Monday, April 23, 2012

You would think it would be easy.....

So my full time employee decides to quit and move back home right before the show hits the air and people are going to be calling and buying online and going crazy. I have no one who is trained in or who can be a "key holder" which means I have to open and close every day. That kills any chance of taking a day off. Shit that kills any chance of sleeping late. So I am screwed.

I advertised on Craig's list where we got our last employee but the pickings are pretty slim. Then as I was walking Court St I saw three other boutiques with "Help Wanted" signs in the window. What does that mean? The economy certainly hasn't improved so what the fuck is going on here?

Don't one of you guys want to work in a boutique and commute from Wisconsin or California or Iowa or something?

Seriously I will pay up to twelve dollars an hour with a great employee discount and all the meatballs and cannoli's you can eat.


AllenS said...

Sorry, man, I'm retired.

Trooper York said...

I would hire you in a minute Allen.

I know the ladies would love you and I could trust you to show up on time.

Trooper York said...

Plus you would get more pussy than the ladies room at the Garden when the WNBA is in town. Just sayn'

windbag said...

I haven't been able to figure out who's looking for work. I know there's a subset that works long enough to rotate back onto unemployment for a couple of years, but where are the workers in this crappy economy? I mainly employ teenagers in their first job. At $4/gallon gas prices, how can they NOT be looking for work? Is Daddy doing so well that his kids don't have to earn insurance and gas money? Unemployment is officially over 10% here, so where are the workers?

Best of luck to you, pal, filling that slot.

I don't think I could work for someone else again. I've become too independent and would likely get fired the first week.

Anonymous said...

I would come work at the shop in a heartbeat, but alas I am retired also and don't work during summer. Would I get an employee discount?

When I was working as a nurse, I always dreamed of a nice job in a boutique, no blood, guts, puke or feces, nice.

Michael Haz said...

Hmmm...what kind of lunch is included? Not just any lunch, but a good kind of lunch.

chickelit said...

You could hire Ron. He could pay rent at Amba's or rent out that shed in your backyard.

Where did he go around here anyways?

The Dude said...

Allie wrote "I always dreamed of a nice job in a boutique, no blood, guts, puke or feces, nice."

You realize this is Troop's place, right?

chickelit said...

The boutique work wouldn't interest me at all. I'd be a good handyman or a groundskeeper though.

MamaM said...

It's not easy. We celebrate 30 years of marriage tomorrow, and I told the MrM tonight I finally knew what I'd do if he kicked the bucket. I'd settle the estate, take the life insurance $$$, head for NY, get myself an apartment and apply for a position at LeeLee's as MamaM, the key carrying family retainer. That way, I'd have a chance to try those sandwiches at Defontes and something to do besides miss him. After reading him the job description and bennies (including those promised AllenS), he started to laugh, "Now that's incentive! Hell, I might go to work for him myself!"

Chuck said...

Gee whiz!!

And now I just got that sweet government job over in Hempstead.

chickelit said...

Congratulations on your anniversary, MamaM!

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I would offer to do so, but I tend to let loose some cow pies wherever I am standing.

AllenS said...

Congrats, MamaM.

ndspinelli said...

Allen would be like Fredo only instead of banging the cocktail waitresses two @ a time, he'd be banging the customers in the dressing room. I would advise against hiring a stud like Allen.

blake said...

I think it's a lot easier to sit on your ass and collect the equivalent of $12/hour or more, not pay taxes, and have all the free time in the world.

Why would anyone work? WTF am I working, come to think of it?