Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Poor Dwight is spinning out of control

The Cracked one is upping the ante once again by posting shout out and attacks hoping to get a response. With the added bonus of Leisure Suit Larry and Inga adding their own little bon mots in the comments section. When someone emailed me the link I had to laugh.

It seems like every other post is about me or Michael Haz. It is really quite amusing. The juvenile shots in the comments are even stupider than you think they would be.

Remember. Radio Silence. But we won't forget when the time comes for a dirty shot. Just sayn'


rcocean said...

Crack, Inga, and Meade. Just needs some Titus and a new blog name. What about Crack's Crazy Town?

Cody Jarrett said...

Predictable and boring. They aren't even trying, they're about 6 steps below 'mailing it in'.

I'm just sad he doesn't hate me anymore.

Actually I'm not. I don't need any of his bullshit splashed on me.

Icepick said...

Saw the headline on TMR over at Lem's, wondered what the response was. Radio Silence, I like it. But if you let the butter simmer too long it will burn the pan, and it's hard getting all that sooty black stuff off....

Icepick said...

Uh, wait, or was that ... Ah, never mind.

chickelit said...

rcocean said...
Crack, Inga, and Meade. Just needs some Titus and a new blog name. What about Crack's Crazy Town?

Actually, if you look at the latest one - and if you remember some of Titus' favorite insults -- you can see Waunakee through the cracks.

Trooper York said...

That is definitely Titus.

It is quite amusing to see who shows up and comments. I have to laugh.

Silent. To myself.

chickelit said...

There was a thread once here -- years ago-- when Titus and Inga were tag teaming me, quizzing me about my hometown trivia -- political names -- real people, etc. That thread has the same vibe and dynamics.

Trooper York said...

They are all on the same team. It is instructive that Meade is leading the band. What a douche.

chickelit said...

"Titus" and "Inga" are there. The anon who went after FH could be one of her h8ters, but could also be Inga. There was thread once where Inga exploded at Freeman, calling her an "arrogant bitch." Inga deleted it, but FH preserved it: link. It was based on a misunderstanding, but it showed that Inga harbors hostility for her too.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I hadn't seen the radio silence order. But from now on, count me in.

MamaM said...

That thread has the same vibe and dynamics.

Back to green foam.

Reviling and vituperative.

Bitter and abusive.

TTBurnett said...

I'm sitting here coughing and wheezing. I e-mailed the school a while ago that I was sick again today and wasn't coming in. So, gathering energy to drag myself to the shower (I HAVE to go finish three flute headjoints that need to be shipped by the end of the month, and I have a new guy working for me making a batch of piccolo bodies. He is a very good machinist, but I have to walk him through the process.), I clicked on Chickelit's link. That counts for one of my 4 yearly Althouse visits. Actually, this one may do for the entire year, if not eternity, at least if I'm looking at it as a rational discussion. What horseshit. Seriously, it's the same people saying the same things at each other that they've been saying since my son, who's now in college, was in elementary school. Literally. Whole lifetimes go by, and the same people are saying the same things in the same place to the same effect.

I'm planning to retire soon, and I will have more time online. My son tells me there are ways to monitize this phenomenon better than a mere Amazon portal. He once was thinking of buying into a message board that was a proven money-maker, but it would have cost him more than he could afford, and he also realized would be distracted enough by academics in college. But ol' Dad may soon have time on his hands, and I suppose he should thank Althouse and her Perpetual Visitors for suggesting a model of online behavior that could, if exploited properly, be turned to some account.

MamaM said...

chickenlittle's link goes to an old Althouse thread, where teh crazy is on display. .

It's the bilious green stuff seeping out of the Crack site that I was referring to as toxic. Pointedly destructive, beyond crazy.

TTBurnett said...

Frankly, I didn't notice how old the thread was, Mama. They all look the same. I need to get me some of that crazy in an advertising-rich environment, although the number of unique visitors could be a problem. Really, I've got to make some money off of this.

But a bit more about crazy: I'm afraid Crack has been certifiable since the beginning. There was just enough interesting about him that a lot of people overlooked the signs. My wife, who has lived in France for 5 years, has a degree from the Sorbonne, and for most of her working life has been a French academic editor, tells me that Crack's account of his life and experiences in France are prima facie bullshit. The mask has slipped, the paint is peeling off, the veneer has come unglued--whatever metaphor you want. The simple fact is that he's out of his mind, and, as such—and not being in the psychiatric business (The Doctor is OUT)—I find it's the easiest thing in the world to ignore the hell out of him.

Michael Haz said...

Maintaining radio silence.

Darcy said...


blake said...

Yeah, Crack's French story always seemed fishy to me. I chalked it up to his monomania but I s'pose he could be catfishin'.

Cody Jarrett said...

Well said, Tim.

And even though you didn't present it as advice--it's certainly something that could and should be heeded by all.

But each to their own.

windbag said...

My wife, who has lived in France for 5 years, has a degree from the Sorbonne, and for most of her working life has been a French academic editor, tells me that Crack's account of his life and experiences in France are prima facie bullshit.

My sister attended there one year, exchange program through her university. She lives there now. Funny, but I've never asked her what life in France is like. I guess I always assumed it was a level Dante missed.

The Dude said...

I've only been to Paris. Spent a week there. Walked all over that city. Had a great time. I still have the hat.

So you know what that makes me...

TTBurnett said...

Sorry for the typo in my comment. I meant to write "accounts" to agree with "are."

France is actually a very nice place to live, IF you are not poor. Paris is the greatest city in the world. Life there shares a lot with New York. There are two big problems for Americans: The language, and, despite French politesse, the fact that they do not suffer fools or slobs lightly. You MUST know the language. The French, like most Europeans, learn other languages, but their underlying attitude toward speaking anything but French is about like that of conservative Americans' view of bilingualism in the US—but ramped up several notches. If you speak French, preferably well, you will have a totally different experience than if you show up as an Anglophone, i.e., uncultured idiot.

The Dude said...

I was apologetic using my 3 years of high school French, and since I was dealing mainly with people in the service business, they endured my horrible accent, while correcting it as we interacted. It was fun, from my perspective.

I dropped plenty of Francs and that seemed to help. Kind of a universal language or something.

I couldn't get over how stylish French women were - maybe I have spent too much time amongst American waddlers in sweat pants, but damn, they looked good!

Michael Haz said...

Lord love a duck, do the people at Lem's not get it?

Crack is just doing performance art to see home many mopes he can engage, and how long he can keep them there with his phony racist baloney.

LM eggs him on. It has become a game of sorts and the rubes keep playing along.

Ignore or delete are the only workable responses.

rcocean said...

When I went to Paris I tried my HS French on everyone. Usually I got a pained look, and then "I speak zee English, monsieur".

rcocean said...

"Crack is just doing performance art to see home many mopes he can engage, and how long he can keep them there with his phony racist baloney."

Some people love to engage trolls and performance artists. They get high on Crack.