Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Tao of Poo

What is best in life?  To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.


chickelit said...

Poo is morphing from Taoism to Sun Tzu.

windbag said...

Psalm 137:9 "Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones."

The Dude said...

Ya, chust here to pomp you op! Daht's right, believe me now and hear me laydah, you little girlie poo man.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Does Poo know how to frame a sentence?

blake said...

Winnie The Cimmerian?

MamaM said...

"Heads or tales? What kind of question is that?"

MamaM said...

No Give and Take. No Exchange of Thought. It gets you nowhere, particularly if the other person's tail is only just in sight for the second half of the conversation.
The House at Pooh Corner

The Dude said...

Troop, does your show have a name yet? How about "Wear the Frock", abbreviated WTF.

MamaM said...

Unclear as to what the two pink things trailing behind the severed head might be--pulled muscles?

They look like tiny denuded legs.

chickelit said...

Maybe Pooh was PO'd about Eeyore's breast cancer ribbon.

Also, there's no blood on the sword. It's clearly not the murder weapon.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Slicing off Eyeore's head beats the shit out of playing Pooh sticks any day.

But I am surprised Pooh didn't go after Rabbit or Christopher Robin's heads first.

As they say, there can be only one.

The Dude said...

I spent the afternoon tearing up carpet. No, that's not a Family Guy reference, for all you Quagmire fans out there, I really was tearing up carpet.

I did it myself for two reasons. One, I am cheap. A contractor said that flooring installers charge extra when the carpet is filthy. Since it was close to 30 years old, it qualified.

The other reason is that I am cheap. I had spilled a change container many years ago and I remembered that I hadn't been able to get all the coins out from under the carpet. By tearing it up myself and keeping a lookout for change I managed to find 81 cents that might otherwise been lost.

Yeah, I am that cheap.

On the plus side, I got to listen to what Troop calls "Mexican polka" music all afternoon - the painters were doing prep work and the boom box was booming.

Hubo buena música toda la tarde, muchas canciones en el ritmo de vals. Oh yeah...

ricpic said...

If it's wood boards underneath you can go the horribly difficult sander route or you can just paint 'em. I like painted wood floors so I'd go the easy way. I mean sweep 'em first but even I can do that.

ricpic said...

And then you can throw those authentic folksy NC hook rugs around on top. Or hooked rugs.

The Dude said...

Or hooker rugs. Maybe that's more of a city-fied thing.

But, sadly, that particular house was cheaply built in 1984 or so - beneath the carpet and pad is a particle board subfloor. I will install something that looks like wood and flip that sumbitch. After 17 years there I am ready to be through with that place.

windbag said... was cheaply built in 1984 or so - beneath the carpet and pad is a particle board subfloor.

Our North Carolina house was built around 1982. Same crappy particle board subflooring. When we remodeled four years ago, we installed hardwood floors (ash--no stain, just clear coat to pop the grain). When we tore up the carpeting, I realized that we had an extra day's work ahead of us and about $1000 for new subflooring.