Monday, November 17, 2008

Why do I feel like Marlin Perkins?

Well I have been busy tagging all my old posts so you can follow my descent into madness. It is a pain in the ass to come up with categories but I did my best. I am sure I will come up with new ones to add as well.

One question is should I add a tag for commenter's in each post. I won't do that for every time you comment, just when it is on the point.

Oh and I won't give Blake a tag as he comments on almost every thread as I do on his blog. We have entirely too much time on our hands. I mean he is on the treadmill, but I don't have an excuse. So consider every post to have the tag "Blake."


blake said...

Dude, we're all on the treadmill.

Some of us metaphorically. Others literally. But we all walkin' somewhere.

I'm Full of Soup said...

"Descent into madness" is a great name for a blog.

blake said...

"Descent into madness" is a great name for a blog.

Needs a twist. How about "Ascent into Madness"?

Meade said...

Whenever you get a minute, could you please tag all your old Deadwood referenced posts? Those were funny and I'm trying to catch up. Thanks in advance.

blake said...


Can't you just google for "San Francisco cocksucker"?

I mean, site-wise. You might get a broader response on the web....