Sunday, November 30, 2008

Plaxico's got a gun!

Hey Plaxico shoots himself in the foot again. Well in the side. What a dick. THE WORLD CHAMPION NEW YORK GIANTS roll again by beating the Skins 23-7 but the headlines will be about this fool shooting hisself in the club. What a dick. The Giants are definitely going to drop him in one way or another. He had to have violated his contract in some way shape or form.

What amazes me about these guys is that when they are at the top of their game they don't realize that is all going to be over so quickly. He can never get back to the place he was just a few short months ago. A valued member of a Super Bowl Champion with a big contract and a solid future. He could hang around New York for Decades and live off that. Now he is joke. A punchline. Guys like Carl Banks and Roman Oben and Phil McConkey and Mark Bavaro have set themselves up for life after winning with the Giants. He had that all in front of him and he pissed it away. They never learn. Athletes are stupid.


Asante Samuel said...

Imagine how scary the guy who shot Plax must be for him to go all white-boy and say he accidentally shot himself. He is an idiot.

Trooper York said...

No he is stupid enought to shoot himself. The problem is he got Antonio Piece invovled which is bad news.

I thought the defensive and offensive guys were supposed to hate each other. This sucks.

knox said...

The first time I heard that name I thought, ????? ...and pretty much any other time I hear it.

TitusLyposomalDisorder said...

you don't see Patriots doing this.

Teddy Bruski?
Tom Brady?
Richard Seymour?

Multiple super bowl rings I may add. Stellar behavior.

TitusLyposomalDisorder said...

It's called discipline.

The Patriots have it and the Giants obviously don't.

Look at Randy Moss today? A perfect angel as a Patriot.

Never any problems out of the Red Sox either.

Or the World Champion Celtics.