Mangy flithy coyotes with fece encrusted fur who yap and whine and attack all the bunnies who are ambling in the garden.
They have a strange affection and tolerance for them. But when you let coyotes have the run of your garden you will lose such much more than you gain.
But some people don't care. They love what the coyote brings.
I thought Big Blue could pull this off.
Great game, Trooper. I'll match the $50 anyway..I always give to the Salvation Army. But, I know they can really use the bucks in the ghetto of Brooklyn.
"But some people don't care. They love what the coyote brings."
Ed, you're getting your cows and coyotes mixed up. That's OK though, have you taken your Aricept?
Whatever that means.
As I say, she'll wear out her welcome here.
Hearts of Gold
Shoot arrows
Tipped with
For the kill.
Fun loving
Barely hides
Coyote fur &
Spotted coats
Cows that type
While lowing
Leave the barn
Filled with
Methane gas
The Giants loss made me feel bad, but this made me feel better.
Althouse wrote on her blog regarding comments and comment formats:
But it's usually not that neat. The blog post itself is what's being responded to. the idea that within the comments there are sub-posts that are getting commented on... that implies a degree of regimentation that doesn't really exist. link
That suggests to me that Althouse considers the blog and blog comments as intrinsically being about her. That's reasonable because she did start it the blog. But the blog became much more than her. After a couple years, everyone develops a taste for commenters who either have the wherewithal to school the Professor or who are just funny and entertaining. For her to pretend that those commenters aren't the reason that many read her blog would be foolish. But how to control the narrative? She's into that and who can blame her?
If she trusted in truth, the narrative would control itself and would out itself. Instead, she tolerates abusive commenters who attack other commenters using personal information--"J" for example.
She has a standing policy of deleting certain commenters who are or were personally abusive towards her-"Mary" for example--so one would think she would be sympathetic to this complaint.
I think you have it exactly right chickenlittle.
As I have posted before I have tried in my oblique and inscrutable way to pull the EBL back to a semblance of human behavior by "Kidding on the Square." You know ball busting. As practice by guys like me and ndspinelli. That was the whole purpose of the Amy's Gardens posts.
I don't like to tell people what to do. I like to mitigate conflicts and try to get people to see the other persons point of view. I feel we can all be a lot more humble. But it was not to be.
I think a blogger should value their commenters. It is an honor that they take the time to write on your blog and respond to things you have posted. You should treat them with respect and when one of them starts attacking others you should step in as though the were attacking you.
I first started having a big problem with the EBL when she was talking about banning Titus. And treated it like a big joke. Then Jeremy came in and started attacking everyone left and right. But J was the final straw. That was just over the top and seemingly potentially dangerous. But it was ignored in the usual pompous and arrogant way.
Some people can have a more degrees than a thermonator and still never learn. Just sayn'
When I first started commenting on Althouse instead of lurking, the idea that she stated was that she wanted it to be like a coffee house or cocktail party, where there could be a free flow of ideas and different opinions. Kind of like the Mike Myers Coffee Talk skits.....discuss.
In a cocktail party, the participants mingle around, form groups, argue, form new groups, joke and generally have a pretty good time.
A successful hostess will just provide the snacks, booze and let the guests do what they want and eventually throw out the drunken guests who disrupt the party or who want to start fights.
Lately the hostess has been trying to control the entire cocktail party conversation and not paying any attention to the decaying party atmosphere. Not so much fun.
Hey--DBQ--thanks for checking in! Always enjoyed your comments on the other blog--glad to see you here.
The EBL is no Instapundit. His blog would be ruined if he allowed comments. Mr. Reynolds gets tons of hits because people want a quick peek at what's going down w/o having to surf the Intertubes themselves.
The EBL needs commenters. Her posts can't stand alone. Shut down the comments section and the EBL will have plenty of free time to drink more wine. Admitting that she needs the people whom she regards with such condescension isn't likely to happen any time soon. I imagine that generates a fair amount of resentment.
We have to be careful though. Too much truth telling and there will be an attack post as there had been so many times in the past when people have critizied Nelly.
But I don't care. You guys have all made great insightful posts. You are right on the money. Thank you.
Trooper, Fred, Allie, RogerJ, I just posted a comment on a Newt thread this morning @ EBL. I lamented your loss and stopped jabbing. I didn't throw a Smokin' Joe right cross, but I hit the body hard.
I agree with trooper--its her blog let her handle it; does no good get into inter blog warfare---that stuff went out with usenet--enjoy the day at Trooper's and let the other blog go its own way.
Me? I enjoy the sense of humor shown on this blog--THAT attracts me to a blog.
Garry Owen sir!
Hi, Thanks Roger.
I've been lurking at Troopers for some time now.
I don't often contribute because I'm not that much interested in sports or Ta Ta's.....I have my own set :-)
I greatly enjoy the humor and Trooper's nostalgia postings of his life and pop culture stuff.
I would much rather be inside the circle with Colonel Thursday and Sgt Major O'Rourke than hiding under the bed. It is the only honorable place to be.
On a side note and as modestly as I can say it....this blog might explode in an unexpected way because of a side project I have underway that some of you know about (and if you want to know more email me at trooperkirbyyork@live.com)....so I don't know what it will look like in six months.
I hope that I can continue being the same asshole I have always been but who knows how things will go. I just want youse guys to keep me honest. Unlike the EBL all criticism will be considered and replied to in the spirit in which it is proffered.
DBQ: damn--you have ta tas? who knew! My lady friend is a math major and MBA--we have something in common :)
Trooper's blog is flat funny--great cultural insights from TV and movies, and a wonderful sense of humor that does not obviate a certain amount (of how to say) sexual double entrades--which are at least for me (dare I say it) tittilating--of course we have Titus on board who can always explicate.
Troop....is that middle name Kirby in honor of the Kirby (cannon fodder character) from Combat?
We used to always get a kick out of Vic Morrow sending Kirby out FIRST to see if the Germans were going to shoot.
"Kirby, you go first (pointing at some bombed out building)." Waiting for Kirby to say something like ...um...no..you go first.
Actually, Kirby York is John Waynes character in "Rio Grande" which my on screen persona is kinda based on.
As I had said before I meant to use the puesdoynm that Sean Thornton used as a fighter in the "Quiet Man" but I misremembered it. It was "Trooper Thorn" but I set it up as "Trooper York" as York was the Duke's character name in a couple of the Calvary movies. It actually worked out better in the end.
Mistake usually happen for a reason.
Trooper--did not ward bond play the methodist bishop in quiet man? he finally hooked the big one and got upstaged by the match between John Wayne and Victor McGlauphin. I love McG's portrayal of the Sergant who danced, I believe with Shirly Temple. Grant stuff
OK--Great Stuff
That is not quite it. Ward Bond played the parish priest in a mostly Catholic town. But he had the parishioners cheer the Protestant minister when he drove by with his bishop so he wouldn't be transferred out of the village.
Yeah--its hell to get old and not remember the details--Who was the character actor who played the catholic priest who rode along on the wagon when John Wayne was courting Maureen OHara (now THERE was one hottie)
Nd I just went back to read what you wrote and I noticed that our old friend J termed this place a "Nazi" site. He wrote:
"Pure whack, untalented BS. "Spinelli" and all of its phony s-names should be banned (it can head back to Flynn's dyslexic nazi-fantasy site with his fave j-os.)"
Now if you ignore the incoherence in the fact that he claims that I have a Nazi site that if filled with jews....how does this comment stand? Seriously.
To come down like a ton of bricks on some innocent back and forth with Allie and RogerJ while letting shit like this stand is just reprehensible.
He was the matchmaker and he was Barry Fitzgerald who you remember from his roles as a priest in those movies with Bing Crosby.
I quoted him in the masthead of this blog.
Troop and ND: it is what it is--let it go. Glad to be posting here and with Allie (who may or may not be as hot as Maureen OHara--but I am guessing yes :) )
J you are not welcome here. You posts will be deleted and your comments expunged. Please take your business over to Althouse as she seems to enjoy you and your views. You are not welcome here and you be deleted everytime you post.
That's good advice Roger. Thanks.
Barry Fizgerald--THATS IT! great character actor, as was Victor Mcglauhan (and I still dont have that spelling right)--He played in the early 30s movie the informer--Sgt Quincannon indeed--great portrayal along with Ward Bond and Ben Johnson as Tyree.
Plus I think Allie has a Mildred Fenwick thing going on. Just sayn'
I lost all my composure when Allied Moo'ed me--now I can only fanatcize.
Is it cows or is it Allie :)
Roger, My intent is not to create a rivalry between blogs. However, I know some will perceive it that way. My intent is to try and improve a blog I like. EBL has much to offer..that's what drew us there. As her "ratings" increase so has her insufferable personality and her autocratic style. My attempts are almost cetainly quixotic, and I know that.
ND--appreciate your efforts--and didnt mean to imply you were trying to start a "blog war." You made some decent points but, as you said, academicians, esp the hostess thereon, tends to be thin skined. ( BTW, the hostess uses Google to bring up any post that mentions her by name--or at least she said several years ago)--Tread carefully and use neutral terms.
Now if you ignore the incoherence in the fact that he claims that I have a Nazi site that if filled with jews....how does this comment stand? Seriously.
That's the problem with J. He/she never leavens with levity.
Chicken little: so three Jews walk into a bar and have 5 opinions. Ooops thats not funny
There ain't nothing you can do nd. This is no fixing that mess. I throw up my hands. I shrug my shoulders. I raise my eyebrows. I scratch my balls.
Well I just do that because they are itchy.
The EBL will never address this in an honest and fortright way. You need to be honest and fortright for that to happen. Not the teacher who is there to tell you what to do.
Teachers are men among boys and boys among men.
Never forget that.
And don't fall into the email trap. Anything you need to say you can say to the class. Just sayn.
Roger J. said...
I lost all my composure when Allied Moo'ed me--now I can only fanatcize.
It's still better to be meowed than mooed.
Trooper et al--sorry have got to get to class--its my last class of the semester--thanks for putting up with me.
You guys are so fucked tomorrow when I can unleash my repertoire of Boudreau Thibidoux/ Sven an Ole Jokes.
The name Trooper Thorn has MamaM laughing. A much better description than moniker.
So, what brought on this EBL sudden bout of censorship? I know that it's never been perfect, but this week seems new. Anyone know?
Well if you want to understand the EBL I reccomend you watch "Sunset Blouvard" and realize that it is all about her.
When stuff makes her look bad she has to delete it. She made a mistake making a big deal of some innocous back and forth with RojerJ and Allie and deleted them. It is spiralling out from there.
She obviously wants to talk in email because she has something to hide.
That's why professors make you go to their office when they want to screw you over. They don't want to do it in the light of day where everyone can see how shitty they are treating people. It's par for the course.
Trooper Thorn might be more appropriate but it doesn't flow as nicely as Trooper York. Just sayn'
Yes, and flow is part of trust.
Private random deletion of comments based on whim without a clear policy is not going to make the grade. It erodes trust.
Trust is one thing. But simply fairness and equity is easy to discern. When you quibble and snort and delete silly stuff because it is "Clutter" but let the ravings of a Mad Man destroy thread after thread you lose all creditbility.
Plus when you change your policy in midstream you end up pissing off everyone. Just sayn'
To the tune of "Blue-Tail Fly:"
Bloggers come and bloggers go,
The old Althouse has gone, I know;
But if by Fate she is returned,
Old regulars would leave her spurned.
Althouse whacked Allie, and I don't care,
Althouse whacked Allie, and I don't care;
Althouse whacked Allie, and I don't care,
The Troooper's gone away.
The Troooper's gone away.
~T.T. Burnett
Absence is the highest form of presence
~James Joyce
Flirting! Flirting! THAT's the problem!
Well, here's the solution, from ancient Japan:
Our great Mikado, virtuous man,
When he to rule our land began,
Resolved to try
A plan whereby
Young men might best be steadied.
So he decreed, in words succinct,
That all who flirted, leered or winked
(Unless connubially linked),
Should forthwith be beheaded.
And I expect you’ll all agree
That he was right to so decree.
And I am right,
And you are right,
And all is right as right can be!
Chorus. And you are right, And we are right, etc.
This stern decree, you’ll understand,
Caused great dismay throughout the land!
For young and old
And shy and bold
Were equally affected.
The youth who winked a roving eye,
Or breathed a non-connubial sigh,
Was thereupon condemned to die –
He usually objected.
And you’ll allow, as I expect,
That he was right to so object.
And I am right,
And you are right,
And everything is quite correct!
Chorus. And you are right, And we are right, etc.
And so we straight let out on bail
A convict from the county jail,
Whose head was next
On some pretext
Condemnëd to be mown off,
And made him Headsman, for we said,
‘Who’s next to be decapited
Cannot cut off another’s head
Until he’s cut his own off.’
And we are right, I think you’ll say,
To argue in this kind of way;
And I am right,
And you are right,
And all is right – too-looral-lay!
Chorus. And you are right, And we are right, etc.
(Exeunt Chorus.)
I'll say this one more time in first person so you can hear it clearly Trooper York. I consider the flow that is part of your blog to be the result of trust. Trust that was built when a clear policy about "J" was stated and consistently enforced. Not with random or secret deletions, but with a public acknowledgement every time "J" shows up and attempts to leave his mark.
Take time to read the statement I made without the filter of belief that I am speaking for or trying to defend Althouse. What I said stands as true.
It's my belief that what she is currently doing with regards to deletion will not make the grade. It will erode trust.
That said, I will also state that the good and enjoyment I've received in the past through the Althouse blog makes me unwilling to regard her as a villain intent on viciously perpetuating evil and hatred. I see her as someone who is making a choice I don't agree with or appreciate.
Fair enough MamaM. I didn't mean to disparage your observation. When I call the Evil Blogger Lady "Evil" I am just joking. I don't think she is evil. Just lazy, arrogant and pompous.
I sign on to what you are saying 100%
Since I've been dubbed the Dairy Queen by Spinelli, I have to stick to the moo. It's fun seeing the fast paced commenting here by youse guys(I'm picking up a New York accent).
Roger, we have to keep our moos on the down low, shhh, don't tell Ritmo. I do suspect he may be too young a bull for this old cow though. He does get me frisky, makes me feel like a heifer again.
Spinelli , I appreciate that you are sticking your neck out for us over there, you are a ballsy guy, watch out she may declare you boring next. Somehow that seems to be the height of insult for her, boring this , boring that, damn that in itself is boring.
Dust Bunny, I know we have had issues on Althouse, I know you don't like me much, that's OK, I know you suspect the information I have put out there about my personal life. Perhaps here on Troopers blog , we can get to know one another better and you won't suspect me or my motives so much anymore. I'm extending my hand in truce and possible friendship.
TTB, lol, I don't care either.
I admit that I smacked Allie around pretty good on a thread and I appolgize as well. I was wrong and I am not afraid to admit it.
But we allow for that here. You can appolgize and ask humbly for forgiveness. It is not crabs in a bucket over here.
Not to say that we don't get crabs every now or then but that is part of the deal when you get a lap dance. Just sayn'
I agree with MamaM, too. I'd add that I appreciate that EBL is in a position where it's difficult to find the right middle ground. I agree that she should delete people like J, but I waiver on someone like Ritmo, who ruins every thread that he puts the effort into with his spam-like posting, but most individual posts would seem OK. Slippery slopes and all of that.
I'd forgotten how much I missed Trooper, but, at the same time, this blog, great as it is, doesn't exactly give me what I crave, which is the politics (which I know is off-limits here, and I respect that).
Ah Trooper, water under the bridge, I'm feeling' the love here, ah feels so good after the EBLs place. Politics is fun,addicting, but in a toxic environment, no thanks. Tell your wife to give you a big smooch, you deserve it.
I'd rather wade through Titus's titty, poopy comments that "clutter", than have a sychofantasmigorical ( don't hurt me Sixty) orgy.
As her "ratings" increase so has her insufferable personality and her autocratic style.
Her ratings are not increasing. Her year-over-year unique visitors are down around 25%.
She's on a trajectory to end up with the audience she is actively cultivating: one significantly lower in both quantity and quality.
She's on a trajectory to end up with the audience she is actively cultivating: one significantly lower in both quantity and quality.
That's interesting & perhaps indicative, but hardly certain.
I like that word, Allie, although it might need a bit of work before it joins the lexicon of portmanteau classics.
Lyssa, you lovely redhead, my guess is that politics are not off-limits here, as much as they are ignored. Has all the back and forth on EBL's blog, and all of those pixels that gave their all changed even one person's mind? Does Ritmo influence anyone in a positive way? Robert Cook? Maybe their teenage partners, but surely no grown ups read their rantings and go "Oh, I see that now - Obama IS a war criminal".
As for J, well, he is welcome there, and she can have him. They are a lovely pair.
Politics are not unwelcome as long as they are couched in the world of sixties sitcoms and girls with big tits. Or sports.
Maybe that should be cooched instead of couched. What do you think Sixty?
I see the words "beer coosy" used occasionally and that makes my mind wander. I like words...
Trooper: Not sure whether you should be talking "Sunset Boulevard" or "The Three Faces of Eve" here.
Hey, you also stole my Churchill schoolmaster quote w/o attribution! I think Churchill stole it from Dr Johnson or Sir Archy or somebody, so maybe it's just one of those clichès that haven't been used in a while, and we're bringing it back.
Yeah Samuel Johnson was always going on about cooch.
She's on a trajectory to end up with the audience she is actively cultivating: one significantly lower in both quantity and quality.
Sockpuppets: Interesting data. I disagree with Chickelit's reluctance to accept your conclusions. Given her age, the usual lifecycle of blogs and blogging's generational appeal, I think Althouse is very likely headed in the direction you say.
Although I am old, I have a couple of teenagers. They, and their friends, all say, "Blogs are for old people!" I also teach part-time in a middle school, and I hear the same thing from both students and the younger teachers. I know no one younger than their mid-30's who bothers with a personal blog. That isn't data, of course; it's an anecdote. But I think there's something to it.
Kids and young people are constantly texting and on Facebook. The Millennials don't mind the rigidity of the Facebook format, which many older people complain about. They just want to be in touch with their friends.
That, combined with the worn-off novelty of blogging I think spells doom for the blogosphere as we've known it. Being insulted by strangers has only so much appeal, especially when you don't have to be on Facebook, or you're getting too old for that kind of nonsense.
So, here we are, worrying about Norma Desmond's comment policy.
Think I'll go check out "Alice's Restaurant" on my Kindle Fire.
Blogs are like anything else. It's major popularity has come and gone. As it will happen for Twitter and Facebook. There will still be a big enough niche audience for some utility though and people will strive to hit those benchmarks if it works for me.
I think the reality is that the EBL wants to make her joint more like Boringheads. Boring political commentary all the time. There are fans of that. Soon enough it will be the same 12 or 13 guys arguing back and forth just as they do when the EBL debates Niles Crane.
The days when different and inventive and creative posts like those of
Sippican Cottage, Palladian, Sir Archy, The Blogging Cockroach, Titus, Trooper York and yes even Lord Douchebag Bissage will be seen no more.
Instead it will be the same drones droning on about whatever thing was in the Times or on NPR in Madison that day.
That's all she wrote.
I meant to say:
"though and people will strive to hit those benchmarks if it works for them."
It will be like those videos of girls in their underwear and high heels stepping on bugs.
Not that I have any of those. Seriously. I mean it. I just heard of them. I don't have any. I swear.
Sippican Cottage runs his own blog - it's a good one.
I'm telling you dudes and dudettes, there's something else going on w/ here. I can only surmise. Maybe she's about to go 0 for 2 in the marriage dept. I hope not even though I really don't like her. But...there's something, maybe just reaching the big 60. My gut tells me there's more than the usual control freak. When control freaks feel like they're losing control they tighten the screws. She's really tightening the screws.
Sockpuppets, That's an interesting post..that may be part of the equation. She recently patted herself on the back for being #2 in law blogs. Inflated egos can be popped easily.
Part of the higher ed bubble?
My money would be on early onset dementia caused by excessive consumption of cheap wine. That happens more often than one might imagine.
Either that or her vuvuzela has imploded.
I think the simplest answer is the best one.
Out of control Narcissism has made her a danger to everyone around her. (See Al Capone on Boardwalk Empire.)
I enjoy Sippican's blog but I never comment over there.
But I check it out all the time. Well worth reading.
I do think we should not speculate about the state of the Meadhouse nuptials. That is none of our business and not something we should be talking about.
I wish them the best of luck.
He finds some interesting musical clips on the interwebs, that's for sure. I can also relate to the travails of living in an old house while working on it. But I would much rather do that in a temperate place such as NC rather than the tundra of the great white north.
Meade is a good guy. He always was. And still is I am sure.
I am sure he is happy. At least I hope he is. I wish them all the best.
My dear fellow. We must support our friend Meade.
It is not easy to be be Eva Braun.
Okay, how about this for a theory - she was contacted by a cable tv network about appearing on their new show. It's called "Comment Hoarders" and the high concept is that they will provide help for bloggers who need to declutter their comments sections and improve their substantivity.
She has just started working the program, and someday, maybe someday, she will be able to migrate her beloved trove of priceless, but now hopelessly outdated comments, to her own site, somewhere in Sweden, where they will be hers, all hers!
I like it.
But I think people are going to like my reality program:
"Say Yes to the Breasts."
Trooper York said...
Meade is a good guy. He always was. And still is I am sure.
I think so too. He was regular around here when I first staggered in. I have yet to staggere out. Meade was friendly and accepting.
Around the early 2009, TY was the go to place to get news and mostly rumors of the Meade-Althouse romance. Why even Freeman Hunt hung around here then, presumably for that reason.
"SYTTB", subtitled "The Motor Boat Show".
"Say Yes to the Breasts."
Cedarford would call it "Say Ja to the Bra"
"Love Those Girls"
Lol, Lyssa. You make the mistake of assuming that EBL's intentions are good. Or true. She's about the spectacle. Come on already. Listen to Trooper and everyone else over here who seems to have found a lick of sense about that.
That's fine if that's her thing. It's really not mine, though - and a lot of people seem to finding out that it's not theirs, either. Yes, I get huffy and puffy and flame-war-worthy over there. It's the forum.
I just like good, honest, decent conversation. And a good twist every now and then, like everyone else. When one chucklehead says something stupid worth correcting, that's one thing. When a whole host of chuckleheads have been encouraged in chuckleheaded-dom, it's hard not to want to take on every one, if you can and if it's allowed (as up until now it has been). But is that really something you should blame me for?
I know where to find what I want on the internets and I know who's up to playing an honest game and who isn't. And who's just playing along.
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