Monday, March 23, 2009

Hey I am really busy again.

I am swamped again so talk among yourselfs. Or date among yourselfs. Or whatever. Just keep it clean.


ricpic said...

Hi All. Checking in from beautiful Moab, Utah. Don't know how often I'll be in touch as am posting from a library computer. Just wanted to let you all know I'm still breathing, seeings how anxious you were all becoming, heh heh.

Trooper York said...

Hey we missed you on the anti-semitic posts on Althouse. I had to do all the Yiddish cursing on my own. Enjoy your vacation.

(PS don't pick up any extra wives in Utah. There seems to be a lot of that going around).

An Edjamikated Redneck said...

Trooper, how in the name of Moses did you get a picture of my desk?

An Edjamikated Redneck said...

Okay, I think I figured it out; Althouse was actually in Cincinnati on a spy mission for you, wasn't she?

And here is the evidence:

I can actually see the windows of my corner ofice in this picture (just to the right of dead center); I am going to need to be more careful of my confidential information in the future!

Darcy said...

We've missed you, ricpic! Well, I have. :)

Darcy said...

Hey, Edjamikated, I wanted to make sure you got my response to you the other day (and apology). I also posted on your blog.

Hope we're cool. :)

TMink said...

Something to consider. I got to be friendly with HDhouse in the same way I did with Trooper. We traded insults, had a laugh, and there it was.

Now I typically agree with Trooper while HDH is a friend I disagree with.

Am I still allowed to come visit?


An Edjamikated Redneck said...

Darcy, no problem here; I knew you were teasing (isn't that what we do best here at Chez Trooper?), and any display of chagrin was purely theatrics.

Well, that and getting above the fold coverage from Althouse didn't hurt! ;?)

Darcy said...

Hee hee. :) Good deal, Edj! Thanks!

Peter V. Bella said...

There was this Southern Baptist preacher who decided to give a Sunday sermon on the evils of sex. He ranted, blustered, and shouted, and gesticulated for hours. As the sermon was coming to a close, he got himself into a total high lather.

“Ya all are sinners and sinners of the lowest type. I want al those sinners who have been he’in and she’in to get up and walk out of my church.”

Many men and women eft.

“I want all ya all sinners who’ve been he’in and he’in to get up and walk out of my church.”

Some men left the church.

“I want all ya all who’ve been she’in and she’in to get up and walk out of my church.”

The rest of the women left.

He looked around at what he thought was an empty church. He spied a small mousy man sitting in a rear corner pew with his hands folded on his lap.

He yelled. “Sinner! Did you not hear me say that I want all you who were he’in and she’in to leave this church?”

The mousey man replied: “yass suh.”

“Did you not hear me demand that all those who are he’ and he’in to get up and leave this church.”

Mousey man: “yass suh”

“And did you not hear me say that all those who have been she’in and she’in get up and leave this church?”

Mousey man: yass suh.

Now the preacher was indeed in a fury. He was foaming at the mouth and on the verge of apoplexy.

“Then sinner”, he roared, “why are you still sitting here in my church!”

Well, suh, y’all didn’t say nothing about me’in and me’in.”

Trooper York said...

You are always welcome Trey. I went after hd when he went after knox. Hd is a bad man. I believe a sciopath to use your terms. I don't care about myself because I am a big boy but I don't let anybody go after my friends if I can have anything to say about it.

And everyone is welcome here. Always.

An Edjamikated Redneck said...

A new preacher came to a rural Kentucky Church, and on teh first Sunday gave a rousing speech against the evils of drink.

The Deacon took aside and reminded him that 1/3 of the congrgation worked at the local distillery.

The Second Sunday was a rousing sermon against the evils of gambling.

Again the Deacon took the new pastor aside and reminded him that 1/3 of the congregaion worked on the local horse farms.

The third Sunday was a rousing sermon on the evils of smoking.

And again the Deacon took teh new pastor aside and reminded him that 1/3 of the congregation were tobacco farmers.

The fourth Sunday th enew pastor played it safe, and delivered a rousing sermon on the evils of fishing in territorial waters of other sovereign nations.

I just told you that story to tell you this one:

My wife hates that I am Catholic (she was raised strict protestant).

The thing that upsets her th emost is that we do in our church basement what she has been told all her life were sins: Drinking, smoking and bingo!

AND this goes to prove that the danger of telling a group a good story is that...

It will remind them of a load of poor ones.

Not that there's anything wrong woth that.

Peter V. Bella said...

Two Irish lads were driving home after a long night at the pub. Seamus, the driver suddenly swerved hard to the left. Paddy yelled at him. “What the hell are ya doin laddie?” Seamus told him he swerved to avoid the pine tree.

Once again Seamus swerved sharply. Paddy, cringing yelled- “Jaysus, Mary, and Joseph, what now. Seamus hollered back it was another fookin pine tree.

Once again Seamus swerved hard and this time almost took the car off the road. Paddy screamed in terror. “Seamus, for the loved of God, it’s the air freshener.!”

An Edjamikated Redneck said...

I have never been that drunk.

Although I did swerve to miss my hood ornament once.

But that was years ago; the Statute of Limitations has run on that incident.

blake said...

Date amongst ourselves?

It's a bit of a sausage fest today--dibs on Darcy!

TitusLuvsUandU2 said...

I hate to overshadow the news of Althouse's engagement but I have even bigger news.

Darcy and I are going to be getting married and Darcy is carrying my baby.

Spread the news. This is huge.

It all happened very fast. It's true the right woman can change a homo to a straighty and the right man can change a dyke to a hetero.

We will be registered at Niemies natch.

Darcy said...

LOL, Titus.

Can I have my date with Blake first?

Meade said...

Wow! That IS even bigger news, Ti. Congratulations! You are a very lucky guy to be starting a family with such a lovely lady. Especially if you get blake in the deal too!

TitusLuvsUandU2 said...

Didn't you know Darcy? I may have forgotten to tell you.

We are going to have an Open Marriage.

You can date whatever guy you want and I can date whatever guy I want. The rule is they just can't be the same guy.

An Edjamikated Redneck said...

Darcy, I just got your comment and have duly posted it on my blog.

You will forever have Comment #1!

Like it or not!

dr kill said...

Did you say that you will be registered at niemie snatch? Didn't know she had one. Cool.

Darcy said...

I'm honored, Edj!

And I don't know what the hail the "uma" is after my winking smiley in my comment! Maybe I was daydreaming of Uma Thurman? Hmm...not likely. ;-)

Peter V. Bella said...

True story:
Some years back I was in traffic court. In Chicago the first two or three rows in court are reserved for the police and all the seats were taken by us.

A case was called and a petite Philippine woman approached the bench. The clerk asked if anyone in the court had been in an accident with the woman- looking for a victim since the name was not on the ticket. He asked three times. Before the judge could dismiss the case, the woman piped up nervously.

She told the judge that the accident victim had been her husband. She had accidently run over him in the driveway. Then she apologized to the court and stated that she would never do anything like that again. The case was dismissed.

Needless to say, three rows of cops could not stop laughing. The judge had to call a recess because he could not stop laughing.

Peter V. Bella said...

A woman decided to learn to play golf. She took lessons at her husband's country club from the golf pro on staff.

After a while, he decided that she should go out alone and play nine holes. A short time later she ran into the clubhouse in tears.

"What is the matter?" asked the pro.

"I was stung by a bee out there." She replied?

"Where?" asked the pro.

"Between the first and second hole."

The pro replied "your stance is too wide."

Darcy said...

LOL, Peter.

Michael Haz said...

Joke day? Hey, you shoulda called me.

Sven and Olga are working in their garden. The weather is quite warm, and they are both getting hot and thirsty.

Sven says to Olga "Olga, vey dontcha go ta Ole's Bar and buy us some beers?"

Olga says "Hokay, Sven" and walks down the road to Ole's Bar.

She walks in and Ole sayz "Hiya Olga. Whut can I doo for ya?"

"Oh jeez, Ole, it's hot and Sven sent me to buy some beers."

Then Ole sez "Hokay, Olga. Anheuser Busch?"

An' Olga says "Oh purty good, Sven. An' hows yer pecker?"

An Edjamikated Redneck said...

That is the first new Ollie and Lena joke I have heard in 30 years.

Of course, it's probably not new, just new to me; i don't think there has been a new Ollie & Lena joke in 50 years!