Thursday, October 20, 2011

Nanny and the Professor

"Come here Nanny Figallilly I would like to show you something."
"Well what might that be guvernor?"
"It is something I would like you to take care of for me."
"Eh wot your shopping I have just come from the grocery and have all of our provander for the night."
"No not that Nanny."
"Oh my gracious. Your penis is out. So that's what you want me to take care of. Well that's a wee job so it should just take a nonce."
"Oh Nanny Figallilly, I love you."
"Of course you do. Let me put the brisket in the fridge and I will take care of that for you right now."


chickelit said...

Well that's a wee job so it should just take a nonce.

That not true. The British still hung men in the 1960's.

The Dude said...

That's more like the Troop writing we so admire.

chickelit said...

BTW, Figalilly is a wonderfully inspired bilingual portmanteau word for a name.
I'm sure that Fred will agree.

Fred4Pres said...

Did you mean me or some other Fred?

Sure. Who doesn't like a Figa? Lilly is fine too.

I mean other than Titus and Palladian. And my guess Palladian is not hostile to them.

chickelit said...

@Fred4Pres: The word came up before and I recalled that it caught your ear (or something).

Fred4Pres said...

Like I said, who doesn't like Figa?

dbp said...

I think The Brady Bunch, The Partridge Family and The Nanny were a Friday prime time line-up for a couple of years when I was a kid.

Titus said...

Mr French and the Nanny should of been a series.

Mr French seemed gay. Probably because of the French part.


Titus said...

I had a false alarm loaf pinching today.

You think it is going to happen but then it doesn't.

You sit there on the lou anticipating a loaf of fortune but instead just a couple of dry farts.

I hate that.

chickelit said...


Titus said...

I was successful after the second loaf pinching attempt.

All that is needed is for the initial loaf to slide out of the pucker. I call that the "leading loaf". Once he decides to make an exit other less sufficient loaves no it is ok to slide out as well.

Why is that?

Also, why do we immediately piss after pinching?

Titus said...

know not no.

I called the second and third loaves "beta loaves".

I also love the clipping device we have on all of our puckers.

Part of the reason I don't want to do anal is I never want to lose that clipping device.

And I have read stories that big bottoms no longer have any control and loaves just fall out anywhere in everywhere.

I am not willing to lose my clipper.

chickelit said...

Titus, it sounds like you enjoy giving birth to loaves as much as Trooper likes giving mirth to oaves.

MamaM said... much as Trooper likes giving mirth to oaves.

A wide berth to oaves these days it seems.

Regarding sloppy clippers: When the one in the brain gets loose, similar problems result, with shit falling out all over.

chickelit said...

MamaM said...A wide berth to oaves these days it seems.

A generous heart which berths all save one.

MamaM said...

Berth Motha!