Monday, September 9, 2013

Spa Style Cruising.

No that doesn't mean what you think it means.

There were way too many kids on this cruise. We thought they would be going to school and shit but it seems that starts a week later. Also the first stop was in Florida and all the little bastards took a day trip to Disney World or Universal Studios. So there was a shit pot full of the little fuckers running around the ship and in the pool and what not.

So we got a spa membership for the whole cruise. They only can see about 80 of them to keep the crowds down which was great. What was unique about this cruise was that they had a large coed area. Normally they have a men and a womans side in a spa on a ship. I mean you can get a couples massage but if you were going to hang out you had to be on either the men's or the women's side. We want to be together and this worked out perfectly.

First of all they had this giant whirlpool and hot tub that was always empty.
You could soak in the hot tub in the upper left hand corner of the photo away from all the kids and nonsense in the regular hot tubs. Or go into the whirlpool. They had a bunch of water jets you could put against you back or legs to get them relaxed and a platform that you could lay on to just rest in the whirlpool action. It was phenomenal.

Then when you were rested and wrinkled you got out and wrapped yourself in towels and laid on this heated porcelain couches.
The feeling that you got from the heat was wonderful. You dried off but you still rested you aching muscles. It was so very relaxing and chill.

Everyday we scheduled a treatment. One day it was acupuncture but most of the time it was a massage. We got a bamboo massage, a herb infused massage and a hot stone massage. Man that really relaxes you can gets you feeling mellow. Just what we needed .


The Dude said...

Combine the bamboo with acupuncture and you could have bamboo shoots jammed under your finger nails - doubly relaxing.

Trooper York said...

That's right GI-Joe!

The Dude said...

Đi đi mau!

ricpic said...

It's hard work living the good life. Me, I get to look out on a corn field. I also make a wicked good cuppa cawfee in the morning. That wicked comes from the years in Vermont where it was wicked this and wicked that. After the morning coffee comes the morning shower: the height of luxury. Then there's the nap after lunch. More luxury. I want for niente, niente I tellsya.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...


Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Going for the spa was a smart move. Although why not just go to a decent spa hotel and just hang the week there?

But that is me. If you had fun, that is all that matters.

The Dude said...

I like to avoid the Deerhunter Spa - too stressful.

chickelit said...

There's a new place northwest of Vegas opening up called The Spa 'n Ranch. Staffed by Manson girl look-alikes.

ndspinelli said...

I'm going wearing a Gerald Ford mask.

Methadras said...

Next time go on an adults only cruise.

chickelit said...

Quelle Frommage! Like fresh curds!

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Next time go on an adults only cruise

Yes! and never ever go on a cruise over the Christmas holiday break. It is not only full of obnoxious children....there are lots of even MORE obnoxious college students.

windbag said...

I'm going wearing a Gerald Ford mask.
