Thursday, April 12, 2012

The first rule of Trooper York......

Is that you don't talk about Trooper York.

Just sayn'


Trooper York said...

I get emails all the time from "concerned" citizens who are reporting on what happened at TOP.

I just don't want to be mentioned or referanced over there. I don't care if they do....just don't respond to it. I don't get validation or enjoyment or much of anything by being part of the mix over there and I want to take my name out of their mouths.

Trooper York said...

I know that there will be a lot of bullshit flying around when the show airs and I don't want us to go over there to respond to it. I don't want to give them content or filler or blog hits or more comments. I really want to stay away from TOP and not to be part of what goes on there.

Anything youse can do or not do would be greatly appreciated.

ndspinelli said...

I understand completely and don't talk about it anymore w/ you or here. However, you must understand you do give mixed messages on this topic. Just sayn'.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry Trooper. I don't think I said anything that could be harmful to you, but I won't respond to Edutcher anymore when he brings you up. I have never once brought you up out of the blue, I have responded to attacks on you or lies regarding this blog and my presence here.

I do however think you are right and I don't want to go against your wishes.

Trooper York said...

Oh I know. I am such a douche sometimes. I may joke around here but that is just among us girls. I don't go over there. Ever. I haven't since the shit hit fan. I didn't go there to explain. Or justify. Or anything. Don't take the occasional jab as any intent to engage TOP.

Just take it as me being an asshole now and again.

It is what I do best.

Trooper York said...

Thanks Allie. You should defend yourself at all times. You know we started off on the wrong foot but I have come to know you and value you as both a commenter and a blog friend.

Engaging with the like of edutcher is a losing game. We know you are who you say you are and who your daughter is and how she is serving her country. Engaging the pack at TOP is only playing into the evil ones hands and increasing her blog hits and comments.

Why would you want to do that?

Anonymous said...

I'm nuts.

Trooper York said...

They have a sneaky backhanded way of trying to get me to come back to comment. I am sure a "Come back Shane" post will come along sooner or later. It happened before and will happen again.

If you want a really good analysis of the whole thing you should read sorepaws final few posts on an old thread that he put up a few days ago and emailed me a link.
I think he gives the most cogent and detailed description of how TOP works and pegs the evil blogger lady exactly right. Just sayn'

ndspinelli said...

Let he who is doucheless throw the first bag. I know you don't go over there and I respect that. To each their own.

Anonymous said...

I'm getting a 404 message Trooper.

windbag said...

How about this? Every time we feel the need to comment on TOP, we do a shot. Every time someone is over at TOP and feels the need to mention the coolest club on the Intertubes, they do a shot. If you mention TOP here, you buy the next round. If you mention the coolest club on the Innerwebs at TOP, you buy the next two rounds.

Anonymous said...

I willfully went there, what is the matter with me, why do I do it? Bored, like danger, like to argue? Masochistic?

I might have to go frequent Little Green Footballs , where it's all love and gentleness.

OR, go take another trip to a warm climate.

Trooper York said...

I reposted it.

You should always do what you want. I am not saying anyone should not go over there and post and do whatever you want to do. I just don't want to be part of the conversation and if we don't encourage it then it might go away. At least I hope so.

You didn't do anything wrong Allie and I appreciate how protective you are of this blog and me in paticular. But if you read sorepaws very perceptive posts you get a much clearer understanding of what is going on over there. Some of the trolls over there provide a very important service to the EBL and she will do anything to protect them. That is why when you get the better of them she will jump in to protect them. So you should know what is going on over there.

Play if you want to but realize what the game is and how they make up the rules as they go along. Just sayn'

windbag said...

Little Green Footballs

WTF??!!??!! Are you insane?...because Charles is.

Anonymous said...

Ok Windbag, that sounds like a plan.

Trooper York said...

I know it is tempting to jump back in and debate because old habits die hard and you want to put in your two cents.

But sometimes what is fun to do is not good for you.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I think I might be a wee bit nutty :) no I'm not seriously going there.

Trooper York said...

I used to read Little Green Footballs too. But he went around the bend. As did some other bloggers who got too crazy and political for me.

I guess we all have our own hobbyhorses that we like to ride.

Anonymous said...

Troop, yes alas.

ndspinelli said...

Wow, I got love from sorepaw and I don't even know him[her]. Thanks sorepaw..wherever you are.

Allie, As I've said to you previously, she hates you because of your status and that your husband was a doc. Envy.

She hates me because I know a lot about her and know attorneys who had her as a prof. And, as most of you know, I like to pitch high and tight. Only the good hitters can hang in there when a pitcher comes high and tight. She's a ham n' egger.

Trooper York said...

You have to understand one thing about the EBL. She is not that bright. She might be book smart and able to pass tests and kiss ass to get a rice bowl at a big university because of affirmative action but she is pretty dim. I have met her in person several times and she is just not that smart.

So take it all with a grain of salt. And don't take it persoanlly. She is just not a nice person and you are better for not associating with her.

(That is just my personal opinion, youse guys should do what ever you want to do)

Trooper York said...

I will be curious to see if these new posts get deleted from that thread. They hit too close to home. If we are being monitored as some suspect then it will happen.

Let's watch and learn.

Trooper York said...

Even paranoids have enemies.

Anonymous said...

I'm reading from your link, wow, just wow. No wonder you say evil.

Trooper York said...

It makes interesting reading and is the most cogent and enlightening analysis of the situation that I have ever read.

Sorepaw is a pretty smart guy. He nails it.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the rules change daily. I expect people to behave honorably. Dumb me.

Anonymous said...

Over there.

Trooper York said...

The rules never change at Trooper York.....Tits.

TTBurnett said...

I have nothing to do with Althouse. I look at the blog maybe once a month at best, just to confirm that it's the total waste I watched it become. Anyway, I'm among the Dirty Dozen who, last time I tried it around Christmas, get their comments deleted. I don't care for that treatment; I don't care to try it again; and I don't care what any of those people think or write.

I've also slowly come to Trooper's conclusion that Althouse is, in fact, not that bright. I always knew her musical and literary sensibilities were pretty basic, if not downright crude. Wanting to think the best of people, I've had a hard time accepting just how nasty she is in practically every way. Should I also throw "ignorant" into the mix? I've discovered that on subjects I know something about, she is almost invariably wrong.

In short, she presented herself as an independent-minded, sometimes witty, middle-aged female academic with a wide range of eclectic interests and a love of stimulating conversation, a sort of blogospheric Madame Helvétius.

It was all a lie and ruse. I feel very bad for having tried to believe, despite the evidence before me, for all those years.

Trooper York said...

What paticularly struck me about sorepaws comments were my personal interactions with the EBL. She made fun of one of her most popular and prolific commenters and asked the people at the table if she should ban him. I was really taken aback. I thought to myself if she would do that to him than she would do that to me. As she has. I mean I am not banned I suppose as I have not posted there since this all blew up. But I imagine if I did I would be deleted and told to email Meade to get permission to comment or something.

Nobody puts baby in a corner.

Trooper York said...

Wait a minute.

That gives me an idea.

chickelit said...

Rage against the machination.

Trooper York said...

Heh, that's pretty good.

Maybe we can make t-shirts.

Trooper York said...

You have to realize that I am going to look pretty bad in the show. They cut out most of my jokes and my personality and they shaped my character into something I am not. So people that don't like me are going to have a field day. I will not be engaging them. At least not at TOP. Just sayn'

Trooper York said...

I just have to be prepared and prepare you guys to just let stuff go.

It is going to be hard to do but I think we have to do that.

chickelit said...

Hitler could be running Althouse and I'd still go there. It's a Madison thing--because of my own history and heritage. OTOH, if Althouse stopped blogging from Madison, I'd lose interest in a heartbeat. I mean, what are the alternative Madison-based blogs to Althouse? They're all worse, politically. I enjoy watching Madison-type liberals getting beat up intellectually. For me, it's a vicarious pleasure. Madison is a political microcosm for middle America. I know that bores the shit out of some coastal types, but that's part of the story too.

I like most all Americans--and it's fascinating to watch them interact.

Trooper York said...

Oh I would never say not to go there. I used to like it myself but I became a big fan when she moved to Brooklyn. I think the Wisconsin stuff is really, really boring but that's just me. Nobody has to justify commenting or going there to me. Not to say you were doing that chickie. You should always do what is fun for you.

Listen to the Poo.

chickelit said...

Trooper York said...
You have to realize that I am going to look pretty bad in the show.

I'm sure you're going to come through somehow. I figure that if you have an audience here and you had an audience at Althouse, you'll have a national audience. You're irrepresible.

Trooper York said...

I am not that worried about it honestly. But I try to be self aware. I know a lot of people think I am a douche. Which is fine by me. I have enough friends.

I had a big problem with the show runner for reasons I won't go into because it would not be politically correct. But the reisdue remains in the footage. At least the first couple of episodes. It might pick up later. Stacy was very angry at how I was portrayed and is working to change it. We shall see.

But I am prepared to look like an ineffectual Mr. Wilson pussy whipped guy. That is how they shaped it.

You know how TV hates middle aged white guys.

windbag said...

I frequently write a comment that's epic in length, then delete it. Several reasons for that, if I were to analyze it. Anyway, the most common theme that prompts me to start to say something, then shrug it off is...TOP. Something about the topic makes me want to pile on the abuse.

I get annoyed sometimes, not knowing what's going on in the conversation, since I don't know the players or the posting that prompted the conversation. Or I want to go over and defend someone, if I can piece together enough of the facts to figure out what's happening. But, you know, people are people, and we're supposedly adults. People can say what they want, and people can defend themselves. I've made the mistake of standing up for people and been burned bad by it.

I had an employee who worked for me, who complained about the CEO's brother, who was creepy and physically disgusting. I went to the guy and suggested that maybe he should rethink how he interacted with her. He blew up, went to his brother, and the employee feigned ignorance, and I got ran over by the bus.

If Trooper needs to kick ass over at TOP, then he's up for it. He's not a kid who needs me to fight his battles. I just enjoy this club we've got going, and appreciate the freedom of speech here.

TOP was better when the EBL didn't participate in the conversation. When she tossed out a topic and the regulars went at it, it was fun and interesting. When she began to meddle, it went downhill. It wasn't interesting anymore, which is really quite funny, given her demand that comments be interesting.

I almost deleted this again, but, hell, here it is.

windbag said...

You know how TV hates middle aged white guys.

Is that racist?

Trooper York said...

Hey I like Epic's.

Where are the topless slave girls?

chickelit said...

But I am prepared to look like an ineffectual Mr. Wilson pussy whipped guy.

At least you're not going to look like Mr. Whipple, walking around, squeezing all the merchandise.

Trooper York said...

And it is not racist. You can't be racist against old white guys.

If you don't believe me just ask the President. Just sayn'

Trooper York said...

Trust me. Mr. Whipple might be a step up.

I'am a scared Norton.

chickelit said...

So you're saying they are presenting you as a sitzpinkler?

That is going to resonate in a big way. Basically, all the men who watch (or catch glimpses of) these fashion type shows through their wives are going to be rooting for you. When the producers figure out that they have a character real men can identify with, they are going to nurture the culture clash--much like the Bunker character. It's going to work. The more thet put you in the corner, the stronger you will become.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Chickie, you like seeing me get beat up? Kinky.

chickelit said...

@Allie: I like you more when you push back and make good arguments.

Trooper York said...

Well a little spanky spanky is not a bad thing. Just sayn'

Trooper York said...

Pushing back always makes it more fun.

Anonymous said...

I'm tired.

chickelit said...

Troop's character on the show is going to invent and define the saying: "Behind every successful woman is a stiffed man"

Anonymous said...

Trooper, I know you don't worry how others are going to see you, you know who you are. I get upset when complete strangers pain me as something totally not resembling me, I need to grab Poo's Tao or something.

Looks like you got the hang of letting go and are prepared.

chickelit said...


good unintended double entendre

Trooper York said...

But Allie just don't lie there. Roll around or quiver or something. Jeeeez.

Trooper York said...

That's why we love push back.

windbag said...

Pictures of topless slave girls, he asks? Wish granted.

Anonymous said...

Oh I'm just resting up a bit, I'll be ready to kick some ass again tommorow, tonight I'm kicking my own. Ow damn, think I pulled a groin muscle.

windbag said...

I'll bet when Allie gets in a fight, she hits three ways: hard, fast, and continuously.

Anonymous said...

Windbag, what is that?!

windbag said...

I pulled a groin muscle.

Line forms on the right, gentlemen.

chickelit said...

Ow damn, think I pulled a groin muscle.

Guys do that all the time. They like it.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
windbag said...

Sorry, Allie, wrong link.

Try this instead.

Anonymous said...

OMG, I think that guy has breast cancer.

The Dude said...

I spent the afternoon scraping wallpaper and moving dirt. And ripping up carpet. And removing switch plates and floor registers.

My neighbor Francisco, who I have been looking for for a couple of days showed up - we have talked about him painting the interior of that house. He painted the house I live in and did a great job. Anyway, he showed up, I gave him the scraper and told him that if I am going to pay what he is asking for the paint job, he better do the prep, too. If I do the prep, I am keepin' some of the money, just sayin'.

So he starts working and I, the lazy fat American, started readin' - read everything that Sorepaw wrote about the situation over at TOP. I guess I am not as verbose as Sorepaw - my version of everything he wrote can be summarized "Althouse is a cunt". And so is her plowboy.

I guess that's why he's Sorepaw and I am a grumpy old man.

The Dude said...

Thanks, Windbag, you just posted Titus' dream date - ethnic, check, tits, check, dude, check. Gynecomastia is not pretty, but one dude's dream is another dude's nightmare.

TTBurnett said...

windbag: I'm with you. I, too, waste time by writing long comments and deleting them. Only not on Althouse any more. I do it elsewhere, including here. But I'm glad you posted yours.

And you're right: Her blog was an interesting place when she simply put up topics and stayed out of the way. It's deteriorated to the extent she participates in the discussion. And it's certainly deteriorated since Capability Himself has been given the keys to the Parterre Gate.

It's gone from a Theatre of Topicks to a clos'd Deer Park, which, I suppose 'twas bound to become: The impressaria fated eventually to be dealt her own Dose of Free Speach in publick Tumult, and so wish to retire to the Country.

The Park remains fill'd with both Game & Beaters for the Hunt. I chuse not to play the lame Stag for Cause, however, because there are not tuneful Horns to inspire Ardour, nor a Chapel Service beforehand to inspire Awe.

TTBurnett said...

Sorry, Sir Archy has been nagging me lately.

Anonymous said...

TTB I want to meet Sir Archy, he sounds very interesting and cute as a bug.

Trooper York said...

You know no one would take it amiss if Sir Archy or the blogging cockroach decided to weigh in on a topic or Topicks as it were. Just sayn'

Anonymous said...

Oh wait is Sir Archy isn't the bug, no sorry, what is the bugs name?

Anonymous said...

Ah blogging cockroach!

Anonymous said...

Sixty, grumpy old men are charming in their own sort of way.

The Dude said...

Oh dear God, do not apply the appellation "Capability" to that dimwitted cocksucker Meade. He may pretend to be a gardener, but the patch he plows is no garden, that's for sure.

windbag said...

I spent the afternoon scraping wallpaper and moving dirt. And ripping up carpet. And removing switch plates and floor registers.

I spent all day installing insulation in a shed that I bought for my business. I know that if I have it moved over now, I'll fill it up with my stuff and never insulate it and put up interior walls. So, the guy I'm buying it from said I could do it on his lot prior to delivery. Fortunately, I don't react to insulation like some people, but it's still a pain to do. Especially on the roof joists. Holding the stuff up with one hand, while I staple it with the other isn't much fun. And then running out of staples before it's secure and can hold the weight without tearing and falling down is a pisser. Tomorrow I'll install the interior walls. If I didn't do this, the "temporary" condition would be permanent. Too many projects end up that way.

Thank God I didn't have to scrape wallpaper. The last time I did a wallpaper job, I put my fist through the wall. Then I had to patch the hole. So, three days later, it was ready to wallpaper again. My wife had a friend come help her this time. I don't ever had to wallpaper anything again.

The Dude said...

I insulated one shed I moved, then paneled the interior. I hate fiberglass insulation with a white heat. Have another shed I need to insulate, but have been bogged down with other tasks - and what do you know - the uninsulated shed is now filling up. Oh, I rationalize, it's just a bit of stuff, I can haul it out and insulate the walls and roof, but when?

Today I had another great idea - I have one more shed over at my other place - how about if I get that moved to my new place - then I could use it as dead storage and clean my new house out. YAY! That would be terrific.

Then I measured the height of the shed - it's 11'7". Hmm, the shed movers' trailer is 30" tall. Height limit per the police is 13'8". Looks like I have to dream up another great plan...

TTBurnett said...

'Tis intended Irony, Sixty.

Titus said...

I go over there to be an asshole once in awhile.

My chakras sometimes get fucked up and I vent.

But I would never ever say anything over there about anyone here. She would love to use any ammo against any one of us-that's how she is.

You know she is so wanting to know all the details about your new show and I hope she knows nothing.

She said some outrageous things on her blog about you Troop-but it's good to let go and move on.

I finally figured out her entire purpose of her blog is to post things that she know will cause all kinds of shit and see the hits come in....sad.

And then all the shit flies and she posts a picture and tells everyone to relax.

If that is how I spend my golden years shoot me.

Titus said...

The Wisconsin protests wore me out too. Every fucking day.

I wasn't an original poster at Althouse's but I would be curious how many of the originals are still there.

That's actually the only thing I find interesting about the place.

Hostel 2 is on! I love the scene where the woman takes a bath while the other woman is hanging over her and she slices her up and swims in her blood.

Have any of your watched Big Rich Texas? What a bunch of fucking bitches.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

You guys have been busy today.

I do look forward to the show.

Trooper York said...

You pretty much have it pegged Titus.

Michael Haz said...

Trooper - You have a television show and a thriving business. She has tenure and a guy who rakes her lawn.

You win.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

This is a good place. Far better than TOP.

What ever happened to Sir Archy? Does anyone know where he is?

I started watching Lilyhammer (since those bastards at Netflix got rid of Have Gun, Will Travel and the Virginian before I got through the series). Little Steven cracks me up.

Trooper York said...

Thanks Michael. That is exactly how I look at it.

Not to mention that I have Lee Lee herself which trumps all.

Titus said...

My husband, the rare clumber and i are going to Newport and Providence this weekend will be nice.

I really like Providence. It is a small city but seems larger. It is smaller than Madison but seems much larger for some reason.

Also, the guys are kind of hot.

I kind of love Rhode Island.


Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Success is the best revenge.

AllenS said...


I'm interested in what the attorneys that you know, who had the EBL as a law professor think of her. If you don't mind.

ndspinelli said...

Have you ever seen the flick, Best In Show? Well my favorite couple were Cookie and Jerry Fleck.

ndspinelli said...

Titus, Providence is a politically corrupt city, mobbed up[used to be anyway], and also a college town. An unusual hybrid for sure. You probably like those Ivy league boys from Brown[get it?], not those Catholic boys from Providence College.

blake said...

Titus--that scene was appalling. Hostel's saving grace was that, amidst the gore, you're expected to root for the kids, not their tormentors.

That scene in Hostel 2 utterly reverses that and slips nearly into torture porn. The goofy soundtrack defuses that but also destroys any mood the film was trying to create.

We'll see if Roth does better with "Hemlock Grove".

ndspinelli said...

Kremlin Watch: Since this appears to be the forum to comment on TOP I have an observation. Since sorepaw made some poignant documented observations on 4/4/12 the boss has been praising and showcasing the lawnboy much more than usual. And, since Bloody Sunday I have vitually always been deleted. I'm no longer being deleted. I think the numbers told the boss it was time to put the lawnboy on the DL and take away deletion priviledges.

In the scheme of things it's small potatoes, but this is a small meadley potatoes forum.

AllenS said...

I've seen a lot of movies, but a day or two later, I have no recollection of them. Most movies are about people pretending to be someone that there not. I like living in the real world, not something made up for the paid viewing public.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I guess I'm not looking at the same threads at TOP, because I never see anything about this blog. /shrug

I post because I want to talk about certain topics, mostly political, that are of interest here.

It is a less interesting place the more that Althouse inserts herself into the conversation. Like one of those parties where everyone is standing in groups, laughing, scratching and having interesting conversation and up comes that one person who just kills the mood....and we all scatter ...'um....need to refresh my drink....or something."

Also I agree. Not so bright as she thinks she is.

RE: Trooper's persona on the show. Mr. Milquetoast oppressed and put upon this season. Next season....GO POSTAL. Like Macy's character in Boogie Nights. Just snap!!!! That'll show em

ndspinelli said...

Allen, I read almost exclusively nonfiction, so I'm w/ you on the real world. For me however, movies are escapes, like novels are for others. But be they movies or novels, we can learn much from characters both real and imagined. I learned much from Elwood P Dowd and RP McMurphy.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Political. Not of interest here.

Like a good guest at a dinner party, I refrain from politics and religion unless the host brings up the subject.

ndspinelli said...

Wow..DBQ. Macy[Little Bill] killed his fornicating wife, her fellow fornicator, and then himself. Great flick but not a solution to this problem!!

ndspinelli said...

I do totally agree w/ your cocktail party on!

Dust Bunny Queen said...

LOL I don't mean that Trooper should kill Lisa!!!

Maybe they should team up like Born Killers or a pair of Dexters and wipe out the irritating guy on the film crew. Clandestinely sneak the guy out into the alley and wham!

"Wow, I wonder what happened to XXX? Anyone seen him lately (tee hee)?" Add an undercurrent of danger and intrigue to the fashion.

Trooper and wife: Storekeepers by day....serial killers by night. They seem like such nice people.....but...
We know that is all a front for their true characters.

Stay tuned for next week to see who they will off next. Will you cheer (yay the turd in the punchbowl is gone) or be appalled? Will next weeks episode reveal new and exciting dresses and color combinations??

Drama!!!...and fashion.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Best in Show is good.

I am getting into Lillyhammer. Little Steven is not a great actor, but I enjoy his mafia personna character.

blake said...

Of course, the murderous happily married couple is a, well, not exactly popular genre, but there are a few examples in the literature.

George Wendt and Shanna Reed starred as a cheerful suburban couple who were in fact Alien Avengers, in the movie of that name. From the "Roger Corman Presents" series that aired on Showtime in the '90s, it was popular enough to have a part 2 a year or two later.

Typically, though, murderous couples are grumpy, as in "The People Under The Stairs" and "American Gothic" (Yvonne De Carlo and Rod Steiger, It hink).

Another cheerful murderous couple can be found making sausages out of folks like John Ratzenberger in "Motel Hell" (Rory Calhoun). They're actually brother and sister, though, which causes some tension when Farmer Vincent (Calhoun) chooses to save the winsome Nina Axelrod and nurse her back to health rather than deep fry her.

The oddest thing to me about that movie is the fact that Axelrod apparently reciprocates Calhoun's affections, pushing the "May" in "May-December Romance" all the way back to "February", or more rightly, the "December" well into Autumn of the next calendar year.

Fun fact: Axelrod became a casting director in the late '80s, and still turns up from time-to-time in credits, in such horror fare as The Graves.

But I digress.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

How about a show about a show.

The drama is about the process of putting together a reality show. The pitfalls, the stupid, heartless and out of touch Hollywood people.

The douches filming and making up fake drama, changing things from moment to moment. Altering reality. Making life a living hell for the participant. And eventually cause the subjects of the reality show (Trooper and wife) to snap and begin taking 'care' of the problem people.

The reality show goes on, but the drama behind the reality show is much more compelling.


blake said...


That sounds very Guest-ian, speaking of "Best In Show".

chickelit said...

@blake: Speaking of murdeous couples in 80's favorite scene from Eating Raoul.


john said...

(Sorry, but I guess I don't keep up like I should, but,)

Who is TOP? Who is Sorepaw? Is this about J/Byro?

blake said...

Ah, that's a good 'un, Bruce. Cannibalism was big in the '80s.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

@ John

I have a geology question.

The area where I live is very interesting geologically. Lots of very old and new (current) volcanic activity. Ancient ice age lakes. Big deposits of diatomaceous earth. Old sea bed... and so on.

Many times I look at the terrain and especially the cut out banks on the roads where you can clearly see the layers and wonder just how did it get THIS way. When did THIS happen.

I purchased a book for the lay person and it gives some answers but isn't really specific.

Is there some place or a website where I could submit photos and get an explanations? Perhaps a blog for geology geeks?

Michael Haz said...

Batman and LeeLee. It could work.

ndspinelli said...


TOP...The Other Place

john said...


Those roadside geology books don't do much for me. Never enough specifics on any particular spot to satisfy, and somewhat lacking in the big picture too.

I like this Oakland geology blog:

for the Bay area. (You are in N CA, right?)

and this one:

from a geology teacher in Modesto. I think Geotripper would comment on pictures you send.

Other than Arizona Geology and other academic blogs, my favorite is All My Faults Are Stress Related:

ndspinelli: Thanks. I remember that also being the name of a bar in my hometown.

john said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dust Bunny Queen said...

Thanks John.

I'm in North Eastern California, almost at the Nevada/Oregon/Idaho nexus.

Now to just get out and take some photos, if it would just stop sleeting on us.


Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

DBQ, I am surprised you don't cross the border to either Idaho or Nevada from sanctuary (even Oregon is arguably better than California).

Dust Bunny Queen said...


Yep. But all of my hubby's customers are here. Water wells, pumps, water systems. Too old to start over building a base clientele from scratch and build a reputation in the business..

Maybe when we retire for good.....if that ever happens. Sell the property and take the money and run.

Darcy said...

I miss everything.

john said...

If you live in Canby, Mt. Shasta can, and did, get up close and personal, with a lahar (pyroclastic flow) that may have reached the town.

If you live in Alturas, your chances of surviving are greater.

Dust Bunny Queen said...


Closer than that John.

Titus said...

The new Cabin In The Woods is actually supposed to be really really good.

92% rating on rotten tomatoes and you never see those kind of ratings there.


Dust Bunny Queen said...

I don't usually give close hints about where I live on the open internet, but since Trooper took his blog private, and I doubt any one here is going to come stalking me I can be a bit more open.

We have one of the top fly fishing locations in California. Famous for bird hunting, bird watching. One of the world's largest entirely spring fed rivers (over 1500 to 2000 cfs year round without fail). Fabulous 18 hole golf course. Movie stars and industry captains have vacation homes here. Some of them arrive in their G5s.

LOL..this message not paid for by the Chamber of Commerce.

If anyone is coming through this area, I would be happy to give you a tour.

The Dude said...

That is a truly beautiful area you live in, DBQ. Well done. Enjoy. Shasta is a stunning volcano.

I used to love flying into Portland Oregon and see the chain of volcanoes poking up through the clouds - on a good day you could seem them from CA to Canada.

chickelit said...

Sixty, you should write a memoir called "A Well Traveled Life."

The Dude said...

I do have some miles on me, that's for sure. ;^)

I thought about writing the events in my life, but no one would believe them. And even though many of the people who were most grievously cruel to me are now dead, I still don't want to record their rotten deeds. Some things just need to float off into the ether.

ndspinelli said...

Titus, my bride and I went to see the Hunger Games, which we both loved. And, since it's Friday, you can guess what we went out for dinner to eat! We are back in Wisconsin..hint.

They're comparing Cabin in the Woods to The Crying Game, in respect to a bizarre ending.