Tuesday, September 24, 2013

I hate when I feel like Doc Holliday


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Cody Jarrett said...

Speaking of which, Friday during the day is another Western movie day on TCM.

I don't believe I've seen any of the movies they've got lined up.

blake said...

So...you're not my huckleberry?

chickelit said...

Have you tried laudanum yet, Troop?

ndspinelli said...

Of all the cigarettes, bottles of whiskey, playing cards, on Doc's grave in Glenwood Springs, Co., there were no bottles of laudanum. I guess they're hard to come by now.

Cody Jarrett said...

Maybe he should make his own?

Laudanum.-Best Turkey opium, 1 oz.; slice, and pour upon it boiling water, 1 gill (1/4 pint), and work it in a bowl or mortar until it is dissolved; then pour it into the bottle, and with alcohol of 76 per cent. proof, 1/2 pt., rinse the dish, adding the alcohol to the preparation, shaking well, and in 24 hours it will be ready for use. Dose -- Form 10 to 30 drops for adults, according to the strength of the patient, or severity of the pain.

Thirty drops of this laudanum will be equal to one grain of opium. And this is a much better way to prepare it than putting the opium into the alcohol, or any other spirits alone, for in that case much of the opium does not dissolve. See the remarks occurring after "Godfrey's Cordial."

MamaM said...

Which part? "Walking into a stacked deck"? The Doc Holliday feeling is a sign something ain't right. Once the big stuff involving heart, lungs, blood clots and apnea are ruled out, there's slugs of whiskey and some great little prescription pills called Tessalon Pearles that effectively suppress nighttime coughs due to colds/allergy.

I'm glad you're seeing a doctor soon. I've had the cough combined with the breathing underwater feeling and it was not a restful thing. Not to put too fine a point on it or anything, but the body starts to reflexively respond when air supply is compromised, which is where the laudanum comes in handy.

The Dude said...

Heroin is the brand name applied to a refined opiate cough medicine.

Anti-cough medicine, more accurately. Opiates are very effective at suppressing coughing.

I hear there is a down side to using opiates, but who knows, that might be a tall tale or something.

Cody Jarrett said...

Sweety meadey potato the rotisserie king has taken to calling me cody jarrett grit.

I believe I'm honored. I hope Sixty isn't too insulted though.

The Dude said...

Meade is not very bright.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I like Glenwood Springs but I woul not care to end up like Doc Holiday did...

Cody Jarrett said...

Good luck at the doctors today, Troopster. I hope he id's something with a quick and easy treatment.

ndspinelli said...

Evi, Have you soaked I the magic waters of that huge mineral spring pool? It is Nirvana.

Cody Jarrett said...

Your blog did it to me again, Evi.

I bet Crackers wishes he could figure out how to configure his to do it.


Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Troop is not quite as sick as he made out...

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

ndspinelli, I have. I love that pool. Beats the shit out of Aspen up the road (although I do like that high pass out of town).

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

cody, I am not sure why blogger is fucking with you but it is not me. I welcome you commenting, even when you tell me I am wrong (that often makes me go back and double check what I am doing).

The Dude said...

Evi, has edutcher started calling you "Madame" yet? That motherfucker needs to find some other universe to make comments in.

Icepick said...

I don't get the edutcher hate. I mean, I argue with him all the time, but I don't get the hate. Can someone explain that to me, because I feel like I'm missing out on something....

The Dude said...

Well, it's just a matter of personal preference. Some people can endure profound stupidity, some of us cannot.

No biggie.

The Dude said...

So where is Troopski? Did they just take him straight to the OR?

Cody Jarrett said...

LOL Icepick.

There are those that would say you have hate for eddie.

Hell, there are people I'm sure say I do, and I guess I feel the same way you do about him. More or less. Probably less.

Yeah, definitely less.

And Evi, I know it's not you. It's just weird how it's always your blog.

Did Troop say when his appointment was, or did he just say it was sometime today?

chickelit said...

Cody Jarrett said...
Sweety meadey potato the rotisserie king has taken to calling me cody jarrett grit.

I missed the interaction which spawned the rotisserie meme. I'm acting concerned because I actually like to spit roast chicken.

chickelit said...

Sixty Grit said...
So where is Troopski? Did they just take him straight to the OR?

You guys shouldn't have told him to google his symptoms. Shame on you.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

edutcher comments all the time at my place. We rarely disagree.

Does that say something about me?

Seriously I welcome it.

Cody, I have no clue why blogger is doing that to you at my site. I blame leftists in the NSA who are fucking with us both.

Icepick said...

Well, it's just a matter of personal preference. Some people can endure profound stupidity, some of us cannot.

This is the Age of Profound Stupidity. Hell, we have people making successful careers out of being Profoundly Stupid. (E.g., the President, the Vice President, Congress, etc.) No wonder you're so mean!

Icepick said...

There are those that would say you have hate for eddie.

I don't hate him. I don't even mind him save for his belief in voting for the Republican Party and this thing about Obama having stolen the election. I have no doubt they cheated like the mofos they are, but I just remember all the swing states being decided depressingly early last fall. They cheated, but it didn't make a difference.

Icepick said...

Until I hear otherwise, I'm going to assume (a-hem) that Trooper is just in Waiting Room Hell, or in Waiting in the Examination Room Hell at his doctor's office. Although those symptoms were definitely concerning given his weight, age and eating habits.

chickelit said...

I bet Troop's doc prescribes some codeine (3-methylmorphine) for that cough. Some things never change.

chickelit said...

That's what most doctors do these days: push meds.

chickelit said...

@Sixty: heroin is acetylated morphine; codeine is methylated.

Cody Jarrett said...

No Icepick, I know you don't hate him. I read where you said that. I was just commenting on how there are people who might believe--based on interactions--that you might.

Chickie, the rotisserie thing is a reference to lawnboy liking to be penetrated on both ends by annie and inga.

chickelit said...

Thanks Cody.

I got a lot of smilage out of my "Mr. Ed" Chirbits but I never hated on the guy. He never complained about the chirbits either, The only person who was ever thin skinned about chirbits was Titus.

The Dude said...

Obsequiousness is bothersome.

I don't disagree with Special Ed, I just find him boring and kind of a Captain Obvious. Subtlety is lost on him.

But all that said, he's no Ingeburt Schnickerdoodle or whatever Nurse Ratched's name is, so there is that.

Icepick said...

I read where you said that

I wrote that earlier? (Goes back, looks at older comments from self....)

I guess I did. Huh.

Icepick said...

The only person who was ever thin skinned about chirbits was Titus.

I'm upset that I've never done anything chirbit worthy. Sigh. I'll just have to keep plugging away....

Cody Jarrett said...

He could just post the chorus of Ice Ice Baby...

Cody Jarrett said...

Chick, is acetylated (I think I got that right) what they do to make something an acetate?

Like when they make Trenbolone Acetate vs. Tren Enanthate?

chickelit said...

Chick, is acetylated (I think I got that right) what they do to make something an acetate?


Acetyl (CH3CO) is attached to the natural morphine, replacing an "H" in order to increase solubility in water or increase uptake in the body. It is an "improvement" on the natural product.

Bayer pulled the same trick by acetylating salicylic acid to make aspirin.

Darcy said...

In which thread were you mixing it up with Meade, Cody?

blake said...

Aw...shit just got real.

Here comes Darcy!

ndspinelli said...

My two problems w/ eddie are regarding cannabis and being an Annie groupie. However, I put it aside for Lem's place and so far so good. He responded positively to my suggestion of a truce in hostilities. That impressed me.

ndspinelli said...

Chick, Have you ever considered going all Breaking Bad. Actually, your skills would be wasted on cooking meth. How about some designer, non addictive drug that makes us happy and perky.

Cody Jarrett said...

Playing at Crackerses place, Darc.

Meade has been going there and attacking me when I post, plus he's back doing the buddybuddy shoulder rub routine with the Craxter. Or should I say they're doing it with each other.

No word on whether Crack was bought for more or less than Lem though (I mean the $53, not that Lem was actually bought. Although Lawnboy did try...).

But Lawnboy's been crowing about donating to Crack. I know the other day it was a whopping ten bucks, and he was acting like Crack should be thrilled to get it.

Cody Jarrett said...

Chick, Have you ever considered going all Breaking Bad. Actually, your skills would be wasted on cooking meth. How about some designer, non addictive drug that makes us happy and perky.

Or some really cool new take on an old favorite. Opiates.

Opiates are the opiates of the masses.

Thanks, Chick.

That was an interesting post you had up about germies btw. Funny enough--and don't tell Crack--but while the man made antibiotics are failing, there's a rise in herbal/natural products that are working--because the nasties don't have the resistance to them. They've been working so hard becoming resistant to chemicals that, if you throw some herbs at them, they don't know what's going on.

Documented cases of natural remedies being more effective on things like lyme and candida etc.

ricpic said...

I'll bet Kirk Douglas, when offered the part of Doc Holliday, said, "Yeah, I'll take the part, but I'm not going to do sickly, I'm Kirk Douglas!"

Darcy said...

Aww, bummer. I don't agree with Crack often, but I have always perceived integrity. Hope he has not sold out because Meade has been awful to him. And that doesn't even matter. The back and forth with Palladian should be all anyone needs to know.

I like that he called you Cody Jarrett Grit though! Badge of honor, I say. :)

Darcy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Darcy said...

My new Texas look in honor of Sen. Cruz. :)

(Hope it works this time.)

The Dude said...

It is 2013. The Emancipation Proclamation was signed in 1863, 150 years ago.

My problem with Crack is that he has never explained how it came to be that he was raised by ex-slaves.

The math simply does not work.

It would be simple for him to say something along the lines of "I got caught up in the heat of the moment and misspoke", but he seems incapable of admitting that he lied or fibbed or stretched the truth.

We all have our blind spots, I have bald spots, too, but I attempt to be honest here and when I get carried away on a flight of rhetoric, I usually admit that I was full of it.

Not always, mind you, but on the big things. Like the fact that I haven't had a cigarette in 6 years. Or something.

The Dude said...

Dang, grrl, you just keep gettin' hotter and hotter!

Darcy said...

Crack said he was raised by ex-slaves?

And thank you, Sixty!

The Dude said...

He did - I used to have a link to his statement - it was unambiguous. I challenged him when he said that - how can that be? Were they 120 years old raising an infant? Are you 100 years old, raised by 75 year old ex-slaves? What the hey?

He responded, as he always does when challenged on facts, by calling me a racist.

Whatever, dude. I am not a racist, but he sure is a liar.

And you are hotter than hot - sure you don't want to move south, where the weather is always warm? ;^)

Cody Jarrett said...

love the hat, Darcy!

The Dude said...

Love the Darcy, hat.

Cody Jarrett said...

Crack has an issue with certain things, that's for sure.

I'm a racist because I was "crowing" about killing black people. Because I said I wouldn't shirk from defending that poor old guy that was beaten to death. FWIW, I'd defend an old black guy being beaten to death by white thugs.

I did find it humorous that, of all the people in that thread who said certain things, even certain people who said "time to buy more ammo"--I'm the one that's the racist. It's comical that he didn't go after DBQ, for instance.

Now, recently he's posted that he thinks I'm bipolar because I don't understand how I'm perceived. I'm not sure bipolar means what he thinks it means--I think he intends to say I'm somewhere on the autism scale with Palladian.

And I wouldn't argue with that. I've noticed that I can post almost word for word the exact same thing as...say Trooper, and he'll get a laugh and I'll get accused of racism or being a jerk or an ass or whatever. Even my good friends will take emails wrong. People that've known me for years. It's like my words are more militant on the page than other people's flaccid words.

Darcy said...

You guys are sweet. Thank you!

I shoulda cropped out the beers, eh?

The Dude said...

There were beers?

Cody Jarrett said...

Earlier today Crack posted something about black people not getting into space because white racism that's why.

Do you know a simple google search shows that a black man is the head of NASA? Or that he's a former astronaut--and one that went to space no less.

Meh. I like Crack. I just wish he'd pull out of this woe is me thing. It's not helping him heal his back up.

Darcy said...

I just think it takes a while sometimes to be able to read the personality behind the posts, Cody.
And even knowing someone IRL, I can take text all wrong - and I've had people take what I've texted to them all wrong as well.

Cody Jarrett said...

I had to go back and look for the third time but yes, there are beer cans on the table.

Were those always there?

Darcy said...

Hee. Sixty.

Darcy said...

Were those always there?

Hehehe. :)

Hope Troop is okay.

ricpic said...

So when's the first Sixty-Darcy meetup? I mean, if baddies can do it why not goodies? Not goody goodies. Aw you know what I mean. ;^)

Darcy said...

LOL, ricpic. I would love to meet Sixty! If I travel that way I will definitely give him a holler.

I dream of having a TY meetup someday. I think that would be really cool.

The Dude said...

Today I saw a show on how the Roman Colosseum was built - the emperor looted the temple in Jerusalem, hauled the gold and silver back to Rome, and took all the Jews he could, too, as slave laborers. They built the place, and it is still standing. I doubt if they even got a percentage of the door.

Do we hear Ricpic complaining about those stinkin' anti-Semite Romans? Maybe a little, but at least he doesn't claim to still have concrete under his fingernails after all these years.

Then later I saw how the Irish were impressed into slavery by, well, I guess by just about everybody who wandered by, and yet somehow they recovered well enough to make whiskey and Guinness.

That pity party stuff gets real tired. I want reparations from the Scandis - stinkin' Viking mofos. They looted my ancestor's place and now they just walk around wearin' purple and horn hats. Feh!

Cody Jarrett said...

Just watch out for Palladian. He sweats and his fingers are always sticky.

Then again, that goes for Trooper, Icepick and Blake too.

The Dude said...

I am counting the days, Ms. Darce.

If we don't hear from Troopski soon we might have a meetup in Brooklyn, just sayin'.

Darcy said...

I probably have Viking blood. Swedish. And Irish.

chickelit said...

The Colosseum is situated just east of the Roman Forum. Construction began under the emperor Vespasian in 70 AD, and was completed in 80 AD under his successor and heir Titus. Further modifications were made during the reign of Domitian (81–96) These three emperors are known as the Flavian dynasty, and the amphitheatre was named in Latin for its association with their family name (Flavius).

Darcy said...

And what about Cody?

The Dude said...

Yeah, that's what the show said. I chose not to mention that.

chickelit said...

Is that your sister in the photo, darcy?

Cody Jarrett said...

Cody is Scots-Irish (think Hamish from Braveheart just not over 6'). He shows no proclivity toward flop sweat and his hands are only sticky at appropriate times.

Cody Jarrett said...

What progress from the shop today, Sixty?

Icepick said...

Then again, that goes for Trooper, Icepick and Blake too.

Hey, hey, watch it now. I've only got sticky fingers on one hand.

Darcy said...

Hi Chick!

Nopes. That's a really fun couple I met up north this summer.

Cody Jarrett said...

Titus was only the emperor for a couple of years though right?

Slick work, going from emperor to queen.

Icepick said...

Slick work, going from emperor to queen.


Darcy said...

Hamish. I had to refresh my memory.

Cody Jarrett said...

There's going to be a giant Robocop statue in Detroit soon.

Filed under WTF.

Cody Jarrett said...

Big strong hairy and ugly.

Although Hamish did okay with the princesses handmaiden chick.

Then again--so did the whole northern army.

rcocean said...

BTW, that's Lee Van Cleef getting killed. He was a great villain, with those narrow slits.

The Dude said...

Thanks for asking, Cody - today I made a sculptural piece from a dogwood crotch. It has a bowl form in the middle, which I ground out using a right angle grinder, then I sanded the whole thing and applied some polyurethane.

Also worked on a pin oak bowl - I sawed the wood last week and turned it green. Have been drying it in the microwave, as pin oak is in the red oak family and it is prone to cracking, badly.

So far, so good - it has a nice bit of quilted figure in one portion and a very distinctive heartwood/sapwood thing going on.

Just remounted a large eastern red cedar bowl and am about to turn a foot for the 4 jaw chuck to grip.

I had finished this bowl last year but took it off the market due to some odd defects. I'll turn it some more, grind it down a bit, resand it and apply some mineral oil - it will be fine.

Some days I get a little tired.

Icepick said...

I don't know that it's so weird, Cody. Given the choice between the Detroit in the Robocop movies and Detroit as it is, the Robocop movies are kind of in the running. Afterall, there's at least one company in that fictional Detroit that can sort of find it's ass with one hand, and the city at least cares enough about fighting crime to TRY to get a working police force.

Cody Jarrett said...

Sixty, you have beech trees down there?

And have you ever done the blackened trick with a green red oak bowl?

Cody Jarrett said...

True enough, Icepick.

And apparently it was paid for by a kickstarter campaign, so no tax dollars wasted.

The Dude said...

We have some enormous beech trees, I have only obtained a few small pieces of beech, however. It is wonderful wood.

Are you talking about the low rent way of ebonizing? Hey, you know me, I would rather bleach wood than darken it.

Darcy said...

I wouldn't call Hamish ugly at all.

I'm a big Duck Dynasty fan, btw. Everyone but Si is hot, IMO.

Do you guys watch?

Cody Jarrett said...

I don't know if it's low rent but yeah.

I got a giant beech tree given to me (4 logs overloaded the 1 ton dump). First bowl was over 20 inches but even though I took it pretty thin I couldn't keep the stuff from cracking. Paper bags, wrapped in shavings, all the usual tricks.

Only thing I didn't do was coat it in anchor seal. I hate that stuff.

I know it can be done, I just don't know how it's done.

ricpic said...

I'll bet when the Germanic tribes across the Rhine got the news that the Romans were ruled by Flavians, I'll bet that was the end for Rome. "Flavians? Wirklich? Ach Du Lieber we'll make liverwurst of Flavians!"

Cody Jarrett said...

I have never seen a Duck Dynasty episode.

At this point--it's almost a just an exercise in my almost legendary stubbornness.

Took me about 15 years to start watching the Simpsons, and 5 for Family Guy.

The Dude said...

I have never seen Duck Dynasty. I just look like a Robertson, only a bit less clean cut.

Darcy said...

I landed on Duck Dynasty one night when there was nothing on and watched 4 straight episodes. It's silly and delightful. Plus, I'm sure the liberals hate it so I'm rooting for them.

The Dude said...

Proper ebonizing of wood with a high tannin content involves exposing the oak to industrial strength ammonia fumes, which can be dangerous in a home shop.

By low-rent I meant the old iron/vinegar solution which stains the oak black.

That occurs where the jaws touch the green oak, but I am colorblind, so I tend to leave all the wood I work with natural.

I once found an oak object that had been in ground contact in dry garage and it had a beautiful brown color that I have never been able to duplicate it - it really was pretty.

I guess, given enough time, every oak bowl I make now will someday achieve a lovely brown color.

Cody Jarrett said...

Yes, that's what I figured you meant by low rent.

Yeah. Years ago when I first started I read a book by Richard Raffan (or is it Raffen) where he pointed out that (short of sealing it in cellulose I guess) all the wood was going to darken so getting all hung up over fancy grain was less important than getting the form right.

Cody Jarrett said...

Where the heck is Trooper. Jesus. If I have to go to a wake in Brooklyn....

Oh well. The horses aren't gonna feed themselves I suppose.

The Dude said...

Fancy grain is the only point.

Richard Raffan is good on esthetics, and has turned a few thousand more bowls than I have, but he is wrong about figured wood.

George Nakashima was correct about figured wood.

Cody - are you paying attention - I will now divulge the secret of preventing cracks in green turned bowls.

You focused? Awake? Got your pencil and paper ready?

Turn the bowl a bit thick - use a shrinkage calculator to figure out how much thicker the bowl has to be. So far, easy, right?

Take the rough turned, extra thick bowl off the lathe, then coat it with yellow glue which has been thinned with 10% water. Not 50/50, not 60/40, but 90/10.

Let the glue dry overnight then place the bowl in a room with no drafts, no A/C or heating vents open, and if possible, maybe another 1,000 other bowls drying. Wait a year or two.

Your failure rate due to cracking should not be any greater than 10%. It might be just a few percent.

Beech is fairly stable, unlike birch, which fails at a rate much closer to 100%.

Red oaks - sneak up on 'em - turn them thin, sand them green, put them in the microwave, sell them warped.

Got it? You are welcome.

Darcy said...

Crack's site is very visually jarring for me and hard to read. As are his thoughts.

The Dude said...

LOL - you are the master of understatement, Darce.

Wait, master is racist.

Never mind...

The Dude said...

It's hard for me to figure out what he is getting at. I think he must struggle with that, too, based on results.

Darcy said...

I think you kind of get me, Sixty. Shh. :)

Darcy said...

I did find where Meade and Crack were talking about Cody being bipolar.

Love that armchair diagnosis!


Icepick said...

The biggest problem I have with Crack's site is the center justification. Come on, man, that's just not right! Or left, as the case may be.

Cody Jarrett said...

You use the yellow glue thing for realz

I've read about it, never tried it though. I've never had any real problem with failure as long as the wood's okay to start. In my new shop--with a forced hot air furnace--I have to be a little more careful than the old shop which was unheated. But I generally don't even lose ten percent, and that's with stuffing them in brown paper bags for a month or so, then just stacking them upstairs.

I think you're thinking of a different beech though. Or I am. I guess there's a few different species that get called beech, which I found out when I was researching why my bowls were cracking and splitting.
Fine Woodworking calls it "unruly". LOL.

I don't know what George said about figured wood. I'd imagine he liked it, given the furniture of his I've seen though.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I have never seen a Duck Dynasty episode.

Me either. No need to. I'm pretty sure those guys live across the valley or just down the road and I see them in the store all the time. (Kidding...not them exactly but their kith and kin)

Crack's site is very visually jarring for me and hard to read

Me too. I'm not a fan of that dark background and day-glo font.

Dust Bunny Queen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chickelit said...

That's a really fun couple I met up north this summer.

You're still the gorgeous one on the right.

Methadras said...

Icepick said...

Until I hear otherwise, I'm going to assume (a-hem) that Trooper is just in Waiting Room Hell, or in Waiting in the Examination Room Hell at his doctor's office. Although those symptoms were definitely concerning given his weight, age and eating habits.

The highlight of troops day is going to be when another human being, preferably a medical professional or someone pretended to be, asks him to drop trou, cups his raisins and asks him to cough and then gets a lollipop afterward. Oh, he will be as giddie as a typhoid mary schoolgirl.

Methadras said...

Sixty Grit said...

Meade is not very bright.

It's hard when your only aspirations in life is to make sure your garlic bulbs are planted and you get to watch your 2nd wifes lawn grow.

blake said...

I'm a big Duck Dynasty fan, btw.

Woo hoo!

Everyone but Si is hot, IMO.

Crap. So close.

Methadras said...

El Pollo Raylan said...

The only person who was ever thin skinned about chirbits was Titus.

That's cause he is thin skinned. You can't be that kind of major douche bag like titus is and not be thin skinned. Plus I can assure your interpretation of his Paul Linde accent is spot on and he hates it.

Methadras said...

Cody Jarrett said...

Playing at Crackerses place, Darc.

Meade has been going there and attacking me when I post, plus he's back doing the buddybuddy shoulder rub routine with the Craxter. Or should I say they're doing it with each other.

No word on whether Crack was bought for more or less than Lem though (I mean the $53, not that Lem was actually bought. Although Lawnboy did try...).

But Lawnboy's been crowing about donating to Crack. I know the other day it was a whopping ten bucks, and he was acting like Crack should be thrilled to get it.

Yeah, that's been fucking nauseating to watch. i know grass man is up to something.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Merde is an expert on bi-polar conditions.

Methadras said...

Darcy said...

Crack said he was raised by ex-slaves?

And thank you, Sixty!

He lost his mind. Either it was the pain or the drugs. I can't tell which. His sudden switch to afro-centric diatribe hyperbole has been disturbing to watch. He's black. We get it. Move on, talk about the real shit that made you good at getting attention, discrediting newage. I liked that part of crack but wevs. (wevs is short for whatevs, which is short for whatever. Thank you.)

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I am guessing he is an expert from personal experience.

Methadras said...

Darcy said...

LOL, ricpic. I would love to meet Sixty! If I travel that way I will definitely give him a holler.

I dream of having a TY meetup someday. I think that would be really cool.

San Diego, CA. Not San Diego, TX. Let's just get that straight.

Methadras said...

rcocean said...

BTW, that's Lee Van Cleef getting killed. He was a great villain, with those narrow slits.

Sixty Grit said...

LOL - you are the master of understatement, Darce.

Wait, master is racist.

Never mind...

Lee Van Cleef as The Master was an awesome show to watch. White Ninja Powah!!! Oh wait, RACIST!!!

Methadras said...

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Merde is an expert on bi-polar conditions.

Of course he is, he has his 2nd wife to look after. Shit, I'm surprised he hasn't bought her a lifetime time membership to BevMo for their 5 cent wine sales they have from time to time.

Cody Jarrett said...

God Meth, that was an awesome show. Didn't they pick him because he kinda looked asian? The same way the picked what's his name that hung himself jerking off to be the Chinese monk in Kung Fu?

Cody Jarrett said...

Nope. The specifically use the word Occidental. Never mind.

Cody Jarrett said...

BTW, Meth: I really miss batboy.

Why did you change?

Palladian said...

But Lawnboy's been crowing about donating to Crack. I know the other day it was a whopping ten bucks, and he was acting like Crack should be thrilled to get it.

Yeah, that's been fucking nauseating to watch. i know grass man is up to something.

That asshole decided to humiliate me in public over a couple of prints that were delayed because I was fucking evicted, then I used money that I could've used to survive to pay him back and he didn't even respond or say no hard feelings or thanks for the refund. And his wife accuses me of using her site to promote "commercial interests" because I linked to my art website occasionally, hoping that I might sell a 75 dollar print so I could eat or afford prescriptions or wash my clothes. Then they both accused me of fraud.

I wish I could just forget about them but every time I load up Lem's site I see links to her, or her site in the sidebar, and it makes me think... why the fuck should I bother?


Cody Jarrett said...

Wait--Crackers is black?

Damn. This changes everything. I thought he was one of those wanna be types you see in the suburbs. Like the kid in Gran Torino that's all "yo yo what up bro".



Palladian said...

I hope TY is ok.

Cody Jarrett said...

Speaking of which, Palladian, did you sell The Latest in Blood and Guts and in Living Color? There were a lot of swarmy fishes at Lem's the other day.

The Dude said...

Me too, Palladian.

Palladian said...

Cody, no, no nibbles on that one, but it was nice to know that people liked it, and to have a conversation about things that sprang from it.

Palladian said...

Me too, Palladian.

He's the only one of you I've actually met in person, and a great guy despite being a miserable old bastard.

Cody Jarrett said...

Check your inbox then, P.

Palladian said...

See, I'm like Cody, I feel bad for calling him a miserable old bastard, even though he would do the same to someone he liked. It's difficult enough for me to express regular emotions, so sarcastically expressed emotions are out of the question.

Cody Jarrett said...

Sarcasm is the best way. There's a certain layer of protection with sarcasm.

Cody Jarrett said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Methadras said...

Cody Jarrett said...

BTW, Meth: I really miss batboy.

Why did you change?

You fucking dick. lol. Anway, Icepick's vagina got all scared and closed shut whenever he saw batboy. so I went back to the bird.

chickelit said...

Speaking of which, Palladian, did you sell The Latest in Blood and Guts and in Living Color

The title of that one was puzzling; the organic stain was interesting.

Methadras said...

Cody Jarrett said...

God Meth, that was an awesome show. Didn't they pick him because he kinda looked asian? The same way the picked what's his name that hung himself jerking off to be the Chinese monk in Kung Fu?

It was an awesome show and you are thinking of David Carra-auto-erotic-asphyxiation-jerykyjerkyskeetskeet-dine.

Palladian said...

You fucking dick. lol. Anway, Icepick's vagina got all scared and closed shut whenever he saw batboy. so I went back to the bird.

I loved the Bat Boy. When I was in high school in 92-93 I had a friend that did a whole series of collages and paintings with the Bat Boy. I even remember the WWN headline for the original article: BAT CHILD FOUND IN CAVE!

Methadras said...

Palladian said...

But Lawnboy's been crowing about donating to Crack. I know the other day it was a whopping ten bucks, and he was acting like Crack should be thrilled to get it.

Yeah, that's been fucking nauseating to watch. i know grass man is up to something.

That asshole decided to humiliate me in public over a couple of prints that were delayed because I was fucking evicted, then I used money that I could've used to survive to pay him back and he didn't even respond or say no hard feelings or thanks for the refund. And his wife accuses me of using her site to promote "commercial interests" because I linked to my art website occasionally, hoping that I might sell a 75 dollar print so I could eat or afford prescriptions or wash my clothes. Then they both accused me of fraud.

I wish I could just forget about them but every time I load up Lem's site I see links to her, or her site in the sidebar, and it makes me think... why the fuck should I bother?


I was there to watch that piece of hideous garbage do that. Fuck them both. They will get theirs. Watch.

Palladian said...

The title of that one was puzzling; the organic stain was interesting.

The title is a line said by a TV news anchorwoman right before she shot herself while on the air in 1974.

My stain will persist longer than her stain, I hope.

Cody Jarrett said...

You fucking dick. lol. Anway, Icepick's vagina got all scared and closed shut whenever he saw batboy. so I went back to the bird.

Icepick's vag is better closed. It smells. And I think I saw a small dog being digested inside it.

What? He sends me pictures. I have to look don't I?

Cody Jarrett said...

Puts me in mind of the scene from The Omen (I guess...the third one?) where the Ambassador kills himself by tying the trigger to the door handle so when the media comes in for the presser they kill him.

Methadras said...

Palladian said...

You fucking dick. lol. Anway, Icepick's vagina got all scared and closed shut whenever he saw batboy. so I went back to the bird.

I loved the Bat Boy. When I was in high school in 92-93 I had a friend that did a whole series of collages and paintings with the Bat Boy. I even remember the WWN headline for the original article: BAT CHILD FOUND IN CAVE!

Yup. One of my very first avatards on the intertubez was Batboy. Here is a secret I rarely tell people, but I guess I might as well let you in on it. Some of the meme pics you see on the intertubez I started.

Cody Jarrett said...


Cody Jarrett said...

So, Palladian, not to pry, but were you able to find a place to stay in NYC so you could work?

I might have missed it. The last I remember you were still trying to figure out what you were gonna do.

Palladian said...

So, Palladian, not to pry, but were you able to find a place to stay in NYC so you could work?

I might have missed it. The last I remember you were still trying to figure out what you were gonna do.

Unfortunately several things came down that wrecked the semester for me. I spent precious money and a lot of effort trying to find an affordable apartment in the far outer boroughs, or a roommate situation but I failed to secure anything. That, coupled with missing medication, I had a crippling bout of depression at the end of the summer which I'm still dealing with.

I was (fortunately) granted sick leave for the semester, but I am not sure it's going to be paid leave, I haven't heard back from HR. If not, I'm royally fucked. I'm currently staying with an old friend in PA, but most of my stuff is still in storage in Brooklyn and since I don't drive (never learned how) I can't retrieve it or move it to a cheaper space. It's a vicious cycle of problems that feed each other, and become more and more vicious.

I held together well during the whole eviction thing and with finding places to stay over the summer, but I feel like I'm coming off some long, crisis-sustaining natural dose of endorphins that allowed me to survive the last 7 months and now I'm physically and mentally paying the price.


The Dude said...


Palladian said...

That's beautiful, Sixty.

Cody Jarrett said...

The crash is always the hardest part. The mind and body can only take so much.

If you're going to be down for a while, maybe you should start a project. Write a novel maybe.

The Dude said...

Thanks, Palladian - that's what I am talking about when I say that figure is important in bowl making.

I hear that the colors are good too - it's air dried black walnut. Air drying preserves the color variety naturally found in walnut.

Hang in there, dude - keep on plugging - something will turn up.

chickelit said...

Are you still allergic to some woods, Sixty?

Cody Jarrett said...

Show off, Sixty!


The Dude said...

I get contact dermatitis fresh cut black walnut and Atlantic white cypress in any state - fresh or dried. That's about it.

I use all kinds of methods to avoid the dust - but that stuff will catch up with me eventually.

Cody Jarrett said...

Figure is nice, Sixty. I'm not going to argue that with you. But I'm still a sucker for a really nice shape.

You know, like Darcy's.

I'm still captivated by Mike Mahoney's go to salad bowl shape, for instance. I have yet to manage to copy it so that it looks right.

The Dude said...

You got that right CJ.

The Dude said...

I have an antique bowl that I have owned for over 40 years. It was made by a production turner probably 100 years ago or so - maybe 18" in diameter, but so damned graceful that it is scary.

I have tried to copy that shape to no avail. I don't think I have turned 2,000 bowls yet, so I am just now getting the hang of it.

I am constantly amazed at what I learn about form as I go, and I studied sculpture and furniture design. Something as simple as a bowl should be like falling off a log. It's not.

Palladian said...

I found a substantial, unworked, antique piece of real ebony back when I was in graduate school and had access to a good wood shop. The shop manager told me I couldn't work with it in the shop because he said the dust was toxic.

Cody Jarrett said...

Yeah, Sixty. I hear that. I got a copy of Raffan's book about form--I'm not even sure it's in print now?--and some of that stuff is amazing to see.

Heh. Did you watch the video Del Stubbs made? At the end he turns a piece of apple literally paper thin so that the cupping and twisting as it dries is what makes the bowl.

Ebony can be bad. A lot of those tropical type woods can be.

Where the hell is Trooper?

The Dude said...

Ebony wood and dust are irritants and sensitizers, affecting both skin and eyes.

But there are worse woods out there.


Cody Jarrett said...

Here, Palladian. This song's for you.

chickelit said...

Sixty said: Something as simple as a bowl should be like falling off a log. It's not.

Are you lathe to admit that things don't always turn out well?

Cody Jarrett said...

That's terrible, Chicks.

chickelit said...

Sixty: I think we had the discussion once about how trees were an early source of many useful aromatic chemicals. Some of them are even named after trees in different languages:xylene, toluene, styrene.

Trees and plants are mostly made from polymers like lignin and cellulose (which aren't irritants per se) but are also filled with plant hormones and especially terpenes (whence turpentine).

chickelit said...

What's terrible?

Cody Jarrett said...

your double pun was terrible, chicks.

Icepick said...

First, a tight vagina is better - less sand gets in it. Second, yes, Cody, you have to look. Third, that was no dog - it was a capybara.

Cody Jarrett said...

Better than if it was an armaradillo I guess.

Icepick said...

Better than if it was an armaradillo I guess.

Don't be crude.

Cody Jarrett said...

I'm not sure I know any better, Ice-P.

The Dude said...

Hey Spinelli - I know you know more than you are saying about Trooper's status.

Is there anything you can tell us?

The Dude said...

Five more hours have passed, still no news. Spinelli - get on this case, would you? I am getting concerned.

Cody Jarrett said...


ndspinelli said...

Sixty, I know nothing. I have just prayed he's getting good medical attention.

Icepick said...

Until I have reason to believe otherwise, I am assuming he's getting the medical attention he needs.

I'm also assuming (with much less confidence) that he had walking pneumonia, and is now being hung by his ankles in a hospital room until either (a) his lungs drain and/or (b) he stops harassing the nurses. (I'm pretty sure they treat pneumonia by hanging people by their ankles. Maybe I'm wrong about that.)

Icepick said...

Alternately, he took my advice to go full Hunter S. Thompson and is now looking for, or already found, a Samoan lawyer.

But probably not.

Cody Jarrett said...

When I had severe walking pneumonia they didn't hang me by my ankles.

Icepick said...

When I had severe walking pneumonia they didn't hang me by my ankles.

A missed opportunity, then....

Cody Jarrett said...

I've never been hung by my ankles, come to think of it.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Any word on how Troop is doing?

Cody Jarrett said...


Cody Jarrett said...

Lawn-boy almost (99%) only comments at chez Crackers if I've commented. And again about 99% of the time the comment is directed in a trolly kinda way at me.

What on earth did I do that got meadie so hot for me?

SMH and LOL.

I mean--I haven't dropped a comment at Lem's in a month. The only time I mention the drunken c and her grifter hubby is here, and that's hardly ever anymore.

blake said...

All right, I am concerned.

Has anyone checked with Lisa?

The Dude said...

If so, they have not reported anything.

I still say this is a job for the Spinelli crew.

ndspinelli said...

This may surprise you, maybe not, but Trooper does not have a cell. He gave me Lisa's cell#, but I'm still trying to find it. I did call the store and left a message. I will continue to look for Lisa's cell. I will let everyone know the minute I hear anything.

The Dude said...

Now is not the time to go all Colombo on us, Nick. Let'sh see here, I know I got dat numbah somewhere...

chickelit said...

Cody Jarrett said...
your double pun was terrible, chicks.

Yeah, it was sorry about that.

Troop must physically ill. Add me to the list of the concerned.

Darcy said...

Wow. A lot to catch up on!

I do want to say hi to blake and Chick and to thank you guys for the kind compliments. All of you.

And you guys! You're so funny. I love these back and forths. I read them and crack up.

San Diego sounds like a fun place to schedule a meetup!

I hope I can offer you a different perspective on the aftermath of the abuse you received from Ann and Meade. Actually, it's kind of similar to what you said yourself immediately after all that - it's that there really was a silver lining for you with regard to Meade's attack. You may have lost false friends but you gained some real ones. People who wanted to help simply because you're you. That's like gold.

Lastly, I really hope all is well with Jim. I'm praying it is.

Darcy said...

And when I say "you guys", I mean everyone here. Not counting out the ladies!

Methadras said...

I bet that Troop's okay and he's just taking a break for a bit or so.

Icepick said...

Thanks fro making the phone calls, Nick. We all appreciate it.

ndspinelli said...

I just spoke w/ Lisa on her cell. Jim has congestive heart failure and has been in de-fib the last 3 days. He is in the ICU @ Long Island College Hospital, where he was born. Jim is busing balls w/ the nurses. The last time he was in there was 57 years ago TOMORROW when his mother gave birth to him. Jim and Lisa are positive, but pissed he's been misdiagnosed the last few years. All prayers are welcomed. Lisa will keep us abreast via my brides facebook page. Stay positive like the Dolans!

ndspinelli said...

Sixty diagnosed Trooper correctly via this blog. Jim's Dad died @ age 56 of congestive heart failure. He'll be 57 tomorrow, 58, 59, 69, 79! After that..he'll need to drop 50lbs to look further than 79.

The Dude said...

Thanks for the update, Nick.

Troop always said he would die at the age of 56, but I hope he was wrong.

Tell the big dummy to hang in there.

ndspinelli said...

Maybe a gift to the hospital that we can all go in on? I'll coordinate it but what the hell can we get the man who loves food and drink. Tofu of the Month Club?

The Dude said...

It's a weird thing, but even without trying I have diagnosed friends and family correctly, and I don't even play a doctor on television.

But I did just kind of shotgun a bunch of guesses out there, so what I wrote really doesn't count.

And for once I am sorry that even part of my statement was correct.

ndspinelli said...

You can live w/ congestive heart failure. My mother-in-law was diagnosed almost 25 years ago. She's still bustin' my ass.

Icepick said...

Thanks for the update, Nick. I'm sure I speak for everyone when I ask for you to pass along all our best wishes and prayers to Jim and Lisa.

The Dude said...

How about a free gastric bypass operation?

My brother always wanted to give my mother a gift certificate for Dr. Kevorkian's services. That's just how we rolled back in the day.

ndspinelli said...

Sixty, You're a smart dude, genes and lifestyle cause congestive heart failure, not you guessing. The de-fib sounds like is the immediate concern. Congestive heart failure, heretofore called CHG, is a long term problem.

Icepick said...

Tofu of the Month Club?

Watched the first episode of Breaking Bad last night. On Walt's 50th birthday, his wife serves him veggie bacon. My wife, hearing this, said that she would shoot me in the head before she served me veggie bacon. I thanked her for her kindness and told her, "I love you too, Honey."

Icepick said...

I had an uncle that lived at least 30 years, probably much longer, after first being diagnosed with CGH. He eventually died around age 85, after too many bypass operations to count.

The Dude said...

The de-fib can be managed with a pacemaker.

But Troopski won't be able to microwave his own burritos after it is implanted. More work for Lisa.

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