Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Here we are at the Atlantis Casino in the Bahamas.

So one of the excursions in the Bahamas was to the Atlantis casino hotel. They had a bunch of excursions to the water park and the beach and what not but after the fiasco at the private island we decided to just dress up and go sight seeing. We didn't get off the boat too early so we beat the crowds. We strolled off the ship around 2pm and figured we would go on the water taxi to the hotel that was quite a ways away from the ship terminal.

That water taxi was quite an experience. The boat was an old beat up tub that looked pretty dangerous but we took it anyway since it seemed that nobody had a problem with it. Oh it cost $2 which must be why nobody had a problem since the cab ride back was $40 but what the fuck. There was no steps on to the boat....just a skinny moolie who said "Grab onto my neck man I give you a boost." Right.

We get off in the ass end of the harbor and follow everyone else who is going to the casino which is about a mile away. This other couple is behind us and go "Are you going to the Casino?" We said we were and they told us to come with them. They walked about a block away where the Casino had condos that they had stayed in before. Well there was a shuttle bus there that took you right to the casino. They didn't ask for a ticket. You just walked on board as if you belonged. It took us right to the main entrance and we walked right into a place we were not supposed to go. You see you needed all kinds of tickets and stuff if you were a day visitor but if you were a casino guest you went wherever you wanted. We lucked out again.

We checked out some of the shops but we were on a mission to buy me a hat. So we went out of the casino to the grubby mall outside the grounds where I found that cool plantation hat like in Django. When we came back in after sweating like monkeys we found the bar in the casino and sat down for a couple of cocktails. It was an oasis in the heat of a Bahamian Hell.

We planted ourselves at the bar which worked out since I had a planters hat. Ice cold Margaritas were the order of the day. The girl behind the bar was from the Bronx and was the best thing a service person could be. Plus size. So she wanted to shop in the store. She mixed a mean cocktail and out of the corner of my eye I saw a brick oven where they were making pizza. So we ordered a nice flat bread pizza.
It was very nice with a very thin crust and was a nice little treat to add to our cocktails. We sat and relaxed and drank and ate until it was time to cab it back to the ship..

Where we went right to the spa.


Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Sort of like Iggy Pop singing "Perfect Day"

Only more upbeat.

blake said...

Or Spongebob Squarepants:

o/~It's the best day everrrrr~\o

ndspinelli said...

The Atlantis is too big and overwhelming. The casino just has a bad feel to it. Michael Jordan rents the huge suite on the top of the hotel and gambles like a drunken sailor. He's a big whale. So is Barkley but I read he is taking control of his addiction.