Saturday, June 13, 2009

The High King of Montvale

Well SM Stirling just posted his tenth chapter of the latest installment of his saga of the quest for the Sword of the Lady which is called coincidentally "The Sword of the Lady." It is the saga of Atros or more properly Rudi Mackenzie who is on a quest to the Island of Nantucket. This series ties in with his two previous series "The Islands in the Sea of Time" and "Dies the Fire" both of which I have highly recommended.

Mr. Stirling has previously stated that he usually puts up ten chapters and leaves ten chapters for the rest of the book so that means he should be ready to publish soon. When you enjoy a series as much as I do you really anticipate the next book and it is a gyp when you read it so fast and have to wait so long for the next installment. So if you are looking for some really cool summer reading, start with the "Dies the Fire" trilogy and work you way on to "The Sunrise Lands" books. You will have a great summer of escapist reading with one of the new masters of science fiction/alternative history/fantasy. I guess I don't know the best way to categorize it I just know that it is great.


ricpic said...

I don't know what time period this series takes place in, looks medieval. If it is you might be interested in reading a book I'm reading: Barbarians To Angels: The Dark Ages Reconsidered. The author is Peter S. Wells. Short book and accessibly written. His contention is that the so-called dark ages, 400 - 800 AD, weren't dark at all, just different than the preceding Roman civilization. He cites a lot of recent archeological findings to back up his claim.

Publisher: W.W. Norton & Co.

ChocolateGodzilla said...

I once knew a man from Nantucket....