Sunday, September 22, 2013

The answer to ugly out of control comment sections.

Speaking of a pile of shit here is a quote from the Nutty Perfessor:

"I've had a big struggle, peaking over the summer, with the problem of "illegible conversation," as problem commenters maliciously disrupt what might otherwise be a readable comments section. Now, I don't know that the Kinja solution will work. It might empower some of the most disruptive commenters, as they go off topic to entertain and win admirers for some agenda or style of comedy or edgy satire who'll relocate to their Kinja page. But Denton just wants you within the Gawker media empire, and not off on Twitter or Facebook, because he wants the page views in his operation, where he gets the ad revenue. The situation for a blogger is different.

I blog to publish my own writing, and I include comments as a way for me to interact with readers and to amplify and get different angles on things I want to talk about. I'm not about devoting my work to maintaining a social media website for people who don't care about what I'm writing. That's the enterprise of people like Denton who are designing a mechanism for making a lot of money. As an individual expressing myself — with the long-time motto "To live freely in writing" — I am more like the commenters upon whom Gawker is leveraging its Kinja scheme."

So all you problem commenters will have to handle you social interaction so other way. With friends and family as most of us do.

It just gets funnier and funnier.


Michael Haz said...

Not meant with any unkindness, I think we are seeing the decline of the blog hostess as she enters her 60s. The closeted unwillingness to travel, the increased self-centeredness, the lack of dinners with friends, the lack of trips to visit her sons, etc.

The bouts of incoherence are as well. Her posts have lost some complexity of thinking. More and more are becoming short.

It may also be that she has become fed up with the damn blog, but has no escape plan. I'd be depressed if I was stuck there, having to organize my life around feeding that monster.

I do feel sorry for her in some ways.

The Dude said...

Yeah, me too, then I remember who she is and I laugh my ass off.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

She is spinning out of control. She has a few more years left at law school, and then she gets I am sure a decent public funded retirement. But the blog is certainly declining and I do not see her having the energy to never miss a day.

Michael Haz nailed it.

And I do not have a lot of sympathy for her. Not after the shit I have seen she and Merde pull on others.

Michael Haz said...

I blog to publish my own writing

Not really.

Her "writing" is mostly offering her opinions about what someone else has written in an article, in a newspaper, or on another blog. She explains why she agrees or disagrees with the original writer, then invites her commenters to agree with her. Those not in agreement are exhorted to think harder.

Not much original writing there. Heck, in many topics her commenters write longer and more thoughtful replies than the hostess did in her original post. And their writing is original.

When was the last time she wrote an original post, one that does not reference anyone else's ideas or writing? Been a long, long time.

Posting photos or videos of dogs, hiking, lakes, fungus and such isn't writing. It's like posting stuff on Facebook.

TTBurnett said...

You can say what you want about her intemperance and much else, but she did have a way with people, and a touch to get them to whitewash her fence. There were only so many coats it could stand, though, and it was time to send the unruly boys away. Now she stands on the spattered sidewalk, looking over her nephew's work, and she realizes she and he are the same person. She will go home to write a few letters and will presently grow old. The boys are grown up and almost all gone. But that day they spent painting the fence together is a thing a person never forgets.

TTBurnett said...

Yes, Michael, it appears the essential Aunt Polly has finally won out.

Chip S. said...

Hannibal MO is the Midwest version of Cooperstown, IMO. Similarly low key, relatively faithful aspects of the simple verities of small town America.

Plus it's what Joe Hardy picked to be his home town. Shoeless Joe from Hannibal Mo. Played by a mo, too.

Speaking of Mo's, looks like Mariano may not have to put in any of that annoying, no-overtime-pay playoff time as he bids NY adieu.

Chip S. said...

But getting back on topic, I remember when a TOP post about commenting would generate 400 or so comments. This one has 10, count 'em, 10 sad little comments, mostly by people I never heard of.

Michael Haz said...

The Bears are 3-0. How can this even be half-way true?

Icepick said...

Haz, the Kansas City Chiefs have more wins than the '49ers, the Packers, the Giants, the Steelers and the Redskins COMBINED.

Betting on the NFL is a sucker's game!

Cody Jarrett said...

Not really.

It's not hard to figure that the Chiefs would do better. They have talent, they just had lousy coaching and needed a quarterback. The Niners were due for a bit of a regression--several experts were talking about it before the season. The qb played over his head last year--he's good but not as good as he played then, and Harbaugh's act is getting old.
The packers are getting old, the Giants have been developing organizational rot for a couple of years, and the Steelers had massive losses along the o line and the defense is old.

Still, to a casual fan I could see how it would seem to be all magical and shit.

Icepick said...

Cody, you're full of it. People could see that the Steelers were getting worse. You could see the problems with the Giants, and the same with the Packers. One could see KC getting better. But SF is a Super Bowl favorite (or was), and in any event to think that the Chiefs would have more wins after three weeks than ALL of those teams combined would stretch credulity.

And nothing explains what happened to Houston yesterday, or Miami looking as good as they do, or any other number of strange goings on. The NFL has largely achieved parity (looked at over several seasons), and this leads to highly variable results.

Methadras said...

Wait, why does this picture of the professor look like an out of context image from the front of a fetish porn video?

blake said...

Now, now: That condescending and barely comprehensible lamentation aside, Althouse had a way about her, which is what attracted us all to her in the first place.

She was kind of aiming to be a more aesthetically-oriented Drudge, and at her best, you can argue she succeeded at that.

A lot of people attributed other, more human, qualities to her as well, because that's what human beings do: When we communicate over things that interest us, we tend to like the person we're communicating with, and invest them with other positive qualities.

And it's not even that she doesn't have those qualities, it's that she has no interest in those qualities.

It can be a shocking revelation.

But she used to have a lot more respect for her commenters, too, and respected their contributions. It's become not enough for her to be the STAR of the blog, she has to be the ONLY thing on the blog.

Which, of course, completely destroys her original vision of the blog.

But internet communities look at the longevity of mayflies with envy.

Cody Jarrett said...

Okay IP. I forgot you're the world's expert on everything and shouldn't have dared speak (or write, as it were).

I await your next flush of brilliance with bated breath.

TTBurnett said...

blake: That is absolutely a spot-on comment.

blake said...

Thank you, sir!