Sunday, February 8, 2009

Everybody Loves Shamsky

Fabulous Gay Guy runs into sporting goods store.

Fabulous Gay Guy: Oh my God! One of my fabulous rare clumbers has got off the leash. I think he ran into the store. Is he in here?
Store Clerk: Yes I think I saw him. He went to the back. We are having a promotion today. 1969 Met's Star Art Shamsky is signing balls today.
Fabulous Gay Guy: That sounds hot but I am really worried about my dog. (He rushes to the back of the store and sees Art Shamsky fondling his rare clumbers nipples)
Art Shamsky: Oh err How ya doing? Did you bring your balls for me to sign?
Fabulous Gay Guy: Leave my balls out of this! Unhand my rare clumber you ruffian. (Art drops the dog who runs over to the store clerk who picks him up)
Store Clerk: What a Good Boy. Are you ok. Hey wait a minute, why are all his nipples erect?
Art Shamsky: Errr it's cold in here? Or errr maybe he's just glad to see me.
Fabulous Gay Guy: Why I ought to pop you in the face you animal. And not in a good way.
Store Clerk: Well you know what they say, Everybody Loves Shamsky.


ricpic said...

So let me get this straight, a rare clumber is just an overgrown cocker spaniel? And that's what Titus has been bragging on and on about?

Is there any evidence other than the rantings of Mrs. Shrew that Shamsky is into either men or dogs?

Since I just used the horrendous into I guess it's de rigeur that I follow up with the horrific not that there's anything wrong with that.

Trooper York said...

First of all in the interest of accuracy that is not a rare clumber. That was just the best nipple dog picture I could find so I built the story around that.

Secondly, Shamsky's shyster said they were going to sue, but they haven't. I mean she was on the sports station last week telling millions of people this story. I think she actually has the card. So I think it is true.

I mean after all, the guy played for the Mets.

Titussayhellotoyouandyouandyou said...

That is not a rare clumber spaniel.

Rare clumber spaniels are either white or "lemon"-generally a combination of both.

They are not "red" or "liver". That looks like a huge cavalier king charles spaniel in the picture.

And Ricpic they are rare. Only 250 registered in the country. Have you ever seen one? Of course not. Because only fabulous people have them in fabulous cities. They go for over 5k.

Titussayhellotoyouandyouandyou said...

I am eating fish right now.

Haddock to be precise.

I love haddock.

I love cod too. And walleye pyke.

Titussayhellotoyouandyouandyou said...

I love Tuna as well. And Mahi Mahi. And Swordfish. Salmon is good too.

ricpic said...

Well, I'll admit I'm not as fabulous as someone who has a clean his 600 sq. ft. studio apt.

Titussayhellotoyouandyouandyou said...

Sea Bass is yummy. Scallops drizzled with breadcrumbs-fab. Deep Fried Jumbo Shrimp-beer battered is divine. Fried Clams with a corn meal batter is too die for. Alaskan Jumbo Crab Legs the fizille. Lobster with drawn butter is a must have. Seafood casserole with cheese and breadcrumbs on top the best.

I don't like mussels, oysters, sushi, or any fish where I can see its bulging eyes and face.

Titussayhellotoyouandyouandyou said...

My loft is actually 1500 square feet one bedroom.

Darcy said...

Who says you're not as fabulous, ricpic?

I'm Full of Soup said...

Too funny Trooper and looks like Titus does not mind being called Fabulous Gay Guy.

ChocolateGodzilla said...

A Cocker Spaniel? That's the breed of dog the cops used to find John Bobbitt's dick after Lorena was finished with it. The German Shepherds weren't interested because John's weiner was circumcised, due to a summertime romance with Tim Tebow, Patron Saint of the University of Florida. Tim never met a dick he didn't want to clip. But I digress.

They probably need an overgrown Cocker Spaniel for over grown dick-finding. That would only make sense, no? That's the breed of dog I prefer.

We need more Bangie-Dangie and overgrown Cocker Spaniel pictures on this blog, Dude.

Ooh, ooh, I just had a brainfreeze. What about a poll for the worst recent picture? The doggie nipple is worse than skanky Winehouse is worse than Madonna. But that is just my opinion, and like our Beloved Leader in Washington beloved DC, I treasure the opinions of the little people.

ChocolateGodzilla said...

I also enjoyed the recent rash of fish-eating comments. Have you checked the internet for pictures of fish nipples? I'm just sayin'.

ChocolateGodzilla said...

This blog is just like suppertime at the crib. No matter the topic, within three comments it's about sex.

chickelit said...

Ooh, ooh, I just had a brainfreeze.

I think you meant brainfart. Brainfreeze comes from eating ice cream too fast. :)

ChocolateGodzilla said...

No, freeze it was. I can tell when I fart becuase the lovely butterscotch aroma is overwhelming.

dr kill said...

Woof, dog nipples or wife-lips. That's a tough one, know what I'm saying? Did Art pay for those lips? He should get them back in the settlement.

jaed said...

You didn't mention catfish meuniere, Titus. That's the best. (At the moment. Since I just had some. Yum.)