Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Fashion Emergency

What a busy day we had today!
We got a panic call last night at around six pm from What Not To Wear. They had a subject who was in our size category and they didn't know it. You see they don't find out what the person really looks like until they actually get to New York. So when they actually see her they see all the issues that they have to deal with. So they don't call Gostbusters....they call us.

The girl was at the very bottom of our size scale and fit in our zero's or double zero dresses. But she had a basic pear shape and needed some A-lines and empire waist dresses. She got the dress in the photo above which is the Lauren dress in rust polka dots. This dress is very very popular with the African American girls and we were lucky that we had one in her size. She also got our West Side Story dress which is a great dress that will probably be an "reveal" outfit at the end of the show.

She also got a great belt to accessorize the dresses and some cool jewelry. We are never shop day one but they needed to come to us and we are very grateful that they did.

This episode is scheduled to lead off the next season starting in January which is great because they promote the crap out of it. Good stuff.


ricpic said...

The girl in this photo has a nice face but she's painfully big. I mean I know you cater to big gals but there's big and then there's painfully big. Even that dress, which is quite attractive, can't...okay, you get my point.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I will defend to my death the Philly Phanatic! He is the greatest fake mascot ever!

Who the heck does NY have for a a mascot besides El Shrimpo Mayor Bloomberg? And jeez they don't pay him, he pays them to keep his mascot job.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Btw- it looks like this lady may be suffering from a collapsed vagina? Even Lee Lee's Valise can not help her!

Trooper York said...

Hey AJ, everybody knows that Rudi Giuliani is the best team mascot any team ever had. I mean he got us the new Yankee staduim for crying out loud. The Phanatic can't even get you a cheese steak without felt in it!

Trooper York said...

Ricpic my friend I know you are a man of the world. But you have truely missed out on one of life's great experiances if you have never made sweet sweet love to a zaftig woman whose well uphosltered curves and sweet nature will provide a bliss that you will never find in the boney arms of a skinny skank who is afraid of a meatball.

Trooper York said...

Plus there often pancakes.

Trooper York said...

And waffles.

Trooper York said...

And pie. Don't forget the pie.

Anonymous said...

Allan Sherman's Grow, Mrs. Goldfarb.