Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Summer of Boo Boo

The change came over Brother Bear over one summer. He was just a young baby bear. Playing with butterflies. Walking in the woods. Shitting in the woods. And then it all changed.

You see Papa was away most of that summer. He had to fill in for Smokey the Bear who went into rehab. So Mama Bear was all alone. And she was fustrated. We used to lay in bed at night and we would hear the door crack open. Different men would appear and sneak into her room. After a few minutes we would hear the bed springs creak. The bedstead would bang against the wall.  And Mommy would moan and moan and moan.

Sometimes Brother Bear would sneak over to the hole in the wall he had made to spy into her room and pull on himself while he watched.

Many different people came in to have sex with her. Rocky the Flying Squirrel. Deputy Dog. Top Cat. But the worse was when a Dolphin showed up to bang our mother.

When Brother Bear saw Dan Marino give our mother a Dirty Sanchez....well he just lost it.

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