Thursday, October 30, 2008

Closed for Halloween

We are closing the store for Halloween since there will not be any business. Since it is on a Friday a lot of our customers are going to parties. But the real problem is the kids who are going to come out for candy. They hit all the stores on Court St. Giving the candy isn't the problem, it is the egg throwing and the general bullshit we have to deal with. Last year some asshole stuffed donuts through our front gates. You know, donuts for the fat girls. Better to be closed and stay home and watch a movie. I don't think we will have time to do that since we have to get ready for the trunk show the next day, but we will see what happens.


LUCKY said...

I found some of your comments on Althouse's blog and I have enjoyed reading through yours and am stuck at home handing out candy this halloween. Happy Happy Joy Joy (Sarcasim awfuly hard to get across in writing.)

dannyboy said...

I like doing the Christopher Walken routine when the kids come to the door.

/cue Walken voice

Trick or Treat? Well I too have a question, my little costumed friends. Which one of you can guess how many bodies I have buried under my house?

It only took one Halloween and the word gets out. Now the little bastards leave me treats.

blake said...

Vandalism is never amusing as you think it is when you're stoned.

Trooper York said...

Thanks for coming by lucky.

Two years ago we decorated our house for Halloween and make little packages of candy for all the kids. The little kids were great during the day but right after dark it went south. A couple of kids came over and got a package. One of them looked at it and said "What's this." I said "It's candy." He said "I don't want this shit I want ten dollars." Then he threw the bag of candy across the street. I offered to give him a beating instead but he opted to leave without one.

That was the end of Halloween treats at our house.

john said...
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john said...

I was sent here by Blake, in response to my query on Althouse as to how TorT is run in NYC. Interesting.

Too bad about the donuts. Glazed or powdered?