Saturday, September 7, 2013

Waiting for the shoes to drop?

Dude they already dropped on the cabin floor. A whole suitcase full.

The butler said Lisa had the best shoes he ever saw and I had the best Hawaiian shirts. Keep those questions coming!

I got a million of them buddy.


chickelit said...

How many pairs of shoes did you bring along?

chickelit said...

Tell us more about "The Butler" -- did you pour out your whines to him?

Trooper York said...

Well he wasn't a big burly black guy who taught me about the nobility of the civil rights movement like they do for all the other Irish guys.

He was a weasely Filipino who kept fucking shit up.

Trooper York said...

More about that later.

ricpic said...

Take those ruby red slippas outta their clear plastic bag and DANCE!

Back here on the reality front I couldn't flush this morning and when the septic guy came out he took one look and said "You, my friend, have a problem. It ain't just the tank, it's SYSTEMIC." Here I go reeling into destitution to keep this dinky 1940's house functioning (barely). Oh, you don't wanna hear about my problems? Alright. Nevermind. Whenever they say "my friend" you know you're doomed.

chickelit said...

@ricpic: Did the plumber diagnose your "systematic" problem using one of these endoscopic things that takes photos of the pipe's insides?

ndspinelli said...

Had the butler ever met Imelda Marcos?

ndspinelli said...

The Holocaust Museum has a rather poignant exhibit that looks a bit like this photo.

Trooper York said...

ricpic question for you. Why was Rosh Hashanah like a Jewish guy this year?

ricpic said...

El Pollo (still prefer chick) - the level of gunk in the tank was so high that he knew immediately there was a problem somewhere in the drainage lines. Didn't need no high tech to see that.

All I know is New Year came frightfully early this year so maybe that's the key. Huma's hubby climaxed too early (electionwise)?

Trooper York said...

You got it.

It came early.

The Dude said...

It's a drain field issue. Happens, especially when one's drain field is built in a moraine left over from the last ice age.

Move south, my man, where soil does what soil is supposed to do. Better yet, ship your effluvia to NYC - they would never even notice the additional sewage.

chickelit said...

I heard that there is a lot of schist in New York. Could it be that it got in the soil upstate making clay-dough which makes the soil hard to drain?

Out here, the problem is too fast drainage. Plus not enough indigenous fresh water.

chickelit said...

Yeah, the Imperial Valley used to be irrigated with Mexican water from Colorado. But we fixed that with the All American Canal.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Holy cow!...I've never in my life owned that many shoes all at one time. In fact, I probably never owned that many shoes at all, cumulatively.

Nice shoes though!

Ruth Anne Adams said...

Lisa, please get help. I'm lookin' out for your sole, sistah.

MamaM said...

Heading home from the bowels of Ohio tomorrow where I retreated for a week to think deep thoughts. It was a purgative and invigorating experience, allowing me to return renewed to await the uncertainties of dropped shoes and flung slippers.

ricpic's systemic problems bring on a sense of sympathy, knowing the only thing that works in an old house is the owner, and sometimes that can be irregular as well.

Earlier this week, I read a story about Jewish families being paid up to $50,000 to settle in the South, which started me wondering how much they'd have to pay ricpic to move next to SixtyG?

Welcome back TY! It looks like you had a good time. I like the on-the-way picture, and enjoy the bridge behind you on the gloomy one. Favorite shoes: orange with flower poms.

blake said...

More shoes than I own, of course.

More shoes than I've ever owned, easily.

More shoes than I've ever seen in one place, yep.

More shoes than I've seen in my entire life? Just maybe.

chickelit said...

God told Trooper that he, his wife, his wife's daughters, and daughter's daughters and two of each kind of shoe — left and right — would survive in the Ark.