Monday, June 22, 2009

Thanks for your memories!

I want to thank everyone who shared their thoughts about their fathers yesterday.

I am sorry for you guys who have bad memories of your dad that must be really tough. I know that my dad was sort of a surrogate for a couple of my closest friends. Their dad’s had died young and my dad was always around with us taking us to the game or on Boy Scout outings or just hanging around and shooting the breeze. They came to him with questions and looked for advice and he was always ready to help. They wept at his wake just as much as I did. I was never jealous of them. You see there is always enough love to go around.

When you guys have such tough memories of your dad, you might remember one gift that he gave you. An example. An example of what not to be. Of how not to act. If his memories cause you to stop and think for a moment with your own kids, well believe it not it will help you be a better dad. Let your memories of Father’s Day be of new traditions that you start with your kids.

I want to make this Father’s Day week, so I will have a lot of post about Father’s and kids. Please feel free to drop in more memories at any time.


Ron said...

Let me put it this way: The only way I've been to get by in life is turning my back on my whole family.
When I was at my absolute worst, everything falling part, and I was in a hospital in and out of consciousness (in another city, no less) not a single person from my family could even be bothered to pick the phone and talk to me.

I tried to patch things up which became such a disaster I left my childhood home thinking I needed to hear from them that they even cared I was alive. I didn't hear from anyone for 7 years, and then to ask for money.

I didn't go to my father's funeral, and I don't even know where he's buried.

Trooper York said...

I am really sorry Ron. I don't know what to say in the face of those facts. But in reading your blog I can see that you have a lot of good friends who care about you. And that you are a loyal and caring friend.

There is a saying that you can choose your friends but you can't choose your family.

It is a heart wrenching story tha you tell and I would never want ot make light of your feelings about it. But from now on I am going to consider you family and I am going to call you cuz. For cousin. If you ever come to New York I am going to bop you over the head if you don't eat all your macaroni.

No gelato until you finish you peas and macroni in garlic and oil.

Ron said...

Thanks a lot Trooper, I really appreciate it. The only thing that keeps me from NY, even to visit, is money. I love the City, and I come back here feeling well, refreshed and recharged. I'll be gettin' there ASAP.

I loved your story of your dad, and I appreciate that positive things that most people have got from their parents. But some of us have to get to who we are by another route. Whatever virtues I have, I come by through that detour, and I take them to heart.

I'll make pasta with garlic and oil tonight, OK? ;) (Ack, no grated parmesan!)

Trooper York said...

Fair enough cuz.

Just know that despite the how you got there the place you are at lets people appreciate you for the cool dude you are and value you.

Throw some zuchinni in there for a little flavor. And maybe a spoon full of that Vietnamese garlic chili sauce I featured a while back. It will warm up the cockles of your heart.

And nothing is better than warm cockles.