Thursday, November 6, 2008

Life on Mars will be great tonight.

I saw the coming attractions for the TV show Life on Mars tonight and it looks really good. It is about this guy gets hit by a car in 2008 and is sent back in time to 1973. Anyway supposedly this Puerto Rican kid supposedly throws a young black girl off a roof and the blacks and the Puerto Ricans get into it big time. Man was that the truth. I remember in the seventies how that was happening all the time. I used to go to the fights at the Felt Forum and when a black guy fought a Puerto Rican all hell would break loose. The only thing worse was when the Dominicans came up in the '80's and the Puerto Ricans and the Dominicans got into it. That was bad news.

Anyway, I love the series for the clothes and the cars and the atmosphere. It's a lot more realistic than the overpraised "Mad Men" cause it shows what the nitty gritty streets were like. Particular good is Harvey Keitel as the crazy lieutenant and
the Christopher guy from the Sopranos who plays a crooked cop. It is a lot of fun and if you have time, you should check it out.

Fair warning though. Whoopi Goldberg is on this episode. Playing a guy. An ugly guy.

Type casting.

1 comment:

knox said...

I like Mad Men, but it is way, WAY overpraised. I have figured out what characters/story lines aren't worth watching and I fast-forward a lot.

I keep meaning to DVR Life on Mars and always forget.