Saturday, November 8, 2008

Tales from Amy's Garden Post Election Edition

Fiver: There's something very queer about the warren this evening...
Hazel: Is it dangerous?
Fiver: It's not exactly danger, it's... oh, I don't know. Something oppressive... like thunder.
Fiver: I feel it too. I think there will be lighting and thunder soon.
Hazel: Well the lady in the cottage must think so. She has been making strange noises ever since election day. It sounds like they are strangling a cat.
Fiver: That's good, I hate cats. By why do you think she is strangling a cat and not choking a chicken.
Hazel: Well she keeps moaning and shouting "My pussy, my pussy." And something about an Obama. Is that a kind of cat?
Fiver: That can’t be right. I thought she said she wanted to get a dog.
Hazel: People are strange sometimes. I prefer rabbits.
(Watership Down, 1972)


Asante Samuel said...

Ooo- ooo- ooo, another metaphorical political post.

1. Sometimes a queer is just a queer.
2. The warren refers to Kalifornia.
3. Oppressive is konservative kode for Socialism. As we learned in the previous lesson, this is considered racist, therefore incorrect.
4. like thunder is a simile referring to the Democrat Party, as in lots of noise accompanied by a strong possibility of a rainy day.
5. For extra credit, the lady in the cottage refers to:
a. Maxine Waters
b. Melissa Etheridge
c. Cindy Sheehan
d. Nancy Pelosi
e. Andrew Sullivan
f. Cynthia McKinney
6. Choking a chicken is better than skinning a squirrel or flogging a dolphin.

Trooper York said...

Totally off base Dr. Kill. If you read back in the archives you will see many Amy's garden posts and it will very easy to figure out what is what.

Lots of points for effort though.

Thanks for playing.

Asante Samuel said...

I like my version just fine, but it is your blog. Sometimes a post is just a post.

Trooper York said...

No it's not, it's a continuing serial.

Trooper York said...

And your comments are always appreciated.

Asante Samuel said...

Congratulations, you finally made me try to access the world famous TY archives.

I'm still hopeful there is some funny shit in them about Cynthia McKinney.

Asante Samuel said...

I didn't see anything about Amy, but I did learn about why her twat is hairless. Cool.

I didn't read this shit before, I must have still been reading Althouse in September. I won't make that mistake ever again.

Asante Samuel said...

And Fred Flintstone's dick is dead? Who knew?

Hoosier Daddy said...

I'm still hopeful there is some funny shit in them about Cynthia McKinney.

What isn't funny about Cindy McKinney?