Thursday, July 16, 2009

Are you now or have you ever been.....

Senate Judiciary hearings July 15, 2009
Senator Leahy: Welcome Judge Sotomayor It is our second day of hearings on your nomination for the Supreme Court. Today we will do a lighting round of questions of two minutes each as we have a vote on the floor on President Obama’s marvelous plan to raise the incremental tax rate to 99%. We can’t miss that. Since Nina Totenberg did not slip me any questions I will yield my turn and we will start once again with Senator Sessions. Senator.
Senator Sessions: Judge Sotomayor I want to first of all thank you for answering our questions. I know it has been a long and difficult process. Difficult for both you as the nominee and the Senators who have to ask the tough questions. Now I have a tough question for you. Roger Stone a political operative in New York has forwarded some disturbing information. It seems that while in college you had some questionable associates.
Judge Sotomayor: Well as I have previously explained I was young and radical and full of idealism. Trying out my wings so to speak. What I said and did in those days does not reflect the person I am today.
Senator Sessions: I am sure that is true Judge. But it has come to our attention that in college you had a side job to earn money for law school. According to the videos we have obtained it seems you were an actress.
Judge Sotomayor: Well I did need to make some money Senator. My family was not rich and I had to get scholarships or pay for my schooling myself.
Senator Sessions: Yes well is it indeed true that you were an actress who performed under the name of Vanessa Del Rio and performed your first role in Lips,Lips,Lips in 1974.
Judge Sotomayor: I can only confirm that Vanessa Del Rio did perform in that movie.
Senator Sessions: Yes I can see that. And is it true that this was the first time that an x-rated actress had sex with five men simultaneously?
Judge Sotomayor: Yes that is correct Senator.
Senator Sessions: Most impressive Judge, it is a tribute to both your perspicacity and your flexibility.
Senator Leahy: (bangs gavel) Your time is up Senator.
Senator Sessions: Among other things.


chickelit said...

You're really pushing the envelopments with this new Judge Sotomayor series.

Trooper York said...

Hold on to your hat. You ain't seen nothing yet.