Friday, July 24, 2009

Is this the way to Ixtlan?

When I was in college I read all the books by that mystic guy Carlos Castaneda. You know the dude who studied under the Yaqui shaman Don Juan Matus who taught him how to turn into a raven and fly. A lot people loved his books and looked at them as some form of spiritual guide to knowledge. I never really did but I found then quite interesting reading.

Castaneda had a very interesting life. He had a sting of women living with him who he claimed as disciples.Three at a time. They all disappeared after he died. They worshipped him and cut off all ties with family and friends. Castaneda lived as a recluse for many years after publishing three best selling books of autobiography. He basically was a cult leader. If you met someone who was really into his books and his philosophy they would argue white was black and day was night if Castaneda said so. Kind of reminds of the present day when you talk to Obamabots.

Except they ain't chewing peyote.


RLB_IV said...

The one time I chewed peyote I threw up violently and had a typical acid trip. Weird things happened, of coarse, strange beings, itchy scalp and the pets were only walking skeletons. Too much trouble, never did it again. All I can say is that it sold books.

Trooper York said...

You bet it did. I think I am going to take them down and read them again. I haven't read one in thirty years. I wonder with it will be like.

Anonymous said...

I once met Carlos Castañeda at UCLA. It's true. I was a naive sophmore, but even then, as sympathetic as I was to the New Age, I knew in an instant this guy was peddling horseshit. Partly that was because I have some real Mexican relatives, spent time there and knew something about the country, and partly because my girlfriend at the time was a Ponca Souix, whose family left the reservation for greener pastures in California, but who could still spot fake Indian spiritual horseshit (her term of art) 40 miles away.

Yes, I had a genuine hippy-dippy New Agey past in California. Interesting, but all it proves is I'm getting terribly old.

Anyway, I can tell you Obama is no Carlos Castañeda.

Whan Castañeda had hallucinations, it was with his own money.

The Dude said...

How is Carlos Castaneda's teacher different from a liberal? One has tentacles growing out of his stomach that allow him to crawl across a waterfall, the other is just a fictional mystic.

Ok, that's not good humor. But it is hot and I am tired. Where did I leave that peyote?