.

ndspinelli said...

Allie, You can thank your Mayor Barrett for the thugs..but he cares and feels your pain. As a friend of mine in Chicago said to me a long time ago. If you want to cure liberalism, take mass transit to work daily.

Anonymous said...

So how many children have you nursed MamaM? LOL!?

Anonymous said...

Spinelli, Barrett had his own run in on his way home from the state fair, poor guy.

I agree that living in the city and all it entails is scary and treacherous, but that is the unfortunate reality in urban plight . I'm not giving a pass to the residents of the inner city , it's a sickness in our society. I don't know the answer, won't even pretend to.

I do feel bad for the teachers though, because they are given the lions share of the blame for the failure of our Milwaukee schools, the truth is that the caliber of students that these teachers have to deal with is not the same caliber of suburban students, sad reality.

I have several friends who teach in Milwaukee, it's a very tough situation.

blake said...

I thought so.

Cow girl's -- well see for yourself.

edutcher said...

The sneakers and the duct tape are the last straw.

ndspinelli said...

Allie, Dedicated teachers in an inner city go straight to heaven..even if they kill one or two thugs. God does a Sgt. Schultz and "sees nothing," as long as it's only a couple kids. I know a young man who joined Teach for America and stayed on @ a public school in the Bronx. He's been there 4 years now.

MamaM said...

So how many children have you nursed MamaM? LOL!?

Such fun, Allie! LOL!! Maybe we could compare stretch marks and ask Titus the King of Stretch to arbitrate!

Sadly MamaM is not yet a Grandma, but has nursed enough babies to know hindmilk and foremilk are the words used by lactation experts to designate the types of milk healthy female breasts produce.

Yes, it was your silly comment that prompted the reply! But you can rest assured it is absolutely clear that your observation was merely a bet and not a direct comment saying, "big breast give more milk".

As to anyone saying you "know nothing" about babies, nursing and childbirth; please note those words are nowhere in the observation made.

To those who might suspect you of being Carol Herman, Bwahahahahah seems an appropriate response. If Carol is a construct, it would be impossible for anyone to "be" her. Several have tried to replicate her style, but it's one of a kind. Before "J" ramped up his approach, Carol Herman was almost (if not as) successful as Titus and your good friend, the Montana Urban Legend a la la la la Ritmo at manipulating and pulling threads off topic. Their effect remains a wonder to behold.

The House of Mirrors that is Trooper York's seems to have plenty of rooms for all types of characters, MamaM included. The fact that things are not as the seem, makes Allie a perfect fit.

Anonymous said...

Yes we all have heard of foremilk and hindmilk, doesn't change the fact that the fat content of the milk overall can be higher in some individuals.

MamaM, do you suspect I am a man? What do you suspect me of? Let's put it all out on the table. I like some types of games , I like to tease, but I am not a sockpuppet of anyone. My blog has pictures of my home, my family my neighborhood, I say what county I live in, what state I live in. I am genuine person, I say what I mean and take the consequences.

I know it's fun to try to figure out who people are and to imagine them as someone they are not, but sometimes this sock puppet fascination becomes obsessive.

That's the psych nurse part of me talking.

Fred4Pres said...

Corn fed.

MamaM said...

Yes we all have heard...


After watching a show with Jeff Dunham working the crowd as the voice for 6 dummies, your "we" brings another laugh!

Might be interesting to check in with the psych nurse part and get her opinion on women over 50 who lead with their sexuality.

Anonymous said...

Why,we nursing mothers, you and I of course! MamaM I know you must've been a champion nurser, you are so knowledgeable about the subject.

I envision you lovingly nursing a babe at your breast. Ah ain't it grand to be a female with a breasts full of warm milk to suckle our offspring?

Anonymous said...

MamaM, my psych nurse history tells me you are trying to cast aspersions on my personality. A healthy person has a sense of humor, does not go out of their way to try to turn others against a person they don't even know.

A healthy person enjoys what life has to offer at any age. Sexuality is not my first and foremost concern, but it's fun as hell getting some sweet old dogs barking. It's part of my online persona, as yours is an old woman with a big cock.

A healthy person doesn't have vendettas, lives a real life offline.

MamaM said...

Watch yourself Allie and check the mirror.

Intensity is always the key.

Anonymous said...

OK MamaM, since you own such a big cock, you are the expert in all things in blogville.

Troopers village is such a nice place to live , with mostly very nice inhabitants, seems like everybody takes Trooper's lead and treat each other respectfully but maybe irreverently at times.

It's all good, I'm all for keeping it that way.

Anonymous said...

I'll happily play the part of the local slut. Every village needs one.

MamaM said...

OK MamaM, since you own such a big cock, you are the expert in all things in blogville.

Almost, but not quite Allie. Reign it in and take another deep breath. The term this time is clit. Big clit. Clitoris in the nursing book.

Cock comparision is big deal with men. Women mostly want satisfaction.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Now MamaM , I think you better reel it in , you are scandalizing me, I actually feel like I may swoon, we dont speak of such things here. no no to the big C word.

I was talking about roosters , what were YOU thinking?! Shame MamaM, I thought you were a respectable woman.

December 6, 2011 4:40 PM

chickelit said...

Allie wrote: I was talking about roosters , what were YOU thinking?!

Hey! leave poor blake out of this!

MamaM said...

Your confusion and sense of shame is understandable, Allie. Especially if you've been spending extra time online reading up on MamaM and looking at old pictures.

Truth to tell she has a flock of cocks roaming her yard and a small number she allows in the house.

Like the clitoris, online personas can sometimes take a bit of time to tweak. Ritmo has been perfecting his for several years. If you're looking to reel him in some more, it might be fun to compare tips.

chickelit said...

If you're looking to reel him in some more, it might be fun to compare tips.

Q: What did the leper say to the prostitute?

A: Keep the tip!

MamaM said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MamaM said...

If you're looking to reel him in some more, it might be fun to compare tips.

Maybe someday they can double team and one, or the other, or both can go whole hog.

To note, chickenlittle, that you give good chemistry was a fun parry with the pruning shears.

True too.

Thanks for the laugh.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Ahhh, Mama. There you go. You too have now been afflicted with paranoid visions of perpetual and omnipresent sock-puppetry - going so far as to encourage it.

Don't do this to the Trooper, really. He's a good guy and I've never had anything bad to say about you. If you feel your femininity challenged by Allie, well, that's just something you're going to have to work out on your own now, isn't it? It also seems like it might be something to be expected.

But really, I've never had anything against you or bad about you in the past. So to bring me into a conversation I wasn't a party to really seems a bit desperate. I'm not just a part of your plot device, Mama.

MamaM said...

Don't do this to the Trooper, really.

Bwahahahahaha! That's MamaM laughing while Ritmo crawls under the desk searching for Allie's electrical input (or is it outlet?) Hard to be sure!

Trooper York has repeatedly proved himself to be a man that can take care of himself or find a lovely partner to help him do so. He's gifted with a quick tongue and many words and pictures at his disposal.

If you're going to re-animate, you might want get your second if not your third eye working and look around. Bringing people into conversations, with or without their permission, seems to happen a lot around here. Not that there's anything wrong with that, its the nature of the beast.

Except for a small gap, (oops, typed "gab" Ha!)when it come to perpetual and omnipresent sock puppetry, your long and illustrious history as:MUL, Ritmo Brizalero, Republicans for Better Hygiene
and Ritmo-Re-annimated stands uncontested.

Honestly, it's been fun to watch the change, as MamaM remember the time when insults and pages of tediously long comments were the soup du jour.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

How does this have anything to do with Trooper or what I bring to his forum? It doesn't. (I think you're still desperate to deflect).

And methinks someone still isn't understanding the definition of "sock puppet". See blake for details if the concept eludes you, disingenuously or otherwise.