Friday, July 24, 2009

Hey it's the big time.

Some people are proud of being singled out in the media. That's why they go on reality shows and stuff. Personally I hate celebrities. Let me give you an example.

These three crazy dudes came in and said they were stylists for Queen Lathifa's new movie "Just Wright." It is going to start filming in a few weeks in Brooklyn. They heard we had a plus shop and wanted to pull some clothes for fittings. Now we got smart since then and have added a 15% restocking fee for anything that goes out of the store. You see they take stuff out that we can sell. Sometimes it is the only garment I have in that size. So if they don't buy it I will have lost a sale for nothing. Now they all blow smoke up your ass and tell you they are going to tell the star about you store and imply that they are going to come and shop there. But that never happens because they don't want to put anybody who knows what they are doing in touch with these girls they have bamboolzed with their supposed expertise.

Anyway they kept the stuff out of the store for a month and we are fighting with them about the bill. Celebrities and their hangers-on are just not worth it. I prefer normal everyday people who just want clothes.

So I don't think it is so great to be part of that whole whirlwind. But if that blows your dress up, congratulations.

But it is all kind of silly don't ya think.


chickelit said...

Pearl necklace?

RLB_IV said...

What is the dress worth verus the exposure it receives if she wears it? Is it worth it? I can't imagine dealing with these bandits.

Trooper York said...

The problem was they took $12,000 worth of clothes and only picked two dresses for about $300 bucks. They had the stuff out of the store for three weeks and we needed them for when "What Not to Wear" came to film. Those guys are the only ones who are worth a shit.

Trooper York said...

What Not to Wear that is. I get a lot of business from girls who see us on the show. The crew is very professional and they pay for everything they use. They have a new thing on their website where they list everything they buy and how much it costs. That is going to make a lot of money for me.

I will do anything for the guys at What Not to Wear.

blake said...


(I got no follow-up to that, it just seemed like it needed to be said.)