Thursday, November 20, 2008

She’s A Maniac, Yes A Maniac it’s True.

Well we had a tough one for insomnia theatre last night. I was running down the dial and we come upon VHI which had Flashdance on and the wife wanted to watch it. It had been a long time since I had seen it so we left it on. Leg warmers, ripped sweatshirts hanging off one shoulder, impossibly skinny dancers bouncing off the walls.

The problem with watching an old movie is always your frame of reference. Now if you watching a drawing room comedy from the thirties or even a screwball comedy it seems cool. But when it is a movie set in the time you were actually around you have a whole different perspective.

Some of the jarring moments revolved around smoking again. The guys in the factory were all smoking will they were welding and stuff. That can’t be right. And in the big scene at the end of the movie where she is being evaluated by the committed of hoity toity dance people, one of the women on the board is smoking a cigarette and a guy is smoking a cigar. I mean really what a difference in our world eh?

The other really weird thing is the whole premise of the dance/strip club. I mean she dances in a bikini and all these guys are there getting drunk and clapping. What the fuck? I spent a lot of times in strip clubs in the eighties and it was nothing like that at all. If they didn’t get naked within about a minute of hitting the stage they would start throwing chairs. I remember when the internet first came out a friend of mine was a big computer expert. So we started a company and pitched a porno web site to this new strip club called Flashdancers who stole their name from the movie. My buddy did a lot of work and it was going good until we hit a sticking point. We were going to charge for readers to see naked pictures of the dancers but we got in a big beef as to the split between the club and the web masters. Words were exchanged. Scary words. So we went out of the internet porn business right quick. So seeing girls dancing in bikini’s in a movie called Flashdancers made me chuckle.

Just not fall asleep.


Asante Samuel said...

How about Tens, on E. 21st and 5th?

Trooper York said...

Not my favorite. I enjoyed the Doll House on Murray St, Billy Smiths on sixth avenue around 26th St or so, the Foxy Den on Third Avenue in Brooklyn and the greatest strip club ever the Wildfire in the St. George Hotel on Pineapple St. in Brooklyn Heights.

Asante Samuel said...

Oh boy, could I tell you some stories.

Trooper York said...

Hey you and me both. In the Foxy Den you were searched for guns before you could get in. The Wildfire was closed when one patron shot another as they were sitting at the bar. Those were Wild West Days my friend.

Trooper York said...

Of course having been in strip club just makes you laugh your ass off at the club in Flashdance. I mean steel workers want to go watch broads with no tits dance artistically. WTF?

That is a gay guy's idea of what a strip club is like. It was pretty funny actually.

blake said...


That's actually a recurrent theme: "The Art of Stripping" or, if you prefer, the "art" of stripping.

There was a movie a few years after that alleging to document a stripper convention called (appropriately enough) "Stripper". Largely fictional but a good watch.

Hoosier Daddy said...

What exactly IS Jennifer Beals doing nowawadays?

Hey you and me both. In the Foxy Den you were searched for guns before you could get in.

Heh...back in my 'yout' when I was a humble steelworker before getting an edumacation and a clean job, we used to hit this place called the Little Red Mill right when we finished up the 3/11 shift. They frisked us too. Hey, I worked in Gary Indiana. An unarmed white boy in that town at midnight was like chum in the ocean.

Of course Mrs. Hoosier was informed I was working a double shift but that's another story altogether.

blake said...

Ms. Beals is currently on "The L Word", I believe.