Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tit for tat.

Or is that tats for tits. Or tats on tits. Or tats over tits.

Oh well, this game sucks.


Hoosier Daddy said...

The girl who did my last tattoo earlier this year had some spectacular tats on her hooters. I gave her a lot of credit because the one I was getting hurt like a mother. She was a little chatty catty and all I could do was grunt 'uh huhs' cause I was afraid I was going to cry like a pussy if I unclenched my jaw.

Anonymous said...

Zebulon Vance, Governor of NC and Senator for the Tarheel state. Once, when campaigning, a buxom woman from the Republican Party got up in his face and told him, "Mr. Vance, we just want to let you know that during this election, we Republicans are going to give you tit for tat." He looked her up and down and replied, "Tat."

He was quite a character. In the Senate one day, he was mad at the Senator from Rhode Island (I think that's the right state) and insulted him by telling him he was from a puny, runty little state, and that he could piss half-way across the state. The Senate leader pounded his gavel and shouted out to Vance, "Sir, you are out of order." Vance's reply was, "You're damn right I'm out of order, and if I was in order, I could piss all the way across his state."

I love calling North Carolina home.

Hoosier Daddy said...

You just have to love a gut who's name is Zebulon.

The Dude said...

NC is great - where else can the governor get his wife a swell made up job, make sure she gets a huge raise, then, when she gets caught in a scandal, and all around her bodies are dropping, make sure that her contract is paid even after she is fired.

Also, we have Morehead City. Nothing could be finer...

Unknown said...

Two NCers on one TY post! Cool. I lived in Camp Lejeune and Durham, a couple years each.

Unknown said...

Or North Cackalacky, as we used to say.

The Dude said...

Durm, rhymes with worm.

The home of Nifong and NCCU.

Duke basketball and the Bulls.

And the bull never stops in Durm.

blake said...

That's cute.

But I have the same problem with that tattoo as I have with all of 'em, only in spades: At what point do you get tired of having a board game--and a not very good one at that--tattooed on you?