Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Knock yourself out.

While the rest of you are busy wrestling a pig, so to speak, I am busy wrestling with some tax returns so no posts till later. So wrestle among yourselves.


Darcy said...

Um...is that the way we roll?

Michael Haz said...

I suppose the fact that the guy in the picture can wrestle a pig and and Sully can't is one more reason why Sarah Palin gave birth to her own daughter's baby, or Palin's daughter gave birth to Palin's baby, or Freeman Hunt is a happy mom of a new son or Althouse dates non-semitic non-whiney non-married green-pants'd men or rhardin is tagless or Chip and Dale are tired of being mistaken for the Chippendales or Amy Winehouse isn't an addict she just like the way crack smells, or Titus has been light in the loavers lately or anything else.

I blame Bush.

And fresh peach pie is the very best.

That covers it today. I'm due back in the soft room now.

TMink said...

A picture is worth a thousand words. Outstanding find Troop.


Peter V. Bella said...

Nice shot of hdhouse trying to get some.

TMink said...

And may I state for the record, that pie is so good, it rarely matters what kind of pie it is.

Even thinking of the abuse to come after making that statement, I am willing to stand by my pie.


Simon said...

Pie? Share it fairly, but don't take a slice of my pie.

dbp said...

How come huckleberry pie wasn't on the list?

It is really the best, if a bit hard to come by.

An Edjamikated Redneck said...

I have never wrestled a pig in the mud.

I have wrestled in the mud, and I have wrestled pigs.

The pigs usually won.

wrestling in the mud, there really wasn't a loser, if you know what I mean...(wink,wink,nudge,nudge)