Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Ozzie Explains it all!

"No, no amigos you no understand. I said Fidel was good because he is muy viejo. He is very very old. He has been berry berry good to me. I do not want to offend anybody. Especial Los Cubano's. I love your sandwiches. And your cigars that I like to stick in young girls like me amigo Billie. I no like the Castro. In my mind was Espanol and when I speak I speak the Ingles and I make a boo boo. No not the little gay bear. Not that I hate gay people. That was when I was in Chi-ca-go and the maricon reporter got mad when I called him la flora. Why do you white people hate me so. I am white. Es verdad. If I shoot someone in Florida you would call me el blanco no? Give me a break. I am my sorry. I love the Cubano's. Please don't fire me. Por fabor."


ndspinelli said...

Leave Ozzie alone. He's a good guy w/ foot in mouth disease..like Steinbrenner. Only Ozzzie could play the game. Steinbrenner didn't understand the fucking game until after decades of owning the Yanks. He thought it was Purdue football. You know Meade is also a Purdue guy. Just sayn'.

blake said...

Ozzie's a white hispanic?

The Dude said...

Ozzie is a stupid hispanic. But he is commie-lovin' douche-nozzle.

Trooper York said...

Ozzie is another second rate big mouth asshole who got lucky and won one World Series and think he can diss the Yankees. Like Chicago and other lesser second rate loser cities he likes to run his mouth.

Look where that got him.

They got him to relate to the Hispanic's in Florida and they all hate him now. He should go back to where he came from and work for Hugo at one of his Citgo pumps.

Ozzie is a lot of things but none of them is a good guy.

Michael Haz said...

He loves Fidel? Where does he think he is - in Madison coaching the Madison Mallards?

rcocean said...

Give him a break, he was probably talking to Barbara Walters and Dan Rather.

Did you know Cuba has great health care and everyone can read? Its amazing.

ndspinelli said...

Ozzie is someone you either love or hate. But, even most who hate him will admit @ least he's fucking real. Ozzie is not one of these cookie cutter managers who always say the right thing and act like fucking politicians. Sweet Lou is also someone I liked for his candor and rants.

Seriously, the man fucked up and he gave what I saw as a sincere apology. When a person is real and doesn't just give the usual stale answers["We're playing one game @ aa time", "It was a team effort" yada yada], they're going to say things that are stupid. What's fascinating to me is in our gotcha culture we pile on guys who are real and adore the aw shucks phoneys[Lance Armstrong]. I don't agree w/ Ozzie's politics but I applaud his being real. I always abide honesty, even if I don't like it.

"The truth shall make you free."

Anonymous said...

What's the deal with saying you love Fidel? I don't have love for Fidel, or for the Premier of China, so maybe I'm not really a Commie?

ndspinelli said...

Allie, You just love American Commies like Obama, Pelosi, Sarandon, etc. You're a Made in The USA commie. NTTAWWT.

blake said...

No, wait, TISWT!

Anonymous said...

My conservative daughter said I was a European style Commie, go figure,LOL!

Trooper York said...

Ozzie is great friends with Hugo Chavez and is not a good guy. He is a fellow traveler and that is why he praised Fidel. Fidel is his kinda guy.

If that is the kind of guy you want managing your team then knock yourself out.

Maybe you can get Nancy Pelosi to coach the Packers while you are at it. Just sayn'

Anonymous said...

Packers will prevail, you just wait. Can't keep down the Green and Gold, no siree!

Nancy will probably be Speaker of the House, she will be busy.

ndspinelli said...

Ozzie's got more "Ponies on his belt" than your boy Girardi. Ozzie is not bright. He's a Venezuelan and proud of his country. Of course I don't abide Chavez or Castro. That's politics. Ozzie isn't running for office, he's managing a baseball team and said he should have known better to mix baseball and politics. Unless he's a child pornographer or a Nixon felon contributor I don't give a fuck about his politics. He was stupid making that comment. You were actually not tough enough on him. The Marlins signed Ozzie to connect not w/ just Hispanic fans, but w/ primarily the Cuban fans. The brand new stadium is in little Havanna for chrissake. He was stupid, he manned up and did a real mea culpa. Until you've walked in his shoes, growing up in abject poverty...then moving to the US not speaking a word of English, you are just blowing smoke out of your ass. Just sayn'!!

Absent these stupid comments, Ozzie is just what the blow dried, cookie cutter sports culture needs. And, as we all know, the Yanks invented the blow dried, cookie cutter culture. They deal away those who don't fit it, and you fucking know that. Now, go jump on a fucking trampoline while drinking bourbon from a bottle. and then cook me up some meth will you, I've got some surveillance to do.