Friday, March 20, 2009

Hey what would happen if you pinched a loaf in a loaf.

Hey they had some really terrible sandwiches in Cincinnati. Just sayn'


Darcy said...

Oh, God! LOL!!!!!!

I'm tired of asking about the meet up. Hope they all had a good time, and maybe Edjamikated will share some details over here. ;-)

Titus is going to love this. Hee hee.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Trooper- I am against censorship you have to delete this foul pic.

chickelit said...

Trooper, you've out-titused Titus!

Trooper York said...

What's the problem AJ. It's just the "Hot Brown" sandwich they had at the meet-up.

An Edjamikated Redneck said...

Now dag nab it Trooper; I ate the Hot Brown (which was actually more like a Hot White- being chicken & all and not the original Roast Beef- but the chicken is healthier, not that I'm worried about my health, but... Where was I? Oh, yeah).

Any way, it was not a crap sandwich as you have portrayed (yeah it did look pretty wild when it came out of the kitchen with a knife stuck in it- and this was a classy place; well classier anyway- I mean it is usually the dives where something comes out of the kitchen with a knife in it- and its usually the cook... Where was I? Oh, yeah).

It was a pretty good sandwich (I mean the comments over at Althouse; Heart attack on a bun! It was CHICKEN for cryin' out loud! It’s the original white meat! Not like it was pork or something… Where was I? Oh, yeah).

And I was with some classy folks (not that I would meet and tell you understand, but you know Althouse was there; how much classier can you get? And the place actually served long neck PBRs! Do you expect a place like that to serve a crap sandwich? I mean hell, it’s not the Congressional Dining Room for Pete’s sake! I mean there they KNOW a carp sandwich when they serve one… Where was I? Oh, yeah).

So, I want y’all to lay off my dinner; it was a great place and a helluva good time (you know the place has been open since 1861? My Great-Granddad ran a hotel on that block in the 1870’s; most likely he probably had at least one beer there himself, back in the day. He was German ya know we seem to have some sort of reputation as beer drinkers… Where was I? Oh, yeah).

Any way Darcy, as much I would like to accommodate you and spill the beans on last night (now there’s a meal that would deserve comments! What if I would have had a plate of beans and rice? Not like a place classy as that, and on the northern side of the river would even serve beans, but… Dag nab it; did it again! Where was I? Oh, yeah).

A gentleman never tells the details. We had a good time, ate a good meal and all parted amicably.

One detail I will spill; Not only did I get to meet Althouse; I also got to meet Silvio.

And he took me at the light. I got to admit THAT was not the highlight of the evening (no redneck, even us edjamikated ones, like to admit that we lost a drag race, but her ‘chauffer’ caught me flat-footed trying to retune the radio when the light changed. First I knew the light was green was when I heard the roar of an Audi’s exhaust… Where was I? Oh, yeah).

The End.

Penny said...

It takes a lot to even slightly ruin my appetite, but by golly, I think Troop has managed.

Trooper York said...

Thanks Penny, glad to be of help.

Darcy said...

That was a sweet way of saying "I'm not tellin'", Edjamikated. Thanks. :)

Glad you had a good time!

My curiosity has now run its course, so all is well. ;-)

Michael Haz said...

Where'd you get the picture of Ezra Klein? That guy's a turd.

Trooper York said...

It was a sub I sent over to HD House. That's why he is so feisty today.

He finally got some vitamins.

Ron said...

Well, with enough bread you can eat a really big shit sandwich...I'm just sayin'.

An Edjamikated Redneck said...

Darcy, as you know from reading Althouse there was one member of our group who didn't want to go public, and I don't know which of us it was.

I am fairly sure it wasn't Ann, and I am reasonably sure it wasn't me, so to respect everybody else's wishes for privacy, I can't say much.

I tried to be funny about it (kind of out Troop the Trooper as it were) and apparently it didn't come off as well as I had hoped.

JAL said...

Desired effect achieved.

Total yuck on the loaf.

Now, back to important stuff:

You left off my favorite western in the poll.


Darcy said...

Aww, Edjamikated! I was teasing you! I thought your comment was adorable, and I totally understand. I'm sorry I didn't convey that properly myself.

This is the first time a meet-up has occurred since I've been commenting, and I was excited to read about it as I adore the commenters as much as Althouse herself. I wanted the gossip! It just might be a chick thing. ;-)

Anyway, you were just fine, alright? I'm so glad you went, and so glad you had fun.

Jason (the commenter) said...

Needs some bits of corn in it.

Ralph L said...

Your mother will tell you it's important to keep the loaf away from your buns.

blake said...

Words. Fail. Me.