Friday, April 19, 2013

It looks like they know who the Boston Bomber is!

He was reported to be on the pavement singing about the government.

What the fuck.


ndspinelli said...

How can Titus walk his dog on lockdown?

TTBurnett said...

I know two people who have kids who know Dzhokhar (the younger, alive, brother) from Cambridge Rindge and Latin H.S. I know all kinds of kids at Rindge & Latin. It's a couple of blocks away from the Choir School where I teach. Dzhokhar was, from every appearance, a well-adjusted, popular, *normal* kid, who was, i believe, the captain of the wrestling team at R&L. I've heard a lot of kids talk about him, and they sound just like my 16 and 18-year-olds. His older brother sounds like a classic maladjusted immigrant--no friends, etc., but Dzhokhar came here when he was really little, Seemingly, he was completely Americanized, and an athletic, popular kid. I say "seemingly," because God knows what was going on behind the all-American exterior.

My Eastern European/Russian friends (most of the people I work with) tell me that there are two separate but related beefs Chechyns have with Russia and the rest of the world (the same thing in Chechyn eyes): 1) There's Chechyn independence. The Chechyns are old-school and miss Stalin a lot, not to mention the Czar, who REALLY knew how to kick ass, BTW. They want to be the Czar's bodyguard and wear cool hats and long swords, or they want the Russians to go to hell and let the Chechyns run things in their neck of the woods, where they can really, REALLY kick ass. And then there's, 2) The Moslem thing. We all know that one.

So, those are Chechyn beefs in a nutshell. How they get a popular, Americanized-seeming, happy young guy to kill and maim innocent bystanders and to throw his own life away, well, that's anyone's guess.

Stay tuned.

ndspinelli said...

Thanks, Tim. And was a Chechyns that escaped from Christopher and Pauly Walnuts in the south Jersey Pines. It is one of my fav Soprano episodes. I love when they're surviving on ketchup and relish packets.

Titus said...

Hello. I have been in lockdown the past 12 hours.

It has been hell.

2 minute poopy woopy/tinky winky breaks with the rare clumber and back to the fab loft in Cambridge.

I am breathing a sigh of relief. Living in a very international fab world class city has it's challenges.

You in flyover hell wouldn't understand, but we still appreciate your support......

What is probably saddest is these two lived a few blocks from me and were hot. The older bro was really hot-he needed some hot sex. The younger one was somewhat hot, although he needed to work out, but had so much hotness potential.

These two terrorists are the kind of hotties I am exposed to every day. So now I am sure you understand my horniness.

We don't have many pasty, unfit , unattractives around here.

Now please, if you could leave us alone real america.

And I love the older brothers name Tamberlane-all I could imagine is, "Tamberlane, blow me". And if he was really religious muzzie while blowing me that would be really really hot. I have had those sex experiences and it is incredibly intense. For example, I did a Syrian once who I demanded speak all terrorist to me while I was about to shoot my load and it was one of the most intense chizzes ever.

thank you.


TTBurnett said...

My previous comment is not quite up to my usual standards. Living outside the lockdown area, I went to work and put in a 12-hour, stand-at-my-machines kind of day. At my age, it makes a person punchy.

Anyway, the best article on this horror is here. It's on the news site, so it probably will change soon.

Boston is unique among largish cities for its small-town, family-friendly feel. It seems around here there are, at most, two degrees of separation. Everyone seems to know someone connected to this.

Patriots' Day is our own little feel-good holiday, and the Boston Marathon is our yearly chance to smile and wave "hello" to the world. A crime involved with those is personal.

So, instead of just getting the news and feeling anxious and sad, we're perfectly willing to shut the whole place down until we get the bad guys.

That's one of the reasons people have been saying these two messed with the wrong city.

chickelit said...

These two terrorists are the kind of hotties I am exposed to every day. So now I am sure you understand my horniness.

So appropriate that the brothers made your third leg explode.

Suppose they had blown up a dog, Titus. Would you care?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

How they get a popular, Americanized-seeming, happy young guy to kill and maim innocent bystanders and to throw his own life away, well, that's anyone's guess.

I partially blame our fucked up public education system. In previous years, when immigrants came to the United States, they and their children learned about the country. Learned the history (Washington, Lincoln, WWI, WWII, Patrick Henry, Davie Crockett...etc) and traditions (Thanksgiving, 4th of July, Memorial Day, Easter, Christmas and so on) and were made PROUD to be American. Not that they ditched their own culture, but they became Americans.

Today, our children, including the immigrants are taught that America is BAD. Evil. We stole the land, oppressed minorities (Ok...maybe true but). They are not taught American history. Lincoln has been reduced to a paragraph in history books as a footnote to how horrible white people are. There is no more Washington's Birthday, Lincoln's Birthday. No President's day....we get Martin Luther instead so we can continue to flagellate ourselves.Cinco De Mayo is more taught in the schools than the 4th of July. History has been reduced to a tool to indoctrinate young people against America, against white people, against Western Civilization.

When you are an immigrant steeped in self hate for the country that you are living in, you are an easy target for people with an attractive ideology that promises you power and idealizes their violent tactics.

What else can you expect a kid immersed in this poison stew to become.

ricpic said...

As to why this All American kid - and I don't doubt he was, in appearance, All American - did what he did: if he identified strongly, as seems likely, with his older brother and his older brother was thoroughly "into" Islam, which, like it or not, makes jihad central to the faith, not peripheral, central, then it wouldn't be a long stretch for the younger brother to be a party to jihad. Jihad as in smite the infidel.

windbag said...

History has been reduced to a tool to indoctrinate young people against America, against white people, against Western Civilization.

Precisely. My kid wrote an essay last year entitled "In Defense of the Rich." He's in the minority. My daughter had to participate in two debates and won both, defending fracking and advocating the reduction of foreign aid. Destroyed the other team. The teacher didn't like it, so she jumped in and tried to salvage the lefty side and my daughter threw her into the fire as well.

Why are my kids like that? We homeschooled. It's that simple. Kids in the public schools are up against overwhelming odds.

...he was, in appearance, All American...

Appearances. That's exactly it. Because he wears his hat backwards, like so many punks, he blends in. The pictures of those guys in the crowds at the marathon showed just how normal they looked.