Tuesday, September 10, 2013

I am getting tired of the Nutty Perfessor's bullshit.

I don't want to start a big war over at Lem's place but this Fiona shithead is starting to be a pain in the ass. I mean it has to be one of four people in the Althouse family. Meade. Althouse. John Althouse Cohen. Or Inga.


The Dude said...

I think she is Inga and is still pissed because she was kicked out of here.

John Althouse Cohen is too much of a pussy to attack anything.

Meade - we have seen his work - it doesn't sound like him.

Head Bint in Charge? Nah, fiona is too succinct to be written by the fatuous one.

chickelit said...

I too suspect Inga, but something tells me there was some back and forth early on at Lem's that cast doubt on Fiona = Inga.

I have better things to research but remain curious.

chickelit said...

Sixty certainly provides a motive.

ndspinelli said...

Time to start breaking some knee caps.

The Dude said...

You can borrow my tire iron. I have plenty of them...

yashu said...
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yashu said...
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Chip S. said...

fiona took great joy in seeing Ritmo and ST reprise their old TOP routine at Lem's. Whereas Inga would've baited ST and encouraged Ritmo, fiona indirectly used the spat to justify the new comment regime at TOP.

I also can't hear any of Inga's voices in the phrase "hapless liberals".

If you drop the notion of AA as a mature intellect, I think you'll be willing to consider the possibility that "fiona" may be a more authentic personality than "Althouse".

chickelit said...

Chip, would you be interested in posting at Lem's to replace betamax? The place could use some economic sense.

Send me an email or reply here.

chickelit said...

Oh and, you too, yashu.

Chip S. said...

Pollo, I'm super busy at work right now and not really able to do much online, but maybe later on.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

fiona = althouse?
what does Merde think? Oh wait, he though Mom Jeans was Fred4Pres and that Mary was EBL.

yashu said...
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The Dude said...

Troopski - start a small war. A war so small that no one notices it. Then negotiate your terms of surrender. Precedent has been set.

windbag said...

Who plays the role of Putin in the mini-war mini-series?

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Chip S., you should do it. Even if you post only occasionally to start.

blake said...

The Althouse bog.

Darcy said...

Where did betamax go?

blake said...

It lost out to VHS.

Darcy said...


blake said...

Ever eat Smarties?

The more you eat the smarter you get. Eat enough and you can actually become psychic.

It's true. I once ate a whole box of Smarties and predicted the next day my face would look like shit!

--Gary Mule Deer

Darcy said...

LOL. As it happens, I love Smarties.

Icepick said...

Too focused to be Inga.

Icepick said...

I'm 95% sure it's Inga. All the things Inga is sanctimonious, smug, insufferable about: fiona is Inga, concentrated.

Yeah, but that's the thing: fiona is TOO concentrated to be Inga. I don't think Inga has the capacity to focus like that.

Trooper York said...

I think there is a fifty fifty chance it is Titus.

He can ape a reasonable demeanor now and again.

The Dude said...

But he is never literate - he is not able to write without making really stupid English errors. There is no getting around it.

"Of" instead of "have". Yesterday he used the word "noone", and he wasn't talking about Herman's Hermits.

It's not Titus.

chickelit said...

But he is never literate - he is not able to write without making really stupid English errors.

No Sixty. I'd have to dig, but there were times when Titus appeared completely differently on Althouse. It's been years. There was even even a "real Titus" inquisition on Althouse.

Titus has become a nemesis of late. For a long time I humored it, but I turned.

The Dude said...

It was weird, as recently as several nights ago, when talking about Wisconsin, he seemed to think you were his bestie.

But he got drunk or high or his dementia kicked in and man, he turned mean again. That boy is seriously deranged. I am saying this as a guy who allowed edutcher, of all people to hook me.

Lesson learned. Special ed is truly special.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I haven't noticed. Is fiona and the rest of the gang who can't shoot straight kicking up at Lems?

The Dude said...

Nothing new, DBQ, just fiona telling Trooper to go away or something.

That set off a new round of "whose fiona" over here. Because our lives are so devoid of anything meaningful.

*slams computer shut, goes back to work*

Darcy said...

Heyyyyyyy. I've gotta lot of meaningful stuff happenin'!

Now if I could only figure out the meaning...

Trooper York said...

Me too.

I just cleaned out a big gob of earwax.

The Dude said...

I just finished sanding this and am starting to apply the finish.

That's a black walnut bowl 15-5/8 in diameter.

Darcy said...

Oh my gosh that's gorgeous, Sixty. Meaningful things, indeed.

The Dude said...

Keep clickin' baby, you'll see the rest.

Trooper York said...

Fiona just showed up at Lem's to pick at Icepick in a very personal and nasty way.

It has to be Althouse.

The Dude said...

If that is the case then my retort makes slightly less sense. But was fun, nonetheless.

yashu said...
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Icepick said...

I think there is a fifty fifty chance it is Titus

Shit, Trooper, I just logged on to say, "It's Titus." fiona reeks of Big Gay Snit. fiona is one of the old-timers. fiona holds grudges against the other old-timers.

It's totally titus.

Icepick said...

Fiona just showed up at Lem's to pick at Icepick in a very personal and nasty way.

It has to be Althouse.

I saw there was a comment directed at me, but I didn't bother reading it. Is it worth the time? I mean, will I laugh?

And I've got all kinds of meaningful crap to do. For example, the dishes. I'd much rather do this.

Icepick said...

Latest comment unread (but I read Sixty's reply and got a laugh out of that!), but I'm still thinking Titus because of the Big Gay snit aspects.

Or it's a brilliant double reverse triple cross and it's really Palladian. But probably not.

The Dude said...

Remember when Titus tried to pretend he was his husband Apu? It was obviously Titus. He cannot hide who he is - a dim flamer who thinks he is fab.

It's Inga.

The Dude said...

Palladian, to me, anyway, has always seemed to be sincere and honest about who he is, and not shy about being direct. fiona is the opposite of everything Palladian has ever been here.

It's Inga. She hasn't said anything since the Hitler comment, so perhaps that is meaningful.

Icepick said...

Remember when Titus tried to pretend he was his husband Apu? It was obviously Titus. He cannot hide who he is - a dim flamer who thinks he is fab.

It's Inga.

Okay, now how do those comments about Titus being dim NOT apply to Dinga bat?

Icepick said...

Palladian, to me, anyway, has always seemed to be sincere and honest about who he is, and not shy about being direct. fiona is the opposite of everything Palladian has ever been here.

And THAT'S why it would be brilliant if fiona was Palladian as Titus. You'd never expect it!

(No, I don't think it's true. It's just a joke. A JOKE! Can't you people take a fucking JOKE?!)

The Dude said...

It made me laugh, so it must have been a joke.

But what I was trying to say is that Titus cannot write without making terrible grammar and spelling errors. I have not seen those in fiona's screeds.

Inga is stupid in a different way. Her German roots show through in all her writings.

Okay, I really don't know, and at this point I am just repeating myself with no new data. I am awaiting a response to the Hitler comment.

Icepick said...

Well, Sixty, I just read fiona's comment and replied with my own bit of bait. We'll see if we hook anything. Happy fishing!

yashu said...
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yashu said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Icepick said...

Oh, I remember. I just don't care.

The vast majority of insults against me don't really register as insults against me, but as against reason. If I were the ONLY out of work person in the country, it would be one thing. But there are over two million people the government recognizes as long-term unemployed, and studies show that there are probably another 7,000,000 (at least) LTUEs who have dropped out of the workforce altogether but would like a job if they could find one. (There are eleven to twelve million drop-outs by most estimates, but some of them are retirees and such.)

And this on top of the usual churn of unemployed people that happens in any economy. And all the people on disability, of which I am NOT one. THAT is why comments like that piss me off, not because I am getting trashed, but because they ignore reality.

I mean, Hell, I survived Trooper comparing me to Vanilla Ice, I can handle whatever the Ritmos (who had taken that line of attack on me recently), Ingas and fionas can dish out.

The Dude said...

Vanilla Ice is unemployed, right? I sure hope he is.

Icepick said...

Vanilla Ice is unemployed, right? I sure hope he is.

Oh, you really don't want to go there, Sixty. You really don't.

The Dude said...

Dude, I lost my job in late 2002, and have not been able to find one since, so what can I say - I feel your pain, brothah.

But if you mean that you hope Vanilla Ice is still cranking out new records, then we need to talk.

yashu said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MamaM said...

Titus has issues that trigger and affect his presentation. So does the Oop/Inga. Fiona appears self contained and able to resist the bait Inga could not refuse in any of her previous guises.

Fiona also appears to possess an historical awareness of blog happenings as well as information about individual commenters that extends beyond what Oop/Inga would have been able to garner in her two years of fishing and note taking here and at TOP.

From the start of her appearances as Appelkutchen/Mito-allie at TOP, Oop/Inga appears to me to have been functioning as a union affiliated political operative, a form of community activist intent on seeding and derailing threads with daily spin and talking points. Making friendly with the natives to gain acceptance was part of the gig. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on viewpoint) her own personal issues would activate and quickly become entangled with the overall goal, causing her deliberate and reactive/defensive responses to blur together into one hot mess.

Fiona is a different duck.

MamaM said...

But it takes a certain kind of person to seize on the specific personal troubles, painful shit people have going on in their lives, and use that to attack them.

Yes, "hateful" is the term that comes to mind, with rage as the energy that runs beneath and drives that behavior.

Inga's rage was the hot variety that leads to pushing, shoving, and stabbing in the heart.

Fiona reveals a cooler, more calculated variety.

yashu said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MamaM said...

Yashu, Though disagreeing with your Inga=Fiona conclusion, I'm appreciating your insight and ability to capture essence.

Glee nails it.

I grew up experiencing that kind of hateful glee as a family norm, not knowing why it was present or where it came from until my early 50's when covered truths about both parent's pasts were brought to light.

Now, when I encounter that kind of hateful glee in my 93 year old- personality-disordered mother, I know she is attempting to pin someone else with the pain and shame she constantly carries and denies. At this age, her facial expression when she is acting out of that state is awful to behold. The most neutral word is to describe it is "distorted", and that fits her behavior as well.

1. To twist out of a proper or natural relation of parts; misshape.
2. To give a false or misleading account of; misrepresent.
3. To cause to work in a twisted or disorderly manner; pervert.

MamaM said...

After what I witnessed from LM, I wouldn't, or shouldn't, be surprised at anything.

I'm still surprised by it and deeply disappointed.

yashu said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chickelit said...

Great analyses, Yashu and MamaM.

Icepick said...

But if you mean that you hope Vanilla Ice is still cranking out new records, then we need to talk.

Not what I mean, and you just don't want to know.

Icepick said...

Heh, I admire that. You, Trooper, others here have skin like rhinoceroses (rhinoceri?). I'm much more thin-skinned.

The way to get me riled up is to insult my intelligence. I'm like a bull in a china shop then.

Okay, I'm like that pretty much all the time. Every day is like Festivus for me. "I gotta lot PROBLEMS with you people!"

Icepick said...

MammaM and yashu, those were some excellent comments.

I also know what it's like dealing with a fucked up family situation. I forgave my father his sins long ago, but I doubt I'll ever forgive my mother hers.

They're both dead now, along with so many others. I came along late, twelve years younger than anyone else in my generation of the family, and my parents were both younger children in their generations. So I'm outliving all the really nasty people. My sister is the last one to outlive, and it's probably a 50/50 proposition who outlives the other. But she's become so twisted in recent years that I would think that may do her in, if not for so many counter-examples within the family.

Still, I'm mostly free and clear of them, so there's that.

MamaM said...

To be mostly free and clear is good, Icepick, especially when it comes to crazy-making family stuff. Health is hard earned when basic needs go unmet during the early years and abuse and misuse enter the picture. When those who know speak, the resonance is powerful.

Yashu, not only did you knowck it out of the park for me with your opening observation on the nature of those kinds of wounds, the closing paragraph captures the enmeshed and twisted nature of the situation, complete with relish!

The Dude said...

Cut the mustard with relish! Hot dog!

Icepick, my man, striving to become an only child is something that my one remaining brother and I do every day. It's good to have goals.

Childhood abuse is a terrible burden. Outliving the bastards is a good strategy. Hang in there - that's trite, but it's all I've got. One day at a time and all...

Festivus for the rest of us - it's not just a holiday, it's a lifestyle.

Saw that episode this week and was struck that the character Tim Watley was played by Brian Cranston - Walter White in Breaking Bad - what a career he has had, eh?

The Dude said...

^Whatley, Bryan. Meh...

Icepick said...

Icepick, my man, striving to become an only child is something that my one remaining brother and I do every day. It's good to have goals.

Outlived my brother - he died at age 59 in 2009. Didn't realize until the two years that outliving my sister would be a goal, save that being 12 years younger than her gave me incentive anyway.

And on my side, just to be clear, the abuse was all emotional. I got my ass beat a few times, but for the most part I deserved it, and it wasn't the kind of stuff that anyone thought extraordinary at the time.

The Dude said...

We got every kind of abuse our parents could dish out.

They are gone now, my two older brothers have cashed in their chips, and in a couple of years I might have the opportunity to become the longest lived of my generation.

As the family elder now I really need to let a lot of those stories go. No one wants to hear them, everyone has their own story. Mine will be over ere long and I can carry the memories to the grave - they need to be buried.

MamaM said...

It's the unrecognized and unacknowledged pain that causes problems. Which takes us back to the beginning of the thread, where the topic of pain in the Ass was introduced.

Icepick said...

As the family elder now I really need to let a lot of those stories go. No one wants to hear them, everyone has their own story. Mine will be over ere long and I can carry the memories to the grave - they need to be buried.

I don't know, some can be entertaining. I've got a fantastic story about a couple of cousins and my aunt & uncle. And almost enough people are dead that I can tell it without any repercussions at all. (At least one felony is involved.) But I've decided to keep that from print because at some point I just MIGHT be able to use that idea in a story. And in that case, I don't want to be competing with myself.

The Dude said...

LOL @ MamaM.

Chip S. said...

Does anyone else see a similarity b/w the party games "Who is fionamcgee?" and "Who goes Nazi?"

Icepick said...

Does anyone else see a similarity b/w the party games "Who is fionamcgee?" and "Who goes Nazi?"


You should comment over at TOOP, Chip....

yashu said...

You should comment over at TOOP, Chip....

I'd love to see you there, too.

And I'd love to see you as a blog-contributor there, if you ever have the time & inclination for it. (I think you know, you were one of my fave commenters @TOP. Love your blog, but it's more fun to chew over great posts like yours with a big dining/ commenting party.)

But if not, heh, happy to hang out with you (and the rest o' youse misfits) at this dive bar, here. Thank god (or Trooper) for this dirty little sanctuary.

Chip S. said...

I appreciate both of youse saying that. I think TOOP is a good blog, and am not boycotting it or anything like that.

After the Fall of the House of Alt I felt like it was time to take a break from internet commentary--except for this joint, of course. It's been kind of shocking to find out how little time it takes to surf when you don't drop comments all over the place all the time. And when you drop TOP from the rotation.

Icepick said...

Well, no problems with that, Chip. I mean if you're like going to go and have a life and stuff.

Methadras said...

In my mind Fiona is Inga's alter ego because that lunatic suffers from serious mental issues to begin with anyway. Even if it isn't Inga, Fiona is clearly someone we know that is to cowardly to deal with who they are.

The Dude said...
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