Saturday, July 25, 2009

Tales of Kelly's Garden

Bigwig: Aren't you going to silflay?
Chervil: I already have sir.
Bigwig: Did you silflay in the designated area as per the regulations.
Chervil: Yes sir. I went to designated corner to silflay and then buried it as per Section 29 Subparagraph 8 the proper disposal of Siflay pellets per se.
Blackavar: [Mumbles] You better believe it. He is a little butt boy following all the rules. Not like when were in the crazy ladies garden where you could wherever you wanted and let it lay around and fester…..
[Chervil swipes at him to make him speak up, and he does]
Blackavar: I... I...I can’t take it anymore. This has to stop. Noboby silflay’s like normal rabbits. They can’t just squat and pinch a loaf everywhere and anywhere. It’s not like the old warren. There everyone took a dump whenever and wherever they wanted and that crazy lady never said anything. You could silflay all day and rock and roll all night and nobody cared. The badgers and the trolls and even the gay blue jays just pooped all over the place. It was a free for all. I know Chervil liked that. He hates to clean up after himself. He likes leaving droppings. He thinks people will examine them later and admire them. Even years later.
[Chervil glares]
Bigwig. Well I hope you still don’t believe that Chervil. I have been leading patrols over to the old warren to clean up our mess. We want to leave that garden the way we found it. Strawberry and Floppy Ears and I have cleaned up most of your mess. We are almost finished. Nobody will ever know we were there.
Blackavar: Won’t the lady in the cottage notice? I mean she was always stepping in our silflay and getting it on her shoes. I mean she would laugh sometimes because it was so absurd that there were so many droppings. Won’t she notice?
Chervil: Yes my pellets were particularly memorable. They looked like pearls and didn’t even smell. Everyone admired them.
Bigwig: No she won’t notice. She doesn’t notice much actually. Or if she does notice she won’t understand what is going on. And that’s a good thing.

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