Sunday, August 4, 2013

Blake knows that position.

I seem to have misspoken in my reverie about Leah Remini's fallout with her former religion of Scientology. I relied on some reports and quotes in the media about what was going on and linked to a post on the Huffington Post. Now I could have used Fox News or maybe the Brit tabloid "The Daily Mail" or "The Daily News." But the Huffington Post was the first one on the list and are usually on the money with entertainment news. But our friend and long time commenter blake had this to say:

I live in the Scientology capital of the world (L.A.) and I have (through random newspaper ads) on no less than three occasions ended up contracting with Scientologists, and I'm pretty sure Leah Remini still has more money than all of them.

Gell-Mann amnesia.

The fucking HUFFINGTON POST, which JUST THIS WEEK ran an article on how McDonald's could DOUBLE its employee salaries while only charging 17% more for its food.

The fucking HUFFINGTON POST, which regularly ATTACKS Catholics, referring to it as a "Jesus Eating Cult" and the "tactical arm" of NAMBLA.

This is why conservatives lose. They rail at these sources they know to be completely biased and with their heads up their asses, and then turn around and report what they say like it's gospel.

"It has been speculated..." is not journalism, and it's how this piece starts. "We're just reporting--what we're thinking..."

Come on, peeps. Wake up. They're not just wrong about the things you know about, they're wrong about everything.

Blake made a few other great points about how we can't trust the media. That Leah Remini might be doing this out of greed which is supported by her announced plans to write a book. That you can't really believe what is said about a group that is as disliked and scorned as much as the Scientologists.
All valid points. I don't really have a dog in this fight. I mean the Scientologists are like the Mormons. They should live and be well. It is not my problem. I respect other peoples religion and don't want to interfere just as I don't want them to interfere with mine.

My only interest is in posting hot pictures of Leah Remini. Because you know I interests lie in plus sized full breasted brunettes.  First and foremost.


blake said...

And that's why we love you, Troop.

blake said...

By the way--the same liberal fucktards work at Fox and the WSJ as do all the left wing mags, there are just slightly different editorial policies.

Truth, however, isn't a priority--doesn't even seem to be something they're capable of.

As Andrew said: War.

Chip S. said...

If Meade declared that his wife was a goddess, and if he demanded that her remaining fans send him money as evidence of their loyalty, would that make Altology a bona fide religion? Or would it be further evidence that he's a grifter?

Also, I don't know about anyone else's experience, but when I stopped going to church nobody from the diocese threatened to reveal my confessions, which they'd recorded.

Cody Jarrett said...

would that make Altology a bona fide religion? Or would it be further evidence that he's a grifter?

Could be both, couldn't it?

Biggest question is...would Lem and Freeman tithe.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I try not to link to the Huff Puff and rarely go there.

Trooper York said...

I met the guy who writes about Reality TV and did an interview.
He is Australian or something and has a deformed fucked up hand. He was a drinker which I could tell because he was soused at noon before lunch. But I have read some of his shit about the entertainment industry and he is pretty accurate. Especially about reality TV.

Trooper York said...

I don't ever read the political stuff unless I follow a link from MSN and look at two or three sources.

Cody Jarrett said...

Jeter headed to the DL again?

Better get Troop a drink.