Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Doc Holliday Must Die

Doc rode into Abilene in the early afternoon. He rode through the bustling streets. It was amazing that a small Kansas town could be so busy but ever since the rail road came and the cow herds followed it was as if it was New York or Chicago. Just with an overwhelming smell of cow shit. And despair.

He rode up to the hotel and tied his weary mare to the post out in front. There was a dandy sitting in a chair on the porch. He had long hair down to his shoulders and matching Colts in a red sash with the handles backwards. A badge. Dirty linen with lace at the cuffs.  A disheveled dandy. He was famous. Everybody knew Wild Bill.
“Good afternoon Marshal.”

“Howdy pilgrim. New in town I reckon?’
“Yes I am. Thought I might set up a practice here. Do you have a dentist in town?”

“Can’t say if we do. Not that I would know right off hand. But I am sure that Ike down at the desk would know. So you are a dentist? I heard tell of a dentist who was a fair hand with a pistol.”
“Name’s Holliday. John Holliday. But my friends call me Doc. I ain’t looking for trouble Marshal.”

“Wouldn’t think you would partner. But you seem like the type that trouble finds none the less. Just know that I give a man a fair shake. The first time.”
“Not a problem Marshal. I am a peaceable man.”

Doc shouldered his saddlebags and walked into the hotel.
“Like a room please. At the end of the hall if possible.”

“Not a problem sir. Just sign here. That would be one dollar a day.”
“Here’s two weeks in advance. Say is there a dentist in town?”

“Not hardly. Anyone with a toothache just goes to see the farrier. He’s the closest we have to a dentist and can pull a tooth as fast as he can cure the colic.”
“Fair enough.”

“That would be room 2 B on the second floor at the end of the hall.”
“What’s the best place to get a meal in town?’

“Well most of the cattlemen are partial to the Drover’s Cottage. But I reckon Hop Sing’s is pretty fine vittles. Good price. Just make sure he washes his hands is all.”
“Thanks for the tip.”



MamaM said...

Boy howdy, Pilgrim!

Wouldn't it be nice if one of these days he could stop by and shoot the shit, and those who don't care for him could remain silent, and try and let by-gones be by-gones?

Yes sirree, it surely would.

Who doesn't love a world with no consequences? Especially so when the power of deletion goes to an old man's head and causes him to draw a mite too quickly for comfort. What? You say you have a bead on me? Don't be fooled by what you see, or even what you think you see. Lower those guns and live to enjoy another sunrise.

The Dude said...

The sun is rising and I have half a notion to visit my local hardware store and purchase a pair of R51s. They's look mighty fine with available pearl handles.

Don't know about no sash, I must say. Sounds a bit like somethin' a Y*nkee from Illinois might wear.

The Dude said...

And by "they's" I mean "they'd". Must get caffeine...

Aridog said...

A dandy wearing pistols and a red sash belt....why if he'd worn a red scarf neck neck adornment as well, as he has been artistically depicted at times, he could easily have been a Yankee veteran from New York, 15th New York Volunteer Cavalry, to be specific. The 15th, known as the "Red Scarves," fought under the command of Brevet General Custer in those days.

ndspinelli said...

I'm not a reader of fiction, but I think the Doc stuff is your best.

ndspinelli said...

All of that offensive ethnic talk and violence in the Joey Gallo series makes me uncomfortable.

The Dude said...

And you, a Jersey boy!

ndspinelli said...

I'm a Nutmegger. We're very sensitive.

ndspinelli said...

I did live in Wildwood, NJ for 2 great summers in of my life.

Trooper York said...

Little Debbie is in fine manipulative form this morning. Telling everyone how much she loves them after stirring the shit.

That's right out of my playbook.

The bitch.

Trooper York said...

Seriously the calls for Meade to come back seems very weird to me.

Who is calling for that besides Debbie?

When he comes he shits all over the thread and then he deletes it. It is just very strange.

Trooper York said...

It is pretty funny that there are no comments on her share the love post.

Second time she threw a dead fish on the counter and then disabled comments.

What's that all about?

Trooper York said...

Rereading it brings a new point. It sounds like she is signing off and quitting commenting.

Is that a flounce off?

The Dude said...

One can only hope - she can take her Meadelove to Wisconsin and cuddle with her bestest pals ever.

She won't be missed.

As for the "big dummy" epithet, well, you said it best.

Trooper York said...

Hey I don't mind being compared to a black garbageman.

I ain't no racist.

Darcy said...

I do not get any of this. I do not get the ganging up on people. When I was part of that here I was told I was wrong, and I WAS wrong.

I don't personally know Deborah or Lem but I know that I don't like reading the insults toward them behind their backs. These are not jokes, right? They're real. Not protesting it feels like I'm condoning it. (I'm probably wrong here too, but that's how I feel)

Ugh. This is a very big lesson for me. If I've got a problem with someone I will endeavor to take it up with them.

Trooper York said...

I respect how you feel Darcy but why do you say it is behind their backs.

Lem reads here and post occasionally.

Debbie does not but most everything MamaM, Sixty or I have said we repeated over at Lem's joint. If there is something I said here that I didn't say there please let me know and I will be happy to say it over there.

I didn't give Debbie access because I don't trust her. I can't verbalize or explain the reason but it is just a gut feeling. I could be wrong.

Trooper York said...

Most of this didn't come out of the blue. The fact is that Debbie has repeatedly called for Meade to post over at Lem's joint and even did a shout out to Inga. Don't you think Lem's place is a lot better without them? I do. But that is just me.

The current stuff is just a reaction to that. I don't know why Debbie decided to do a flounce off. There is more than meets the eye here and I don't pretend to understand it all.

Trooper York said...

I do think that MamaM is a good judge of character and has been right about people before so we ignore her warnings at own peril.

The Dude said...

She got huffy because I suggested that Meade was still married when he took up with Annie. You remember those days.

I don't care if that is the truth or not - I am sick of Meade's sanctimony and bad faith commenting. Anyone who owns nothing, has no job, and is merely a parasite on a vulnerable old woman is not someone from whom I would take career advice.

So deborah decided she needs a break. That's nice. We all need breaks. I needed one yesterday.

But what was truly embarrassing for me was that even Rit Mo agreed that Meade was out of line. For Rit and I to be on the same side of any issue is almost enough to make me reevaluate where I stand.


Trooper York said...

Also I would love to see a Darcy post up at Lem's.

How about something about tennis?
Or Michigan? Or politics? Or what you are watching on TV?

Something to get the ball rolling besides the normal nonsense.

Darcy said...

I love you guys.

But is the litmus test whether someone holds Althouse or Meade in decent general regard?

I can't read every post and I don't expect others to, either. Maybe people need time to form an opinion similar to what mine is or maybe they never will. I can live with that.

As for Meade, I think he makes enough of an ass out of himself that I think it's just fine that his posts stand as a testament to that. Why should I care whether they are deleted?

Where am I wrong?

Trooper York said...

You are never wrong to feel a certain way. That is your opinion and you are entitled to it at all times and in all ways. Nobody is going to say you are not "decent" or you are a "loser" or a "sploog stooge" or anything like that there. That happens in other places but not here and I don't think it would happen at Lem's joint either.

I know that you don't have time to read all of the threads. Who does except for Chickie, Sixty and me?

Where this latest ruckus started is when Meade went to a post and started lecturing AllenS about how to farm and how to run a farm. To which he took offense. Some of us agreed with Allen without engaging Meade directly since we are basicly ignore him as much as we can. Then after a long back and forth Meade deleted all of his posts himself. The moderator did not do that. So it seem like a game was being played. I don't understand how that helps him but I guess he has his reasons.

Palladian said...

I'm with Darcy.

Trooper York said...

There is no litmus test as far as Meade and the Evil Blogger Lady goes. Everybody has to make up their own mind. I mean some of us are back posting at TOP here and there. If that is what blows your dress up then people should go crazy.

I think the purpose of commenting on a blog is to have fun. If it is not fun you shouldn't do it anymore.

It is just that some of us find smacking Meade around to be a lot of fun. Some people like to step on bugs in high heels. (I am looking at you Chip Ahoy) So do whatever floats your boat. You won't get any arguments from me.

chickelit said...

"Doc Holliday Must Die" Audio Book Edition

Palladian said...

Although I cannot comprehend why anyone would continue to engage with LM or his wife. Their betrayal of me was very personal, very hurtful and totally intentional. I can't forgive that.

I guess some people like to play social games. I don't. Sometimes autism-spectrum social deficiencies are a protective blessing for me.

Darcy said...

I certainly have participated in the Meade/Althouse smacking, and they have put themselves out there publically in a way that I think mere commenters haven't. I'm not saying I do any better, really I'm not.

I did read all of those posts between Meade and Allen and I felt like they made Meade look small and petty for all to see. I thought Allen handled him perfectly.

chickelit said...

Oh and, what darcy said.

I am taking a break from Lem and Althouse too. I posted a comment at TOP earlier, but it's my last for a while.

I never got the negative vibe from deb that others got.

chickelit said...

I thought Allen handled him perfectly.

He did. Allen made a comment afterwards on TOP but it was deleted.

Aridog said...

Darcy ... there is no litmus test as far as I am concerned. Ann and Meade disgust me. Given I was a supporter who criticized others, including our host here, for their criticism, that was a 180 degree turn. Fact is I was very rude to our host and the fact he still invited me to join this group is the height of flattery to me and proof that someone can be as foregiving as you seem to be.

The TOP crew are cowards who don't mind kicking someone who is down. I hate that...I will always react to that, sometimes violently. They don't mind bold faced lying either. I judge people by that kind of behavior....especially when it is vicious and personal. It is one of my many flaws. I do my best to ignore the hobbit when he appears..usually. I don't go looking for him or his wife and never try to comment on TOP. Others I respect still do and that is fair enough. For myself, I prefer no tinge to my already nasty personality by association.

Trooper York said...

Well that is the point.

Sorry if I acted like a dick.

I do that sometimes.

It is part of my charm. So to speak.

Trooper York said...

The Debbie thing just seems strange to me. I don't get it. I asked her directly why she was quitting. I still don't get it.

Nobody was that vehement about Meade as far as I could see. So why did she fall on her sword?

Trooper York said...

AllenS did a great job there. No argument. I just the whole thing was interesting and weird. I said that there and I am saying it here.

I just don't get it. I need someone with more wisdom like MamaM or Michael Haz to explain it to me in one syllable words so I can comprehend it.

The rule of Lemnity said...

He did. Allen made a comment afterwards on TOP but it was deleted.

That's too bad.

Just to clear things up, I deleted what I thought was a nasty Meade comment towards AllenS. I didn't think AllenS deserved it.

Trooper York said...

Thanks for the clarification Lem.

I notice the Deborah was dropped from your masthead so I guess she did resign. Sorry to hear that. She did could work. I liked to tease her a little but you know that's what I do.

Trooper York said...

That is "good" work. Not "could work."

I have to slow down typing for crying out loud.

Palladian said...

I think she has things going on in her life, to which she alludes in her post. And I think she's made it quite clear, both in public and private, that she is NOT a friend of Althouse & husband.

I'll miss her.

I miss you guys too.

Palladian said...

I've been really out of it and mostly out if the loop. I haven't been able to walk for two weeks now. It's really amped up my depression to an almost unbearable level.

Palladian said...

Which is why I haven't been posting or commenting. It's not doing artwork that really takes its toll on me. When I don't work I feel like life is draining out of me.

The Dude said...

Until she speaks for herself, we won't know what her reasons are.

I do know that things go on in life outside of commenting and people go through things, also, some people, such as me, are delicate and sensitive to what others think.

However, I have said before and will say again - anyone defending Lawrence Meade's behavior is defending the indefensible. He is beneath contempt.

And I thank each and every one of you for putting up with me over the years - I can be trying. But I am working on it.

Now fly, be free, comment anywhere and anytime you care to - it's a free country. At least for now.

kalmia said...

I think you're probably right about deborah, Palladian. You never know for sure what is going on in someone else's life. People only share what they want to.

I'm really sorry you haven't been able to walk. I broke a bone in my foot last year and couldn't put any weight on it for six weeks. I had no idea how uncomfortable and difficult crutches are.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I notice the Deborah was dropped from your masthead so I guess she did resign.

I didn't take her off, she must have taken herself off.

Trooper York said...

Sorry to hear you can't walk buddy. We are always here to talk to if you want to spout off. Take advantage of it. You have friends here and we would be happy to talk you through it you big homo you.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Until she speaks for herself, we won't know what her reasons are.

She emailed me explaining. I tanked her and told her my door was open should she change her mind.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I thanked her.

windbag said...

Speaking of AllenS, why did he stop hanging out here? I don't recall anyone ever taking issue with him; I thought he was one of the favorites here. If that's opening something that needs to be kept shut, then leave it shut. I just miss his straight-shooting input.

ricpic said...

Abilene...was New York or Chicago with an overwhelming smell of cowshit.

Back in those days New York and Chicago smelled of horseshit. In other words they smelled about the same or worse than Abilene.

Darcy said...

Sorry to hear about that, Palladian. You just don't need any more shit to happen to you.

Darcy said...

No one need apologize to me - I am the queen of oversensitivity.

Maybe the root of it is that I don't want Meadhouse to claim any (more) casualties.

ricpic said...

Hey Palladian, Captain Ahab took on Moby Dick with a gimpy leg. Just lash a plank to your leg. Works like a charm. And Moby Dick took on Ahab peppered with harpoons. I hope that doesn't confuse. Ahab, gimpy leg. Moby Dick, harpoons. No quarter asked, none given. Those were the days.

Trooper York said...

I don't think Palladian has any problem taking on a dick...moby or otherwise.

He just needs us to cheer him up with gratuitous japes about the gay lifestyle.

The Dude said...

Peppered whale steak - yum.

Trooper York said...

Lem as long as you know the reasons than it is good enough for me. I emailed her personally to apologize if I was a dick and caused her decision to quit.

It is apology number 67 on my list of 100 apologies I have to make because I am a moron.

Trooper York said...

I guess this opens up a slot so to speak. I hope you get some more diversity with a real liberal like Ritmo or A Reasonable Man or phx. Not that I ever agree with them but I think it would be pretty interesting to hear from them on a more regular basis.

Trooper York said...

Plus I think Palladian is faking. He is just moping around because Aaron Rodgers missed the playoffs and Mike Piazza didn't make the Hall of Fame.

The mo's stick together.


That doesn't sound right.

ndspinelli said...

Palladian, I just said a prayer for you. Are there any gay saints? I like to pray to saints for specific reasons.

Trooper York said...

AllenS said his computer died and he lost the invite. I sent him another a couple of times and his email is listed on my approved list. So I don't know why he hasn't posted.

Trooper York said...

I believe both Sigfied and Roy are gay Saints.

Trooper York said...

There has long been speculation that St. John the Apostle might have been a little light in the sandals. He of course it the disciple that "Jesus loved."

A bit of a problem for those who take their Bible literally.

The Dude said...

Well, whatever it is, I hope she is okay.

While correlation is not causality, is it just a coincidence that she got a selfie from Palladian and then she up and quits? One wonders...

Trooper York said...

I know. That guy is always causing trouble.

Maybe getting a photo of black wood made her change to Eharmony for her internet needs.

Trooper York said...

I really am a dick.

I even surprise myself sometimes.

The Dude said...

Interesting - I am on JDate and not doing so well.

I even tell good joke - why just today I told a nice woman (last name Solomon) the joke to which the punchline is "Pinkus fucked us!"

That one kills in the Catskills. But here - bupkis!

The Dude said...

That should either be "give good joke" or "tell good jokes".

That will be up to the reader to determine.

Trooper York said...

Try the "Iceberg" "Goldberg" joke. That always goes over well.

The Dude said...

So, Ms. Solomon, because she is from Da Bronx, and an excellent story teller, proceeded to tell me about her time in Scotland - there she was, according to her, drinking 30 year old Macallans with an 80 year old Scotsman named Robert (are all of them named Robert, she asked me rhetorically? Yes, all except for the Anguses said I) and she says to ol' Robert - so, what does a self-respectin' Scotsman wear under his kilt?

Ol Robbie looked around to make sure no one was around and said "Lipstick, if he's lucky".

I can make no progress in such a milieu - she is better suited for stand up comedy than I am.

Trooper York said...

Here's a joke you can try:

Two Jews were sitting on a pier passing the time of day. The first Jew puts his feet in the water and cries, "It's cold, it's cold!" The second Jew puts his nose in and screams, "It's fucking deep too!"

Trooper York said...

A man and his wife go to their honeymoon hotel for their 25th anniversary. As the couple reflected on that magical evening 25 years ago, the wife asked the husband, "When you first saw my naked body in front of you, what was going through your mind?"

The husband replied, "All I wanted to do was to fuck your brains out, and suck your tits dry."

Then, as the wife undressed, she asked, "What are you thinking now?"

He replied, "It looks as if I did a pretty good job."

Trooper York said...

An Irish man walks into a bar. The bartender looks at him and notices he has a steering wheel stuck down the front of his pants. "Hey," he says, "What's with the steering wheel down your pants?" "Ach," says the Irish man, "it's drivin' me nuts!"

Trooper York said...

A woman in the bar says that she wants to have plastic surgery to enlarge her breasts. Her husband tells her, "Hey, you don't need surgery to do that. I know how to do it without surgery."

The lady asks, "How do I do it without surgery?"

"Just rub toilet paper between them."

Startled the lady asks, "How does that make them bigger?"

"I don't know, but it worked for your ass."

Trooper York said...

Please tip your waitress.

We will be here all week!

Trooper York said...

By the way I heard from Debbie and Sixty and I are in the clear. It was nothing that we did just as has been mentioned she has her own personal reasons for getting off the internets.

The Dude said...

Well, either that or she doesn't want get on the wrong side of a connected guy from Brooklyn and a Duck Dude from way down south, just sayin'...

The Dude said...

But seriously, I hope she is okay.

Trooper York said...

It's all good. Not to worry.

ricpic said...

Your assignment, should you choose to accept it, is to complete a joke that begins: a deaf man a dumb man and a blind man walk into a bar...*

* I don't know the ending, there is no ending yet but that set up did occur to me really did.

Darcy said...

lol ricpic

You guys crack me up.


The Dude said...

You may thank my friend Ms. Solomon for that one. I am merely the bearer of bad jokes.

She is very entertaining that way.

MamaM said...

I've been away from the internets today, attending the funeral service for my 85 year old uncle who was (is?) my mom's younger brother by 8 years, born at the start of the Great Depression, and a study in contrasts. One of his sons delivered an honest and moving eulogy, using the two handed approach to describe both sides of his dad's character and personality, the wonderful good that was lived out along with the less than wonderful good along with the downright confusing elements that made up one memorable and imperfect package.

I enjoyed deborah's postings at Lem's and have found much good in many of her comments. I've also had some unusual exchanges with her, and consider much of her commentary and promptings regarding Althouse and Meade to go beyond strange. I don't know her motive (what's behind the defending and provoking when it comes to that pair) but it appears to me as if she has one that involves more than light hearted or casual interest in the subject. In addition, she comes across to me as someone who is highly skilled in building and maintaining an atmosphere of "pseudo-intimacy" (a feel-good way of relating to others that invokes the "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it " rule ) while repeatedly poking and jabbing below that surface to "stir the shit" and invite conflict. Interestingly enough, according to Scott Peck's research into community building (brief summation here) , Conflict is the next stage of relationship for communities that wish to grow beyond the level of Pseudo-intimacy. Since deborah's pretty well-read, and it's possible this type of group growth may have been her goal all along. I'd have an easier time reconciling the incongruities and putting together the pieces of her push/pull behavior if I experienced her as a clean player, but I don't. That others have a different experience of her, I accept as their reality.

Interestingly enough, deborah was the first commenter at TY who came to my aid and suggested a way for me to clear my name back in the day when I was being declared to be Meade, treated as if I was Meade, and refused to be believed by others that I wasn't Meade. The testimony of her help, defense and recommendation to me is present in this weird piece of TY blog history dating back to Dec 23, 2010, when I was commenting in 3rd person and there was enough egg to cover the faces of all involved including myself. I remain grateful to deborah for standing alongside, as well as thankful for the sincere apologies received from some of the others down the road which opened the door for me to comment more freely from my heart

Yes, the piles of Little Debbie Cakes were on the mean side. They were the result of fear, anger and wariness. I don't want to be fooled by another person who gives the impression they desire and respect community, while playing games with different motives on the side. This along with the rest of what I've said about deborah here at TY, is something I'd feel comfortable saying to her face. I didn't think the forum at Lem's was the place to do this, and up to today, wasn't sure enough about what I thought was seeing to be more direct. I consider the "thanks for all the fish" post to be one more curious piece of a mysterious and unsolved puzzle. Am I thankful for the good I received through deborah? Yes and Amen! You know why I refuse to buy Little Debbie Cakes anymore? Because it's hard for me to stop eating them once I start. Plus I don't like the way the grease in the sugary coating sticks to the roof of my mouth.

Aridog said...

MamaM ... very thoughtful post. I've never felt any threat from Deborah, but perhaps I wasn't listening...more likely that I can't form negative opinions until someone does something overt, egregious and nasty. Ann and Meade did precisely that.

Something I intend to look in to more shortly is Dr Scott Peck's theory of community building. Thanks for citing it.

From the summation you provided it is remarkably similar to Dr L David Mesh's concepts of four levels of acceptance between wolves and humans. We all know how that turned out over time because we have "dogs" descended from wolves as our "best friends" in many cases. Your remark reflects the stages and repsonses fairly well in its own right.

Wolves exhibit the same patterns even today, as Dr Mesh observes, and I have experienced myself first hand. The 3rd stage of wolf acceptance, (physical approach and touching ...e.g., proximate exposure) in a relationship building sense, is the risky one and where the community connection is most likely to fail...humans are fearful and wolves sense it because fear is a prime motivator in their world, as with most animals, it drives the fight or flight response.

Of course Mesh's theory applies to wild wolves that retain the community of the pack feature, and how they interact with outsiders, including humans...which they quickly sense can benefit them way beyond the prey instinct.

Thaks again for the reference to Dr Peck.

ndspinelli said...

Wow, MamaM. I have always found funerals to be a brief journey through the Town of Truth. Death of someone we know, not a dearly loved family or friend, but someone we knew, affords us that introspection. Being an introvert, I am pretty introspective. But, funerals take that to another level. And, unless someone is a sociopath, funerals give us wisdom. Condolences on you uncle.

ndspinelli said...

Will someone do me a solid. As I've explained, I don't do links because of a HORRIBLE experience giving a link that had a nasty virus and damaging many computers. Will someone go to YouTube and type Drama Queen. There is a 53 second clip that is perfect for this thread and that MamaM will like. You see a UK cop, wearing safety yellow, peering into a car window. Thanks!

Aridog said...

ndspinelli said...

Will someone do me a solid.

Step out of teh vehicle!

ndspinelli said...

Aridog, Thanks, much!

ricpic said...

Wow, what a shocker. I'd say the kid is more bad seed than drama queen.

windbag said...

@MamaM, so sorry for your loss. FWIW, I like pictures of Little Debbie cakes. I like packages of Little Debbie cakes even better.

MamaM said...

Love that tiny smile and the those eyes, ND! And yes, it is those MF'n eyes as you mentioned earlier along with body language that is often right there for the reading. Sometimes what I pick up in person to person encounters with others (especially those who send strong mixed signals) overwhelms my radar to the point where I feel like I need to shower or retreat to a quiet place to recalibrate, whereas regarding others through the distance of writing is a much easier go.

As someone who grew up in a situation which required constant hypervigilance, I developed a sensitivity to nuance that now serves as both enemy and friend. On plus side, what started as judgment has grown into something closer to a discernment which allows me a better sense of both the light and the dark present within myself and the one I'm relating with. Although I've tended to be more on track than off, I'm learning to temper my opinions with the awareness that I could be wrong and leave room for what is unknown and unknowable.

Since my family also talked in code, hiding their feelings and disguising what they wished to convey in boxes wrapped with colored paper and ribbons, what was seen on the surface and what was being presented under the surface were often two very different experiences. What sounded like normal conversation(to others)was not the only message being sent. All of which tends to both color and enhance my perspective, and make taking others at face value something that's not easily done when incongruity is present.

Yes too on the reorienting factor involved with funerals. Thank you for that affirmation. Journey through Town of Truth is a good description, as it's a community experience as well as a time of heightened personal awareness.

What I enjoy about this place is the balance between mixed messages, code and things are not as they seem interactions, along with the heart of the matter awareness running underneath.

The Dude said...

Good one. Reminds me of an incident that nearly happened to my brother and I, but to recount it here would put me on Crack's shit list.


The Dude said...

My comment was WRT the drama queen video.

ndspinelli said...

MamaM, Your family sounds like the family in which my bride was raised. I think the new Streep/Roberts flick may be just for you, or maybe too much? One review I read said it will make everyone feel like @ least their family wasn't that bad. However, I know better than to ever say that.

ndspinelli said...

ricpic, Politician.

Trooper York said...

As usual MamaM is right on the money with her perceptive commentary.

My exchanges with Debbie were basically friendly with the usual tinges of teasing and ball busting that is the Trooper York technique. I contacted her directly and she told me she was dropping out because of family issues. I will take her at her work. Some of the stuff was strange but hey all human interaction can get weird so there is that.

The shame of it is that she put up a lot of posts at Lem's and he will need to get someone prolific to take up the slack. Michael Haz and Chickie are doing yeoman's work over there.

ndspinelli said...

Folks, My bride needs help. Inga[Mary] has posted a negative review. Now, the last time she posted a backhanded couple of positive reviews. And, it linked to her Ingeberg Dietrich acct. This is still listed as Mary but it's a new acct. Please report it as abuse. Thanks!

ndspinelli said...

My bride has a reading @ a bookstore in Madison tonight. Do you think spooky eyes will be there. I'll let you know!!

ndspinelli said...

She has changed her comment on the first book, taken for granted. We just saw this! Please report this as abuse also. I'll owe you all a beer or sasparilla. Thanks.

kalmia said...

Just saw this and (re)posted a "report as abuse" comment.

MamaM said...

Well, for those who were worried something serious was going down with deborah, she has just as suddenly returned with the playful admission and admonition that she feels "like a dolt, so please, let us never speak of this again," and Lem's place is once again animated by all she brings to the table!

Levity Lives to Light the way!