Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Shouldn't a living room look lived in?

The wife has been going crazy lately. We were on hold for our big project so to take her mind off of it she decided to do some decorating.

First off she took our sofa and sent it out to get a new dress. Which is what she called it. You see the couch originally came from "Domain" which is some big shit furnishing joint. But it has lost it's fluff. Sort of like Titus at the end of the Halloween parade. So we sent it out to get new upholstery and new stuffing and down and the whole fuckin' works. Now I researched it and it was cheaper to do that because to replace it with a comparable worth piece would cost four times as much. You see it was solidly constructed and the bones of it were fine. The springs and the woodwork were as good as new so it just had to be tarted up. Of course we had to chose a red brocade uphostelry because we are using a turn of the century bordello motif.

I thought I had a photo of it but I don't. So I will post it later in this continuing series.

Then we got these wacky long frames that hold a bunch of pictures. Of course we had to take it to the fancy frame store to get matting to match the decor. Once you get married you learn about a lot of new shit. Pillows. Thread count. Matting. Scones. What the fuck? Why not spend more on the fabric in the frame than the cost of the whole fucking frame itself. It does look good. We are getting some of our favorite photos redone in black and white so it will look like Wegee put his work on the wall of the whorehouse that AL Capone owned on Boardwalk Empire!

Of course you can see the holiday decorations on the chandelier and the piano bench in the corner. And the purple settee that she also got so we could have a sort of conversation pit. The red couch has not made it into this photo but I will post one soon. The settee was very uncomfortable to sit on for a long time so it was moved from that spot.

There are a lot of details you can see if you click on the photo. One in particular I know that Titus would enjoy. But for you drunks out there you can see one of my three liquor cabinets catty corner next to the rolling bar. Lots of crystal and shit in there too.

The only thing that is really me is the Archie bunker chair that is set up in front of the TV. And if you look real close in the very bottom of the frame you might glimpse a white sock. That's me.

Because I think a living room should look like somebody was living in it. Just sayn'


chickelit said...

I see a chicken.

Trooper York said...

A cock actually.

ndspinelli said...

This looks like my grandma's house.

Trooper York said...

Thanks pally.

Trooper York said...

I admit it. I live in the 1950's.

chickelit said...

This looks like my grandma's house.

My grandma collected ceramic cocks and chickens.

Trooper York said...

I have a giant cock.

Trooper York said...

I mean a giant ceramic one on my kitchen windowsill.

Trooper York said...

Well besides the one I always carry with me.

Just sayn'

MamaM said...

One in particular I know that Titus would enjoy

Garden fruit hanging from the chandelier? With a sensor triggering the sound of rustling leaves and a voice hollering Papi, Papi, everytime someone walks past the table.

ricpic said...

And after all that where do you do 90% of your living? The kitchen.

ndspinelli said...

Trooper "Dirk Diggler" York. Watched Boogie Nights recently after not seeing it for a decade. What a great flick and superb ensemble cast.