Friday, May 1, 2009

Don't you just love the fashion blogging when I am using the wife's computer?

Don't you just love the fashion blogging when I am using the wife's computer? I have to sit behind the counter while the wife is getting her hair done. So I have to use her computer to blog which has all the fashion shots so I tend to do fashion related posts. I mean my computer in the back has all the photo's of Stella Stevens, Charo and sandwiches. So it's a fashion extravaganza. I have Sinatra blasting from the ipod and am greeting the customers ordering the workers around who seem to be afraid of me for some reason. Which is pretty funny because I am a softy while the wife is the terror. But I tell her to let me be the prick and correct everyone because she has to live with them all the time.

I never forgot we had this seasonal employee two years ago. Now I usually talk to them early on Saturday morning when I open up before the customers come. So this broad goes, " You know when I first me you I was afraid of you because you are so loud and boisterous and gruff. You kinda of scared me." I smiled and looked at her and said "I scared you." "Yes. You did." "WHAT ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID!!" I screamed at her.

I am happy to say she peed herself a little.


Penny said...

Cripes, it's getting to be a tough place for the ladies here. Jason wants our heads off and you want us to pee in our damn pants?

TMink said...

Which Sinatra?

I was watching the Chris Isacc show, and he had on Glenn Campbell. Glen told a story about when he was playing guitar for a Sinatra date and Frank thought he was gay cause Glen was looking at him to get the timing right.
