Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Dear Mrs. Steve Phillips

It has been a while since I last wrote to you but I don't want you to think I forgot about you. Cunt.

My life has been very difficult the past year. Ever since I lost the job at the massage parlor because my best trick AL was in the news I have to sleep in my Acura. You know the same Acura I had sex with your husband in. THREE TIMES! I wasn't just a casual fling like that secretary in the Met's spring training that sued him or Ann Curry. I was special! Steve always told me that not anyone could wear the Mr Met's head and give head like I could.

When Petey Gaamons threw me out of the assisted living facility I only had my massage skills to fall back on and now I have a new gig. I am working children's parties as a clown. I dress up as Susie Sparkles and do tricks and stuff. I also do bachelor parties and dress up like a bunny and turn tricks. A girl has to do what a girl has to do.

Anyways I hear that you and Stevie have fallen on hard times. His book was a flop and nobody will hire him to talk about baseball. He flunked out of sex rehab and had to move back into your basement. I have been thinking about relocating to the East Coast and I had an idea.

We can all get married. Or in your case remarried. Then we can sue to have the government recognize us as a couple. Or a triple. Or something. I mean if the homos can do it we can make some money off it too!

We can even get a reality show out of it. It has everything. Sex. Marriage. Infidelity. Violence. Bigamy. Polgyamy. Pygmies.  Well you are really short so we can pretend. I am sure we can sell it to TLC. I once fleched the producer of "Honey Boo Boo" so I have an in. So talk to Steve about. He can't sit in pjamas and masturbate to old "Facts of Life" reruns all the time.

So lets talk. Oh I would tell your kids to watch out who they friend on their Instagram. They might like all those photos of a shaved chucky but they don't know it is from. And tell them to look both ways when they cross the street.

You too. Especailly if you see a brown Acura with a busted back window.

Your friend and future sister wife,


ndspinelli said...

I think TY and Brooke share an obsessive problem.

ndspinelli said...

That's what makes her so fascinating to TY and explains his love of Titus. NTTAWWT.

Trooper York said...

I just love a love story ya know what I mean?

Trooper York said...

Plus 90% of the people reading this have no idea what it is about so that makes it perfect.

windbag said...

I don't know. Brooke's kinda hot in a slutty, zero emotional attachment, lifetime supply of antibiotics, wake up as a post-op tranny...what do you mean you flushed it down the toilet?!?!, wait while I hide my kids, burn my house down, show up at my job causing a scene involving a SWAT team sort of way. If you know what I mean.

ndspinelli said...

windbag, Sounds like you've had a similar experience?

Chip S. said...

Crazy is hot, right up to the moment when everything blows up.

windbag said...

I saw that movie with Michael Douglas and that bat shit crazy chick...what was it called? Add a dose of that Lorena Bobbit gal and you've got a nightmare of epic proportions on your hands.

chickelit said...

Trooper York said...
Plus 90% of the people reading this have no idea what it is about so that makes it perfect.

Yeah, it gives you the chance to write something and put it out there and still feel OK about being alone. I know that feeling.

chickelit said...

Catherine Kieu's trial started this week: link I remember first hearing about that case at TY after her arrest. I'm very surprised that Althouse never touched it.

chickelit said...

That last comment was for Windbag.

chickelit said...

Titus: Is there a gun battle going on outside your fabulous loft right now?

windbag said...

I'm very surprised that Althouse never touched it.

My reaction was relief and gratitude.

ricpic said...

CBS News will not say the word Islam. O brave new world.

Did I hear right, that Titus' hog is in lockdown? Oh the humanity.

Trooper York said...

"I'm very surprised that Althouse never touched it."

Alex Trebeck: In the form of a question.

What do you know about Meade's penis?

MamaM said...

All you do with this shit is baste the turkey one more time.

chickelit said...

We'll all rue the day when turkey basters become burqua tasters.