Sunday, July 26, 2009

You can say whatever you want ,just say it walking. Except that!

So yesterday I am working in the back keeping an eye on the TV screen for the cameras that show what’s going on in the shop. And this sweaty homeless guy comes in with his T-shirt all ripped down the middle. Now I jump up to rush outside to deal with it but my worker happened to be sitting on the steps counting some inventory so there was a delay in me getting to the front of the store. Meantime this guy is spouting off his sad story. It seems he was trying to get together some money so he could get a bus ticket to get home to Philadelphia and nobody would help him out. And his complaining about how New York sucks and that no one would give him a break. Now my question is why I owe him a break. Nobody ever gives me a break. I have to bust my ass to make a dollar working seven days a week.

Now this guy’s story was bullshit in several different ways. First of all if he was trying to get the Philly what the hell is he doing in Brooklyn? You can’t get there from here. There is no bus or train or airplane in Brooklyn that will connect with Philly. You have to go to Manhattan to get to the Port Authority So basically all he was doing was begging. I mean its bad enough when panhandlers accost you on the subway or on the street but to come into a ladies clothing store to panhandle. I mean enough is enough.

So I finally get up the steps and up in the guys face and tell him “Yeah pal that’s all very interesting but I got nothing for you and you have to leave the store.” As I am ushering him out he throws out his parting shot “You know maybe that’s why this city has a big hole in the ground because of the way you treat people, The truth hurts don’t it?” as the door hits him in the ass. But then I had a new problem.

You see my wife was gonna kill him. I had to hold her back because we knew too many people who died to listen to that shit.


dbp said...

That guy sounds almost as dumb as a certain Harvard Professor I heard of. Almost.

dr kill said...

Hizzoner ruled. Often wrong, but never in doubt. Heat on his sleeve. I like that in a public official.

Take a position and rally the city to it.

Not at all like the current crop of poll-following crapweasels.

The Dude said...

Beggars - not the most creative parasites.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Not Big Frank! LOL.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I was driving back from the shore last week, I was feeling generous, saw a panhandler at the Ben Franklin Bridge begging and I gave him a $50 bill.

Anonymous said...

As long as he's going to bring karma into play, what'd he do to end up in his condition? Asshole loser.

G. Weightman said...

The ghost of Frank Rizzo thanks you for not bankrolling this grifter's return to Philadelphia.

Darcy said...

I love these stories.

Wish you'd have let Lisa at him.
