When it is stuck in your mother's twat!
The second to the last episode of Boardwalk Empire goes full Oedipus Rex last night. Jimmy Darmody playing the Jimmy Cagney role had a bid flashback episode going back to his time in Princeton right before he enlists in the Army to go off to WW1. It was action packed. He impregnates his girlfriend who is later his wife who was murdered with her lesbian lover by a kosher butcher. He beats up his professor who tried to rape his mother who as you know is a hot mess. Oh and he fucks his mother and murders his father. All in 56 minutes.
It looks like they are going to get rid of a lot of actors in the finale so they don't have to carry them over to next year. The whole season is available on HBO ON-DEMAND so you can check it out. I recommend it highly.
I like the show but haven't watched it this season for resaons I'm not certain. The good thing about HBO is you can watch it when you want. "It's not tv.."
Well they spell everything out in this episode. I mean you knew Jimmy and his Mom had a fucked up relationship but they took it to the max in the flashbacks this week. It was like the second to last episodo of the Sopranos were everyone gets shot. Since Terry Winter did both is feels very familiar.
Plus the word is that Michael Pitt who plays Jimmy Darmody is a real dick and they are writing his storyline out of the show which is funny since it is one of the three main archs of the show.
I just got deleted and was told to email her. I understand your warning and I will heed it. But, I'm the wrong motherfucker to screw w/.
I thought you didn't like BE!
Oh wow, Spinelli, I kind of thought you might be next, so sorry.
No "sorry" needed Allie. I love a good fight and I'm not afraid to take off the gloves. I'm easy going, but self absorbed people confuse that w/ being able to bully me. That's a big mistake. I've eatern people much more powerful and tougher than her for breakfast.
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