Monday, June 15, 2009

Lem must be very happy!

Well after last week Yankee fans have to be a little worried. I mean the Red Sox have taken every game this year even though they are only two games a head of us in the standings. So they have every right to be confident.

But you know that the regular season is really not an indication of how the playoffs are going to go. The Yankees have good starting pitching and I think they are going to put Joba in the bullpen in the playoffs. That will give us a superior bullpen. Of course that presupposes that Mariano will be able to do his thing as he has had some problems with the Red Sox. But that is what it all boils down to for the Yankees. If Mariano can close it out we win. If he can't we lose.

There is really only one thing you can be sure of .

Boston Sucks.


blake said...


And now, Theo Boehm for a rebuttal.


ricpic said...

Up in Vermont where I lived for a decade the amazing thing is that ball fans are evenly divided between the Yankees and the Sox. One of the many Ripleyesque facts about New England.

dbp said...

I said it before and will say it again: If Boston Sucks! and we are beating the Yankees, what does that make them? Do they not even suck?

I refuse to get too enthused as there is plenty of time for the Socks to collapse, but so far so good.

ricpic, I didn't know you lived in Vermont. I was there too: Worked at UVM between 1992 and 2000. Loved it, still not quite understanding why we moved...

Trooper York said...

Yeah yeah yeah. Remember the playoffs are another kettle of fish. I remember 1977.

Bucky Dent.

Think about boys. And girls.

save_the_rustbelt said...

Speaking on behalf of Detroit Tigers fans everywhere....

Boston really sucks.

Trooper York said...

I was at a game once where Al Kaline, Norm Cash and Willie Horton just murdered the Yankees. Stan Banshen was pitching and he got shelled. That was a great Tiger
team. You know I liked that team better than the one that one the series. I think it was better. With McLain and Lolich. Those were the days.

The Dude said...

I liked it when Teddy Baseball coached the Senators.

Didn't like when Earl Weaver left Eddy Murray in during the last game of the '79 series.

Did like that the first big league game I saw was a twi-night double header between the Yankees and the Orioles in '61. Got to see Mantle, Maris and Berra.

As it turns out, every game since then has been a letdown.

I have a baseball autographed by Boog Powell. I bet that is worth over a dollar.