Saturday, June 27, 2009

Hey I have been busy!

Sorry to miss the non stop Michael Jackson talk but I was busy getting ready for the first communion tomorrow. I had to finish cleaning the yard and then the granddaughter and I did all the planting in the back yard where the party will be. We put in inpatients and marigolds and lots of pots of basil which I will use to cook with all summer. Then we had to go pick up all the food and start the preparations. The potato and macaroni salad are done now I have to start on the peppers and onions for the sausages for tomorrow.


dbp said...

Sounds yummy! Hopefully the weather will cooperate after all that work. Best wishes on the grand daughter's first holy communion.

blake said...

Meanwhile, Amy, Kelly, Eddie, Grusinskaya, et al., languish, clamoring for expression.