Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Watching the Detectives.

I don't plan to watch the results till the end of the night. The mainstream media is so corrupt that it literally hurts to watch them. The Yahoo's on Fox are no better. So we will be watching a pay per view movie tonight. I want to watch a crime or action movie and the wife wants to watch Sarah Jessica Horseface. So we might have some negotiations. But if I throw in her favorite dinner and foot rubs during the entire movie I should do OK. Wish me luck.


Hoosier Daddy said...

Sarah Jessica Horseface.

Wow. I thought my wife was the only one who ever called her that.

Amazing what makeup can do eh?

dbp said...

You are totally right. The TV election night coverage consists of telling you the obvious: Like we call Vermont for Obama and Kentucky for McCain, or wrong stuff like Obama leading by huge margins in states he barely wins or leads in states he ends-up loosing.

A total waste of time watching them spin their fantacies.

Trooper York said...

I am just waiting for the store to close and we are going home for mac and cheese, wine and ice cream for desert.

We saw this movie about the Russian Mafia in London with the Lord of the Rings guy that was pretty good. I want to find another action movie like that for tonight. Until the Shield comes on at 10pm.

blake said...

Homemade Mac & Chee? I love Craig Claiborne's recipe, but the kids are all about the Kraft.

Eastern Promises, very possibly David Cronenberg's best work. If you didn't see his previous outing with Viggo, A History of Violence, that is also damn good.

Hoosier Daddy said...

We saw this movie about the Russian Mafia in London with the Lord of the Rings guy that was pretty good.

Oh my God you thought Eastern Promises was good? Troop, my brother, did you get some bad whiskey?

Ok just kidding. I didn't think it was that great. In fact Viggo's Russian accent was too good because I couldn't understand a damn thing he was saying 3/4 of the time. Plus the fight scene in the steam room and getting the brown eye from Viggo was something I could have happily gone to my grave not ever seeing.

Never have been a Cronenberg fan but its a personal taste issue. Give me Michael Mann any day for some gratuitous violence.