Sunday, November 16, 2008

Odin is pretty pissed.

Because the WORLD CHAMPION NEW YORK GIANTS stomped on the Ravens by a score of 30-10.

We just rolled over the best run defense in the league and Jacobs run roughshod over them. Plus Aaron Lewis returned one of his two interceptions for a touchdown. Jeez with Jacobs and Aaron kicking ass it sounds like they suited up the members of ricpic's minyan. Oy.

Did I tell you lately that the Giants won the Super Bowl?


Ron said...

The Giants won? Was that the YA Tittle Giants, beating Unitas? :)

OT, to make a tag, just make a post, and put anything you want in the 'labels' field, and then, later, you can search them...

Look at this're not stuck with the Lions! Be thankful!

Trooper York said...

Thanks for the tip. You got the first tag here on Trooper York.

You are the man.