Friday, May 1, 2009

Hey get out on the street and make some money before I get out my car antenna!

This is our new "Vintage Print" dress that comes in both wrap and faux wrap styles. This is a kinda interesting story. One of our vendors bought a bunch of this great imported Italian fabric to make tops but couldn't get it together to make it in time. So they called up another vendor to see if they wanted the fabric. So the wife designed these two dress or more correctly they put stuff they had previously collaborated on in this new "Vintage print."

Now to get to the question. Running a website is a full time job. You have to photograph the goods and list the sizes you have and write a description and all that stuff. We generally do a photo shoot a couple of times a year with models and the whole ball of wax. But it is a pretty big undertaking and takes a lot of time out of our normal run of things to do. So what we have done is photograph the dresses on a manikin in the store and post it quick on the web. You see we are doing a lot of small runs of 20 to 30 dresses in new fabrics and then that's it. We did a polka dot dress that we put on the web and between the store and the web sold 30 dresses in two weeks. Which is basically unbelievable let me tell you. I don't think this really does justice to the dress but we want to be quick and get it out there on the street making money. Cause if it ain't out on the street makin' me money I ain't happy.

I like to take my management philosophy from Ike Turner. Just Sayn'

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