Saturday, January 24, 2009

Laura Bush's Diary.

Laura Bush’ Dairy January 24, 2009

George was very upset last night when he heard that President Obama outlawed water boarding by executive order. He ranted and raved and was really angry. He hasn’t been this pissed off since they cancelled Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I couldn’t really follow what he was talking about because I was trying to watch the rassling matches. I try to not pay so much attention when George is angry. It helps our marriage.

Anyway the commercial came on and I started to listen to what he was shouting about and he was angry because he thought Obama had outlawed water sports. I said “W what are you going on about. He stopped water boarding you know what they do to the terrorists. Not water sports.”

George stopped, thought for a moment and said “Well that’s OK then. I really don’t care about that because it is on his watch now. I just didn’t want him to spoil my fun.”

You see George really likes water sports. He loves when I pee on him while we are doing it. He is a dirty, dirty boy. And I love him for it.